Chapter 1687

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮
White hair area, in the dark.

Large tracts of white snow are falling in the dark. Standing in the vast snow, even the immortal can't tell the southeast, northwest, left and right, even if the astrolabe is in it, it will fail.

So this white snow is the barrier of the white field, and it has not been occupied by any Immortal Emperor for so many years.

On the outside of the vast snow, rows of immortal soldiers were waiting. They all had immortal armor and long halberds, with immortal swords hanging around their waist, and their faces were solemn. They didn't say a word, but they had an unspeakable smell of Xiao Sha.

Sitting in a flying car without fairy array, ye Kong looked out of the window and said in his heart that the Xiqin Xingxian army was indeed well-trained. The 100000 immortal Army stood here for an hour without making any sound, and even the mounts of those immortal generals were silent.

Not to mention Ye Kong, Wu Guibao is also very jealous. You know, even the most elite eight thousand Immortal Emperor bodyguard in the North emperor's mansion is nothing more than that, but there are 100000 people! Even more.

"With the West Qin Xingxian army, the whole fairy world can be cleared..." Wu Guibao whispered.

Ye Kong smiled and didn't speak. The South emperor of others helped himself kindly, and he wanted to turn others' horses red. Wouldn't that be the snake in the farmer and the snake? Ye Kong is embarrassed to do so.

While talking, Xiao Yongxian will appear at Ye Kong's window on a white leopard and say, "Lord Ye, according to the calculation, the white snow will stop immediately. We will be divided into ten teams to enter. Each team has 10000 immortal soldiers, led by a third grade deputy general. Are you the leader or the back of the hall?"

Because of the frequent occurrence of white snow, if 100000 immortal troops act together, it may happen that the front team avoids white snow, but the rear team is in the snow, so the immortal army is divided into ten teams to enter.

Ye Kong said, "then I'd better lead the way. The situation ahead of this trip is unknown, and I can deal with sudden situations in time."

Xiao Yong said, "in that case, in the end, the back of Xiao's hall is..." after he said this sentence, he added, "if Lord Ye has anything, please inform me immediately."

In fact, Xiao Yong was going to lead the team. After all, the responsibility of the team leader is much greater than that of the rear of the hall, but he didn't expect that ye Kong should be in the front team.

Xiao Yong thought, "hum, do you think it's so easy to lead soldiers? Just let you in front. When you're caught unprepared, you know it's not simple!"

Although Xiao Yong had the mentality of seeing ye Kong make a fool of himself, after all, these were his soldiers, so he later added that if he found any problems, he called him in time.

After a while, as expected, Bai Maoxue said to stop. It seems that the old Mr. Li Ruien's pattern hasn't changed much after tens of thousands of years.

"The first team starts!" At the command of a deputy general, orderly array of immortal soldiers filed into the white haired area according to the pre planned route.

Ye Kong's flying car also followed in, located in the middle of the first team, with neat immortal soldiers stepping on the clouds in front and behind.

Tenthousand soldiers, the number is really quite a lot, and there is no margin before and after. The deputy general who leads the team is also the pioneer of the brigade, named zhangshaoyu. He is also a fierce general, with a tough appearance and no less tall than Wu Yong. The horse he sat on was not a rare beast, but a bird clawed horse.

Ye Kong also rode the bird claw horse at the beginning, but it was not as big as the horse's deputy general. The horse on which the lieutenant general rode was as big as twoorthree ordinary birds' claws. It was very powerful, and its powerful claws were also extremely sharp.

Wu Guibao said that this is a special method to feed precious fairy grass treasures. Only then can the mutant bird clawed horse be raised, which is of great value.

Ye Kong secretly said in his heart that the southern emperor was indeed rich, and he didn't know whether these elite soldiers and strong generals were so awesome when fighting.

Ye Kong looked at those immortal soldiers and said with a smile, "I've seen that kind of large-sized foot cloud, each of which can fight hundreds of thousands of people. Why don't these immortal soldiers use it? Instead, each of them has a small foot on the cloud, so it's not irregular?"

Wu Guibao said, "immortal soldiers are the most vulnerable to attack when they walk in the dark. Although they are still calm at the moment, maybe there will be enemies from nowhere soon, driving big birds and raptors to attack quickly. If the soldiers concentrate on a foot stepping on the cloud, they will be unable to Dodge and cause tragedy."

"Oh, so it is." Ye Kong has been fighting alone for a long time, but he doesn't know much about the marching of immortal soldiers.

However, Wu Guibao's eyes were looking behind. I saw that there was also a frame following Ye Kong's flying car. The car had no buildings on it, but was just a large flat car. On the flatbed car, there is a big drum, which is several feet large. The drum surface is golden, and it is golden skin. When you look carefully, you can see that there are small and dense scales on the golden skin.

Ye Kong had seen it for a long time, looked back and said, "Kui Niugu, the treasure of the South emperor's mansion, was seen when ye Zhenhao crossed the small sky robbery. I didn't expect that the South emperor was generous. I heard that it was fairy Zhi Ning who asked for it, but I owed her several times."

Kui Niugu is dispensable to Ye Kong. He always fights alone. What's the use of this big drum?

But for generals like Wu Guibao, that's the treasure. He was almost drooling when he saw it, and said, "Kui cattle drum, covered with Kui cowhide above, with Kui cattle's two hind legs as mallets, can be called the treasure of the army and the treasure of the treasure! It not only has a powerful sound attack effect, but most importantly, with this drum, the soldiers of the three armed forces are boiling with blood, their blood is surging, the general is full of courage, and the soldiers are brave and fearless of death. Even the old, weak and disabled soldiers can become the division of tigers and wolves!"

Ye Kong heard fairy Zhi Ning say these words, but there was something wrong when he looked back.

I think ye Zhenhao and Xianjun used this drum to cross the robbery. When the drum beat, ye Kong, who was already a great Luo Jinxian at that time, still felt the blood rolling in his heart, which was unbearable.

Just imagine these immortal soldiers in front of you. The weakest one is only medium gold immortal cultivation. If this drum is beating, how can those immortal soldiers bear it? Even if the drums forcibly stimulate their strength, will those immortal soldiers be safe after the battle?

"Will be injured, will die, and others will never be able to improve their cultivation." After listening to Ye Kong's question, Wu Guibao said, "as for the general, it doesn't matter how many soldiers are killed as long as the battle is won. Those soldiers are inspired by kuinu drum, and of course they will suffer internal injuries. Some people can recover, and many people won't recover, so the soldiers are afraid of kuinu drum."

Ye Kong said, "kill a thousand enemies and lose 800 yourself. I don't think this Kui ox drum is a treasure."

Wu Guibao said with a smile, "that's not necessarily true. In fact, the power of Kui Niu drum can be adjusted. If you use low power and have little potential to stimulate soldiers, they won't be injured. Generals don't want their soldiers to be injured, so only in the most critical moment, will they launch the maximum power of Kui Niu drum, and the consequences for soldiers will be very likely."

Wu Guibao said, stretching out his hand and pointing out, "do you see the three sticks hanging under the drum? The first one is nanmu stick, which is the lowest level and has the least power to stimulate morale. The second one is gold and iron stick, which can be used to attack cities and plunder the land. The third one, which is the ugliest and darkest, is Kui Niu's leg bone, which is used for fighting in a backwater battle!"