Chapter 3646

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮

3646 treasure hunt!

Until now, the hidden cloister appeared, and ye Kong and others understood that no wonder Ma Xiaohua said that the development degree of hidden fragments was only 65%

The remaining 35% were hidden behind

If it were not for the people of the tenth kingdom to open it, others would never find it or explore it

Obviously, Ma Xiaohua and his colleagues know these travel novels clearly

Presumably, when ye Kong and others leave, Ma Xiaohua will leave a mark here at last, and soon, there will be a treasure team of the tenth Zun country, following the signal

Then, there's no then

All the remaining treasures fell into the hands of the tenth Kingdom, or some people in the tenth kingdom

Speaking of it, those lazy guys in the tenth kingdom are really cool!

And these, if it weren't for Hua Jiliu Yunxiang, ye Kong and them would never have thought of it

Therefore, when this space, which has never been opened to the world for many centuries, appeared in front of everyone, ye Kong turned back and hugged Liu Yunxiang with his fist and said, "you masters of Huaji, although we found the hidden fragments, this space can be opened only because of Master Liu, so I invite you to enter the treasure hunt together. I wonder if you are willing?"

Ye Kong's expression is neither humble nor overbearing

First of all, if it weren't for ye Kong and them, although Liu Yunxiang knew the secret, they couldn't find the door; Secondly, Liu Yunxiang and his team are also very useful, so they can find the treasure ahead, and both teams have contributed

So ye Kong confessed that since everyone has contributed, we should explore the treasure together and share the treasure we get!

But Hua Ji Liu Yunxiang waved his hand and said, "all the treasures here are enough for the rest of your team to get from this treasure hunt! I suggest that you leave all the treasures here to your friends, and then you go with us?"

The Huayi team doesn't mean that ye Kong is the only one, but Liu Yunxiang thinks that ye's life is very humane, principled and interesting, and Liu Yunxiang is also a man of temperament!

That's why I deliberately lowered my figure and wanted to make friends

But even so, ye Kong still looks embarrassed

Liu Yunxiang said, "if you still don't want to, I'll change another way." Liu Yunxiang said as he walked forward, "the cloister in front of you is a virgin land that has not been opened for more than three reincarnations. I don't know how many eras. There are a lot of treasures in it. Why don't I have a competition with you..."

Liu Yunxiang was already standing in the open space when he spoke. When he stepped in, his face moved

"No, no, no, my cultivation is higher than you, and I don't take advantage of you," Liu Yunxiang said. "Why don't my daughter Liu Xihan have a competition with you? Within a certain time, you must reach the hidden place of the cloister on the right! If you win, our Huaji team won't want the treasure here, and turn around and leave. If you lose, follow our team to explore the treasure. What do you think?"

Liu Yunxiang said that everyone present felt a little interesting, and the old duck's voice was even more interesting

Liu Xihan, a pretty girl, didn't expect to fight on behalf of her team. She also stood tall and asked, "Dad, is it faster than the speed? Go around from here to the end of the hidden corridor on the other side, and you will win?"

Liu Yunxiang said, "no, it's not speed, but speed. At the same time, it's more valuable than who gets more treasures! Speed and vision!" Go through Novels

Ye Kong understood it at this moment, and asked, "Master Liu, I have understood what you mean, but how much time are you going to give us?"

Liu Yunxiang said, "as soon as you set out, all of us around the explored cloister. When we reach the hidden cloister on the right, ye Kong must arrive! If ye Kong doesn't arrive, it's the loser. If you all arrive before us, take out all the treasures you have obtained and price them. Whose treasures are more valuable will win!"

