Chapter 2661

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮
"Unexpectedly!" Looking at the things dug out from the bottom of the green smelly liquid, Ming shisan and Lin Shuai both stared at the boss!

It turned out that what was dug out from below was the body of a god man!

"There are really gods and men here!" Life thirteen lost its voice, startled.

Lin Shuai Chi said, "just now someone said that the chance of meeting God and man here is zero."

"What we want is the spirit of God and man. What's the use of God and man who want to live and die?" Ming thirteen replied, and then said, "there is nothing valuable on this dead body. Go and dig up his divine personality!"

"Why me?" Although Lin Shuai was depressed, he dug out a green upper deity.

The blue cloud ghost waved his big hand and put away the Green God. Listen to Lin Shuai, "Hey, life thirteen, this body is also useful for the master to cultivate God blood vine. Why don't you accept it?"

"Soaking in this liquid, the divine body of God and man actually rotted and smelled. If you want to collect it, it seems to be a female corpse." Ming 13 was shameless, said a sentence, and ordered, "dig, continue to dig down and try."

"Ah, it's me again!" Although Lin Shuai was reluctant, he had no choice but to continue digging.

But this dig surprised them. It turned out that a large number of God human bodies were buried under the green liquid! Dig one, dig another! Dozens of them were dug out in the blink of an eye, and there are many more below!

However, the more it goes down, the more serious the decay is. The rotten divine body is decomposed, and from it, electric light wires overflow one by one, forming a light arc, which passes through the green liquid, and I don't know where it is sent.

Seeing this, Lin Shuai was a little surprised and said, "thirteen, why don't we go back and ask the host."

"What is this useless thing?" Life 13 came out for a long time, and he was much bolder, and said, "I guess this is the stomach of the fairy king of this path! You know, those gods who came to attack the fairy king of this path, those who have use value were sent to the ice cave world, and those who have no use value were killed, sent to the stomach, digested and absorbed, and became the nutrient of the fairy king of this path!"

Lin Shuai nodded. "You're right, I think so. But I also feel a little confused, like human beings have stomachs, but after becoming gods, even if they don't eat, they won't starve to death! So does the fairy king of this path. If I'm the fairy king of this path, I'll dig down the gods of these bodies and refine their gods. This is more effective! Why does he use this primitive swallowing and digestion?"

Ming shisan pie his mouth, shook his head and said, "I don't know, I don't know, but obviously that green tiger is not stupid, there may be reasons you don't know." Life thirteen finished, and angrily said, "you guy, don't work if you talk! Don't dig quickly, even if you can't dig out the living gods, it's good to dig some gods for the master!"

Lin Shuai angrily said, "Hey, I dig with a sword alone. Of course, it's so slow! You're so big that you can conjure countless palms. Why don't you work!"

Life thirteen thought about it, and immediately turned out a large number of palms and stretched into the green liquid.

Although the corrosiveness of the green liquid is amazing, and the palm of the blue cloud ghost will make a wheezing sound and emit a few green smoke, life thirteen doesn't care, because this is not his hand, anyway, there are many cloud ghosts in the master.

With the participation of Yun Gui, the excavation speed was significantly accelerated. In a half day, thousands of bodies were dug up. Among these bodies, eight Chengdu are the upper gods, and two Chengdu are partial gods! There are almost no other levels, so the harvest is also quite huge!

In a blink of an eye, life 13 collected and scraped 300 partial gods and 900 upper gods and human gods!

Looking at so many gods, life 13 stared at the avenue with his eyes. "God, if you get rich, even if the master can devour so many gods, it's enough! If it's not enough, there's still one below, dig, continue to dig!"

Seeing mingshisan's greedy face, Lin Shuai stopped and said, "no, look at my huge body, which has been corroded. Even so, I'm going to send it to Mingzhou for overhaul."

Life thirteen way "that you rest, I continue to dig."

"That won't work!" Lin Shuai flew out of the divine sword and stared at his life for thirteen times. "You have stopped the greedy door G's eyes! Don't forget that we are out to look for the spirit Hun of God and man this time, but now we are wasting precious time digging the body! Does the master want us to come out to dig the body? Let's dig back more gods. When the green Tiger comes back, does the master still have the opportunity to use these gods?"

Lin Shuai's words were like a blow to the head, and he woke up at once.

"Right! Our goal is to find the spirit Hun who can be used, not to make so many gods go back! Well, now we are no longer digging in a large scale, but along one direction! Dig in depth! If this is really the stomach of the fairy king, then the intestines and blood vessels below it... In short, there will be something out of it! Only by digging out the channel can we have a chance to find the living God!"

Ming thirteen immediately changed his strategy, dug frantically, and even didn't charge some troublesome gods, so he went deep all the way!

I don't know how long it took to dig. They can't dig the body anymore. There are mud, rocks and all kinds of metals under it.

While digging, Lin Shuai scolded, "this bastard, I don't know how much he ate, didn't digest, deposited in his stomach, and didn't support him!"

Life 13 frowned and said, "this fairy King swallowed a planet and made the body so huge that his stomach must be not so big. We dig down like this, and I don't know when it will end?"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Shuai also felt the seriousness of the problem.

"What should I do?"

"But there is no other way but to continue digging!"

The two men dug fiercely again. Lin Shuai dug an artifact from the soil, an ancient artifact, which was a broken fragment of an ancient artifact. It looked like a spear or a piece of a long Ge.

Lin Shuai said, "I think it looks familiar!"

Ming shisan smiled and said, "how can there be something familiar to you here? It's just a fragment. It's useless."

Lin Shuai threw away the fragment, shook his head and said, "I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Lin Shuai didn't take it seriously and continued to dig.

But after a while, another extremely huge bone was dug out.

Seeing the huge bone that was a bit like a cow's horn, Lin Shuai was shocked and said, "I know, we have dug the layer 200 years ago! The fairy King swallowed a lot of things and accumulated them in his stomach, forming a thick layer! And we just dug the layer 200 years ago, which was when I just followed my master!"

Speaking of this, Ming shisan was also surprised and said, "I also remember what happened at that time. Is the fragment of the ancient artifact just now an ancient artifact that exploded at that time, and you have it in your hand!"

"It's the head of the ancient demon green tiger!" Lin Shuai said flatly!

"Unexpectedly, we dug here." Ming 13 sighed, but showed a painful smile, and said, "we have been digging for so long, only 200 years ago, this fairy king has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and when can we dig it out? Can we really not complete the master's mission?"

Lin Shuai was also depressed. It took so long to dig for 200 years. How deep is it?

But it's normal to think about it. If the Immortal King's body is a person, how terrifying his stomach and intestines should be!

"Still digging?" After a long silence, Lin Shuai couldn't help looking up and asked.

"...." Ming shisan didn't know how to answer. After thinking for a while, he said, "go back and ask the master, maybe he has something in mind."

"All right." When Lin Shuai finished, he threw the ox horn bone to Ming shisan.

Life 13 said, "what's the use of this broken thing?"

"Take it back and make a memorial for the owner." Lin Shuai said with a wry smile.!.

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