Chapter 2801

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮
"Where does the black prison tower come from?"

This question is not only asked by Ye Kong and others, but also by the prison God of the prison clan!

Ye Kong stared at the prison God Hong Feng and said angrily, "you are the prison clan. You still ask me where the black prison tower comes from? No big deal, I'll find materials for you, and you prison clan will build it!"

Speaking of this, the prison God was embarrassed, Say to Ye Kong with voice transmission: "In fact, ye pianshen, you don't know, our prison clan has long lost the key technology of building the black prison tower! What we can build now is that kind of imitation black prison tower! That kind of black prison tower also has a certain defensive effect, which is more effective than ordinary defensive artifacts, but to achieve the effect of Jin into chaos, it must at least reach the standard black prison tower! And we can't build the standard black prison tower!"

Ye Kong fainted, and then he realized the key.

He had thought before, why did the craftsman God offend the prison clan so much? Didn't the craftsman God want the black prison tower? Also, there are so many powerful immortals, all of which have the ability to suppress the whole prison clan by one person. Why don't they force the prison clan to build a black prison tower for them

So many questions have been answered now!

That is, the prison clan can't build the black prison tower now!

A gentleman is innocent and deserves his sins! But if the Bi with which the gentleman is pregnant becomes a pile of fragments... I believe no one will miss him! Prison clan is like this. Originally, when they had the technology of black prison tower, many people flattered, and many people had bad ideas. Now, they can't build the black prison tower. Who else is willing to take care of them?

I'm afraid the craftsman God also got the news, so he decided not to help the prison clan repair the mother Tower!

The prison God Hong Feng is unwilling to spread the news, otherwise, the prison clan will stink on the street. He also said: "in fact, the key technology for the prison clan to build the black prison tower was once a ZTE Lord, but he went to the chaos secret place to find his ancestors' residence in it, but he never returned. In this way, we prison clan can no longer build a standard black prison Tower! As for the black prison king tower, it is impossible to talk about!"

Hearing what he said, ye Kong sneered, "I know. What you just told me is that the way to find Yao Hui's trouble is to go to chaos, and I think you also want to go to chaos!"

Hong Feng said with a wry smile, "of course, I want to go to chaos to find the relics left by the Lord of ZTE, but I didn't lie to you. Indeed, only by going to chaos can I find a way to open the prison palace."

Ye Kong Chi said, "you think well. I'll go to the black prison tower myself, and then take you with me. Your prison clan doesn't give anything, so follow me to chaos secret place out of thin air. You're really a good plan! I, ye Kong, came here to find the black prison tower, not to take you to chaos secret place!"

When ye Kong said this, Hong Feng was angry, and Tuo said, "who said that our prison clan didn't give anything! That's what our prison clan gave!"

Said Hong Feng, pointing at his feet with his fingers!

"You are all poor. What else can you do if you want a tower or a brick?" Ye Kong couldn't help but wonder.

Seeing that ye Kong didn't understand, Hong Feng simply said, "it's our black prison God Tower!"

Hearing this, ye Kong almost fell down and said, "your broken tower is so rotten that you can't fly! You still want to go into chaos, do you want to bury the prison clan in chaos? I won't go to death with you!"

Hong Feng was embarrassed and said, "indeed, our black prison God tower is a little broken. But you can't admit that when it was as good as new, even the black prison king tower was not as good as it!"

Ye Kong said, "but it's dilapidated! It's even more dilapidated than other people's houses. How can it Jin into chaos?"

Hong Feng hesitated for a while before saying that ye Kong wanted to kick him to death again.

"Ye pianshen, you'd better go back and beg the craftsman to help us repair it. After all, you are his grandson-in-law!"

Ye Kong spits blood. If the craftsman God really regarded him as his own person, I'm afraid he would have told him that the prison clan had no strength to build the black prison tower. If you want to go back to the craftsman God, you'd better ask yourself!

Ye Kong asked again, "your prison clan was also an expert who once built this kind of defensive flying palace. Even if you can't build the black prison tower now, can't you even lose your repair ability? You have repaired it yourself. If you need any materials, I'll do it. Isn't that good?"

Hongfeng Road: "In fact, you don't know that our prison clan can repair the black prison God tower, but we lack one of the key refining technology! Because this black prison God tower is different from other black prison towers, and the construction time of this black prison God tower is too long! When it was built, some of the necessary parts were purchased from the ancient Protoss. Now to repair the black prison God tower, we must need that kind of parts, and I need that kind of parts We don't know how to build it, and we can't go up for others... In fact, this is the reason why the black prison God tower is abandoned! "

"So it is." Ye Kong nodded and asked, "is there only the craftsman God who can make parts of ancient gods in this divine world?"

"Not bad!" Hong Feng nodded: "Because we prison people need these materials, we are particularly concerned about this situation. We have long inquired about this aspect in the divine world! The manufacturing method of this part has been lost and disappeared less than two eras ago! Therefore, the black prison tower and the black prison king tower built by our family later did not use this part. The reason why the craftsman God is because he obtained the method from a later generation craftsman of the ancient Protoss by chance, except him, There is no one in the divine world to say goodbye! "

When Hong Feng said this, ye Kong had a flash of Jing Mang in his eyes, which seemed to think of something.

"Wait a minute." Ye Kong ignored Hong Feng, but put his mind into the pipa bead, and soon contacted Ming 13. Ye Kong is not convenient for Jin to enter the pipa bead at the moment, but he can let thirteen Jin enter Mingzhou.

Not long after, Ming shisan came back in surprise and said, "Lin Yuanheng and Lin Changyue said that they can do this skill made by ancient gods! As long as they give the pattern of parts, they will soon be able to make exactly the same!"

After hearing the news, ye Kong felt that there was no better news!

But even so, ye Kong didn't want to be such a cheap prison clan. Ye Kong said, "prison God, just now I contacted my friends far away. They have a way to make exactly the same parts! But they need a lot of money!"

Ye Kong originally wanted to blackmail Hong Feng, and then said that he had paid for the prison clan, so that the prison clan would naturally submit to him. But unexpectedly, the prison God Hong Feng pulled Ye Kong aside and said with a voice: "in fact, our prison clan is not as poor as we thought! As long as we really have parts, we can give xingyanjing! There is another one. If ye pianshen is willing to help, then we will cooperate to break through the chaos secret this time! At the same time, I have a treasure that I am willing to share with you!"

Ye Kong originally wanted to blackmail the prison clan, but he didn't expect that there was a treasure!

The prison God added, "in fact, why do we prison people always move around the whole divine world Dong? Don't think we deliberately come to the remote place of Ren mouth, in fact, this is one of them! The real purpose is that we have the inheritance of ancient prison people, so we know many ancient predecessors' residences, so that we can walk around the divine world and explore treasures while walking!"

"Oh, I see!" Ye Kongkong said, it turns out that his mother's prison clan are not honest people! He asked again, "what is the treasure here, the treasure you want to share with me?"!.

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