他&# x8fd9;&# x4e00;&# x8bf4;&# xff0c;&# x5927;&# x5bb6;&# x90fd;&# x662f;&# x8d5e;&# x540c;

已&# x7ecf;&# x63a2;&# x660e;&# x7684;&# x56de;&# x5eca;&# x8fdc;&# x6bd4;&# x9690;&# x853d;&# x7684;&# x56de;&# x5eca;&# x8981;&# x957f;&# xff0c;&# x6240;&# x4ee5;&# x65f6;&# x95f4;&# x8fd8;&# x662f;&# x8db3;&# x8db3;&# x7684;&# xff0c;&# x5173;&# x952e;&# x5c31;&# x662f;&# x770b;&# x773c;&# x5149;&# xff01;&# x770b;&# x8c01;&# x62ff;&# x7684;&# x4e1c;&# x897f;&# x591a;&# xff0c;&# x62ff;&# x7684;&# x4e1c;&# x897f;&# x597d;&# xff01;

规&# x77e9;&# x8ba2;&# x4e0b;&# xff0c;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x4e5f;&# x89c9;&# x5f97;&# x6709;&# x8da3;&# xff0c;&# x70b9;&# x5934;&# x7b11;&# x9053;&# xff0c;&# x201c;&# x65e2;&# x7136;&# x5218;&# x524d;&# x8f88;&# x5f00;&# x53e3;&# x8bf4;&# x4e86;&# xff0c;&# x90a3;&# x5c0f;&# x53f6;&# x5c31;&# x9075;&# x7167;&# x884c;&# x4e8b;&# xff01;&# x4e0d;&# x8fc7;&# x5c0f;&# x53f6;&# x6211;&# x4e0d;&# x7ba1;&# x8f93;&# x8d62;&# xff0c;&# x90fd;&# x8ba4;&# x5b9a;&# x4e86;&# x5218;&# x524d;&# x8f88;&# x8fd9;&# x4f4d;&# x5927;&# x54e5;&# xff0c;&# x9ad8;&# x6500;&# x4e00;&# x53e5;&# x5218;&# x5927;&# x54e5;&# xff0c;&# x6d88;&# x5927;&# x54e5;&# x4e0d;&# x8981;&# x5acc;&# x5f03;&# x201d;

叶&# x7a7a;&# x611f;&# x89c9;&# x8fd9;&# x5218;&# x4e91;&# x7965;&# x4e5f;&# x4e0d;&# x662f;&# x9738;&# x9053;&# x4e4b;&# x4eba;&# xff0c;&# x611f;&# x89c9;&# x4e0d;&# x9519;&# xff0c;&# x8fd9;&# x624d;&# x5c0a;&# x79f0;&# x4e00;&# x58f0;&# x5927;&# x54e5;&# xff0c;&# x4e5f;&# x662f;&# x613f;&# x610f;&# x7ed3;&# x4ea4;&# x4e00;&# x4e8c;

不&# x8fc7;&# x90a3;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x5374;&# x662f;&# x4e0d;&# x723d;&# x4e86;&# xff0c;&# x633a;&# x80f8;&# x6012;&# x9053;&# xff0c;&# x201c;&# x59d3;&# x53f6;&# x7684;&# xff0c;&# x4f60;&# x4e0d;&# x8981;&# x5360;&# x6211;&# x7684;&# x4fbf;&# x5b9c;&# xff01;&# x4f60;&# x548c;&# x6211;&# x7239;&# x79f0;&# x5144;&# x9053;&# x5f1f;&# xff0c;&# x90a3;&# x6211;&# x5c82;&# x4e0d;&# x662f;&# x6210;&# x4e86;&# x665a;&# x8f88;&# xff1f;&# x54fc;&# xff0c;&# x5c0f;&# x5c0f;&# x7684;&# x5341;&# x4e03;&# x5c0a;&# x56fd;&# x7684;&# x571f;&# x7599;&# x7629;&# x201d;

众&# x4eba;&# x90fd;&# x662f;&# x7b11;&# x4e86;&# x8d77;&# x6765;&# xff0c;&# x5218;&# x4e91;&# x7965;&# x9053;&# xff0c;&# x201c;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# xff0c;&# x8fd9;&# x4f60;&# x4e0d;&# x7528;&# x7684;&# xff0c;&# x5927;&# x5bb6;&# x90fd;&# x662f;&# x5e73;&# x8f88;&# x76f8;&# x4ea4;&# xff0c;&# x4f60;&# x4e5f;&# x53ef;&# x4ee5;&# x548c;&# x4ed6;&# x79f0;&# x5144;&# x9053;&# x59b9;&# x201d;

