Chapter 1695

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮
"Don't you say no clothes? Wear the same robe with your son. Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my spear..."

Singing and marching at the same time, the effect was really good. With exciting drums, those western Qin Xianjun actually walked more and more vigorously!

Half an hour seemed to pass in a flash. When they saw the black planet not far away, the 100000 immortal troops cheered in unison.

Xiao Yong also showed a smile on his face and looked back at the Qingyi man who was still standing in front of kuinu drum. He couldn't help admiring Ye Kong a little more in his heart.

Unexpectedly, with a few poems, it can stimulate the enthusiasm of the soldiers of the three armed forces and increase their strength, which Xiao Yong really didn't expect. Moreover, Xiao Yong admired Ye Kong for another aspect. I didn't expect Ye Gaodian's literary talent to be so good. Look at those poems he casually uttered, how exciting they sounded! Of course, although Xiao Yong doesn't quite understand the meaning.

Xiao Yong admired it in her heart, but it wouldn't delay things. Hurriedly summoned scouts, and took a team of people to the salt 56 star to inquire, looking for a foothold.

Although it seems far away, the road is at your feet, and no matter how far the road is, you can't stop it. After a while, the vanguard troops had arrived outside Yan 56.

The scouts have found a suitable place to garrison. It is a basin on the planet, surrounded by mountains, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. There is only a stream around, which is not afraid of water attack and just provides drinking water. Most importantly, there is no hateful poisonous salt and snow in the basin.

Subsequently, the 100000 troops went down in batches, entered the salt 56 star, built fortifications, put up tents, and had a simple rest.

Ye Kong's drummer work finally stopped, playing the drum for an hour, but he was not tired. He would not be affected by snow white without using immortal power to play the drum.

However, he was still very uncomfortable, because the drum was too loud and he was close, so after playing for so long, he was also buzzing in his ears, dizzy and uncomfortable.

Entering the salt 56 star, ye Kong put down the drumstick, rubbed his ears, and immediately asked Wu Guibao to reimburse the soldiers for the consumption of fairy jade. Now that you have promised, give it to others as soon as possible.

There are so many prisoners in Tieguan mountain who fill with fairy jade all day, and with the support of the northern emperor's mansion, ye Kong is never short of money, and the fairy jade he carries is also a huge number. Of course, under the management of life 13, there are already many veins in the top space of Ye Kong. When there is output in the future, ye Kong will really have no money to worry about.

Give Xianyu to Wu Guibao, who leads a team of ten thousand people. As long as there is free fairy jade, you can take it out and exchange it for full fairy jade. However, it is surprising that ye Kong's method of stimulating with singing is indeed effective, and those immortal soldiers actually use only a few Immortal Jade!

Ye Kong doesn't care about this. He should be responsible for the whole team. It was the evening of salt 56, and there was a gorgeous burning cloud in the sky. He flew up with colorful clouds to observe the planet.

This is a small planet with an atmosphere, but the environment is bad, there are no trees, flowers and plants, and there are few rivers, so it is uninhabited, not even beasts.

And all over the surface of the planet are various mines. It seems that this planet was originally good, but the uncontrolled mining of toxic salt led to the complete destruction of the environment and made it an uninhabitable planet.

Ye Kong is very satisfied with such a planet. No one is the best. No one means no enemy. Do you still expect to find friends here?

Ye Kong's cultivation is close to the top of the celestial world, so as long as he releases his immortal consciousness, he can cover such a small planet.

After observing again, he landed. Those soldiers who saw him down all knelt down and saluted. Ye Kong knew that these soldiers had recognized him.

Now the soldiers have changed into clean clothes, and the halberds are too badly damaged, so they have thrown away new ones. These ye Kong have been ready. It's just that the immortal armor is expensive, and it's impossible for everyone to reissue it, but it's not a problem that there are repairmen in the army who can repair it and refine it again.

Ye Kong made an inspection and came to the big tent. It was already packed inside. Everyone was immortal. It was convenient to bring tables and chairs. Ye Kong went in and soldiers sent fragrant tea.

Xiao Yong sat down, clapped his hands and said, "we didn't know why we sent troops this time. Why did the Zhai family find out? It's really beyond our comprehension!"

Wu Guibao said, "it's a small thing to be found. The key is who is sacred can invoke the weather in the dark, and we can't find out where he does it. This person's strength is really terrible."

They didn't know that the Yellow mother-in-law actually did it in the very distant salt head star.

Ye Kong said, "if you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Since that person has so much magic power, he can make waves in the dark, and it's not surprising to find us."

Wu Guibao said, "is it Peng batian who came to Baimaoyu to help the Zhai family in person?"

Ye Kong shook his head and said, "it's impossible. According to the secret shop news of Tieguan mountain, Peng batian is like having a baby in the West emperor's mansion. No one has seen him. Zhai Dongliang didn't even see him last time. How can he do it himself?"

There are only a few immortal emperors in the fairy world. No one can understand who shot them.

Ye Kong added, "if the sneak attack fails, we have only other opportunities to carry out it. The Zhai family has experts in charge, which is not conducive to the long-distance March. It seems that we have to fight steadily and advance towards the salt head star."

While they were studying the star map, soldiers outside came into the account and said, "report to General Xiao, Lord Ye, another team of soldiers entered the salt 56 star. Those soldiers looked tough and good at fighting, each riding a black wolf, and about 20000 people came."

Xiao Yong and Wu Guibao looked at each other, and their hearts were secretly frightened. They didn't expect the other party to come so soon. If they attacked them in the dark, it would be difficult to predict the outcome. Unconsciously, Xiao Yong and others worship ye Kong's foresight more.

Xiao Yong said, "I've never seen the army of tigers and wolves riding black wolves before. I'm ready to attack!"

The soldier replied, "they entered the salt 56 star, but they are very far away from us. Do you want to send troops to rush?"

Ye Kong immediately released his immortal knowledge and found that the black wolf army was also moving quickly. It had been stationed on the other side of the planet, formed a stronghold, and was building an array and camp. Now killing it had no effect.

"Now that they are here, prepare to fight. But don't worry about attacking. After all, our soldiers are tired. Let them seize the time to meditate and recuperate." Ye Kong ordered.

Ye Kong thought that the other party was going to rush to attack, but he didn't expect that the black wolf army was also exhausted and had nothing to do overnight.

This night, several reinforcements came, but ye Kong noticed that although there were many people later, they were all mobs, and the most careful was the black wolf army.

In the early morning of the next day, the black wolf army finally dispatched. A leading bearded fairy would ride a black wolf bigger than an old cow, with a six grade spear in front of him, and with 20000 black wolf troops behind him, he rushed over, rolling up the sky behind the smoke!

"Ye family children. Look at my Zhai family black wolf juntong handsome Duobao immortal Chen Haiping's power!"