Chapter 3265

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮
Someone robbed something on March 26th!

"Crystal of law, take it!"

"Chaos crystal, take it!"

"Moon bending staff, take it!"

"Take the seeds of world tree species!"

If you don't want money, don't take it for nothing! Ye Kong and Yun Yang are so happy that they take things when they see them. In this space, no space devices can be opened, so they have to put them in their pockets.

It's too big to put in your pocket. Take it in your hand, hang it around your neck, wrap it around your waist, and even stuff a few spars into your shoe collar!

And the owner of the knife was still a dazed expression, and he couldn't see the intention of the two people in front of him. He just opened his mouth very mechanically and said, "the crystal of law is one kilogram two liang, the crystal of chaos is one kilogram five Liang, the weapons are all five kilos, and the seeds of world tree species are 180 kilos..."

Yun Yang hissed in a low voice, "180 Jin, I guess you are less than 180 Jin!"

Ye Kong hehe said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. You're big, you pay the bill."

Both of them looked up and laughed. Yun Yang threw the few treasures left below, and his eyes greedily turned to another store not far away, "Ye Kong, look over there..."

Ye Kong's eyes also followed him. There were many weapons over there.

"If there are several weapons, I believe there will be a great chance of victory in the upcoming battle!" Ye Kong whispered.

Yun Yang said, "are we going to try to rob more stores?"

Ye Kong despised and said, "I didn't expect you to be sincere on the surface, but you know this well."

Yun Yang said with a smile, "don't underestimate me. When I was a fairy, I opened a black shop, robbing people's food and eating overlord food. That's my specialty!"

Ye Kong was stunned. Those who can become venerable are not fuel-efficient lamps.

"Good! Master Yunyang, since you want to do it, do it big!"

Ye Kong is also full of pride, so he is ready to join hands with a tall and short robber to rob and sweep the rural market

Suddenly, a bang came from a distance.

Ye Kong and Yun Yang hurriedly looked up and saw a white faced man with a high crown stumbling out of the back of a stall. Like Ye Kong and others, his body was full of pockets, with threeorfour golden machetes hanging around his neck, several large pockets in his arms, and something like a metal whip on his waist, making a clattering sound in his frantic running.

"This is the sermon of Tianzun gate, Tianzun sun Feifei!" Yunyang Shengzun recognized this person at a glance and said in surprise, "Sun Feixiang Tianzun is a Taoist Tianzun in the Tianzun sect, and is very respected by the sect Master Yu Yang..."

Before Yun Yang finished speaking, he saw the direction sun Feifei ran out. A genie dressed in women rushed out and shouted, "someone robbed! Someone robbed!"

Ye Kong Chi said, "there is a God who preaches to people. Here, he will rob things like us!"

"I just couldn't bear to see these grandchildren before I left there." Yun Yang followed with a disdain.

Sun Feifei, the Heavenly Master, also saw Ye Kong and Yun Yang, and immediately changed direction and ran to the other end of the market. Although Ye Kong gave this person infinite contempt, they hoped that this person would escape. Because in that case, wait a moment, they will have an opportunity.

Unfortunately, when the female Genie shouted, all the genies in the whole market shouted, "someone robbed! Someone robbed!"

In this harsh cry like a chorus, all the weapons that have become monsters have changed back to the prototype!

Ye Kong's stall owner also turned into a sharp startling giant knife, cleaving into the air and cutting to sun Feifei! At the same time, there were all kinds of weapons, axes and stabs. Suddenly, the whole market was full of lights and colors!

Although sun Feixiang is the God, his strength is completely suppressed here.

The weapons he just grabbed have no time to refine and cannot be used at all.

Looking at the attack in front of him, he turned back and cried sadly, "Yun Yangjun, help!"

Yun Yang and ye Kong were stunned, so they watched sun Feixiang be hacked to death by random knives, and more than 100 kilograms were handed over here. A strong man at the level of heaven, because he robbed others' things, was killed in the street, and the spirit dissipated!

"This..." unconsciously, Yun Yang has put back a large handful of crystal stones in his hand. "Then, ye Kong, do we have to reconsider our robbery plan?"

Ye Kong was faster than him and had already emptied out everything in his pocket.

Obviously, here, these silly shopkeepers have harder fists! If you want to rob something, you really want to die!

Looking up again, I saw the shopkeeper who was dressed in women's clothes but looked like a comb staggering past. She was not in a hurry to put away the scattered treasures, but came to sun Feifei's body

Something surprising happened.

Sun Feixiang's flesh and blood were all sucked into her. Bones, meat, skin, internal organs, blood... All inhaled into the comb!

Just in the blink of an eye, the comb has become a beautiful woman with flesh and blood!

"My God! These spirits cultivate themselves by the flesh and blood of living creatures!" Yun Yang exclaimed, and then he understood why these silly shopkeepers only wanted flesh and blood!

It can be seen that the shopkeepers here are very polite. After cutting sun Feixiang with the knife, they didn't fight for flesh and blood, but returned to their booth and said dully, "my guest, you have consumed 980 Jin and 072 flesh and blood in total. Please pay the bill."

980 Jin and 072

Ye Kong and Yun Yang looked at each other, even if they chopped them into meat paste, it was not enough to pay.

"Hey, shopkeeper! You are blind, and your things have been put back!" Ye Kong stared and roared, as if he had suffered a lot from unscrupulous merchants.

"But you just said to buy, and you said to buy." The owner of the knife was indeed a little slow and thought for a while before answering.

"Where did I say I bought it?" Ye Kong angrily came forward, stared at the knife shop owner and said, "don't buy and sell. I didn't say to buy just now, I said to take it! Buy and take, are they the same? I take it for nothing, are you happy?"

"This..." obviously, the owner of the knife can distinguish between buying and taking. After hesitating for a while, he said, "in this case, my guest, you can not buy. But..."

With that, he pointed to the jade card that Yun Yang picked up first and said, "you must buy it. You must buy it. My guest, two kilograms of flesh and blood, please check out!"

"Hey, I didn't hear it when I said I bought it." Ye Kong can't really see Yun Yang cutting meat.

The knife shop owner saw that he was messing around and ignored him. He raised his head and shouted, "someone robbed!"

{piaotian astronomy thank you for your support, your support is our biggest motivation}