刘&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x9053;&# xff0c;&# x201c;&# x90a3;&# x6211;&# x53eb;&# x4f60;&# x54e5;&# x4f60;&# x613f;&# x610f;&# x561b;&# xff1f;&# x201d;

众&# x4eba;&# x66f4;&# x662f;&# x7b11;&# x7684;&# x5f00;&# x6000;&# xff0c;&# x66fe;&# x77ac;&# x8d70;&# x51fa;&# x6765;&# x9053;&# xff0c;&# x201c;&# x65e2;&# x7136;&# x8bf8;&# x4f4d;&# x5316;&# x85c9;&# x524d;&# x8f88;&# x7ed9;&# x9762;&# x5b50;&# xff0c;&# x90a3;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x82e5;&# x662f;&# x8f93;&# x4e86;&# xff0c;&# x6211;&# x4eec;&# x5b9a;&# x8981;&# x903c;&# x4ed6;&# x79bb;&# x5f00;&# xff01;&# x201d;

不&# x7fa4;&# x9a82;&# x9053;&# xff0c;&# x201c;&# x8fd9;&# x4e48;&# x597d;&# x7684;&# x673a;&# x4f1a;&# x90fd;&# x4e0d;&# x8d70;&# xff0c;&# x8fd9;&# x59d3;&# x53f6;&# x7684;&# x771f;&# x662f;&# x8111;&# x5b50;&# x8fdb;&# x6c34;&# x4e86;&# xff01;&# x6211;&# x5df4;&# x4e0d;&# x5f97;&# x4ed6;&# x8f93;&# x6b7b;&# x624d;&# x597d;&# xff01;&# x201d;

刘&# x4e91;&# x7965;&# x9053;&# xff1a;&# x201c;&# x4e8c;&# x4f4d;&# x9009;&# x624b;&# xff0c;&# x4f60;&# x4eec;&# x53ef;&# x66fe;&# x51c6;&# x5907;&# x597d;&# xff1f;&# x201d;

刘&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x7ad9;&# x5728;&# x9690;&# x85cf;&# x56de;&# x5eca;&# x7684;&# x5c3d;&# x5934;&# xff0c;&# x9a6c;&# x5c3e;&# x8fab;&# x4e00;&# x7529;&# xff0c;&# x56de;&# x5934;&# x9053;&# xff0c;&# x201c;&# x6211;&# x597d;&# x4e86;&# x201d;

一&# x88ad;&# x9752;&# x8863;&# x7684;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x4e00;&# x62c2;&# x767d;&# x53d1;&# xff0c;&# x5927;&# x6b65;&# x8d70;&# x8fc7;&# x53bb;

等&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x7ad9;&# x5728;&# x9690;&# x85cf;&# x56de;&# x5eca;&# x4e0a;&# xff0c;&# x8fd9;&# x624d;&# x660e;&# x767d;&# xff0c;&# x602a;&# x4e0d;&# x5f97;&# x5218;&# x4e91;&# x7965;&# x4e34;&# x65f6;&# x6539;&# x53e3;&# xff0c;&# x8ba9;&# x5973;&# x513f;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x548c;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x6bd4;&# x8bd5;

原&# x6765;&# xff0c;&# x8fd9;&# x9690;&# x85cf;&# x56de;&# x5eca;&# x7adf;&# x7136;&# x5168;&# x90e8;&# x5c01;&# x95ed;&# x4e86;&# x4fee;&# x4e3a;&# xff01;

叶&# x7a7a;&# x548c;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x5c31;&# x8ddf;&# x4e24;&# x4e2a;&# x666e;&# x901a;&# x7684;&# x51c0;&# x571f;&# x4e16;&# x754c;&# x7684;&# x4eba;&# x4e00;&# x822c;&# xff01;&# x5982;&# x679c;&# x5218;&# x4e91;&# x7965;&# x6765;&# xff0c;&# x4e5f;&# x662f;&# x4e00;&# x6837;&# xff0c;&# x4ed6;&# x4e8c;&# x5341;&# x591a;&# x4e07;&# x6b21;&# x5143;&# x7684;&# x4fee;&# x4e3a;&# xff0c;&# x6839;&# x672c;&# x7528;&# x4e0d;&# x4e0a;&# xff01;&# x5012;&# x4e0d;&# x5982;&# x8ba9;&# x5973;&# x513f;&# x51fa;&# x624b;

而&# x4e14;&# x8fd8;&# x6709;&# x4e00;&# x4e2a;&# x66f4;&# x52a0;&# x91cd;&# x8981;&# x7684;&# xff0c;&# x5c31;&# x662f;&# x6ca1;&# x6709;&# x4e86;&# x4fee;&# x4e3a;&# x4ee5;&# x540e;&# xff0c;&# x79fb;&# x52a8;&# x901f;&# x5ea6;&# x4e5f;&# x4f1a;&# x6162;&# x4e0a;&# x8bb8;&# x591a;&# xff01;&# x4e5f;&# x5c31;&# x662f;&# x8bf4;&# xff0c;&# x5f53;&# x5218;&# x4e91;&# x7965;&# x4ed6;&# x4eec;&# x7ed5;&# x4e00;&# x4e2a;&# x5927;&# x5708;&# x56de;&# x53bb;&# x7684;&# x8bdd;&# xff0c;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x4ed6;&# x4eec;&# x8fd9;&# x4e2a;&# x5c0f;&# x5708;&# x4e5f;&# x4e0d;&# x4e00;&# x5b9a;&# x5c31;&# x80fd;&# x8d70;&# x5b8c;&# xff01;

不&# x8fc7;&# x65e2;&# x7136;&# x5df2;&# x7ecf;&# x7acb;&# x4e0b;&# x89c4;&# x77e9;&# xff0c;&# x5927;&# x5bb6;&# x4e5f;&# x4e0d;&# x80fd;&# x53cd;&# x6094;&# xff0c;&# x66f4;&# x4f55;&# x51b5;&# x4eba;&# x5bb6;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x4e5f;&# x662f;&# x4e00;&# x6837;&# x7684;&# x89c4;&# x77e9;

叶&# x7a7a;&# x7ad9;&# x5b9a;&# xff0c;&# x56de;&# x5934;&# x9053;&# xff0c;&# x201c;&# x51c6;&# x5907;&# x597d;&# x4e86;&# x201d;

他&# x8fd9;&# x4e00;&# x8bf4;&# xff0c;&# x5218;&# x4e91;&# x7965;&# x4e5f;&# x5e76;&# x6ca1;&# x6709;&# x8bf4;&# x5f00;&# x59cb;&# xff0c;&# x800c;&# x662f;&# x5927;&# x8896;&# x4e00;&# x6446;&# xff0c;&# x62db;&# x547c;&# x8fd9;&# x8fb9;&# x66fe;&# x77ac;&# x7b49;&# x4eba;&# xff0c;&# x201c;&# x8d70;&# xff0c;&# x6211;&# x4eec;&# x5f80;&# x56de;&# x8d70;&# xff0c;&# x4f60;&# x662f;&# x90a3;&# x4f4d;&# x70bc;&# x9152;&# x95fb;&# x540d;&# x7684;&# x66fe;&# x9053;&# x53cb;&# x5427;&# xff0c;&# x4e45;&# x4ef0;&# x4e45;&# x4ef0;&# x201d;

Looking at them turning back and leaving, ye Kong was depressed and scolded, "your ancestors are flat, and you don't say a word to start" through the novel

Looking back, I saw that the girl Liu Xihan had rushed into the hidden channel

"This woman is really catching farts in the wind, Kwai!" Ye Kong rushed in regardless of his image

In the back, two recorders also rushed in

Today's two watch

Congratulations, I miss you so much, I have a son, and Xiaowang anying children thrive~