Chapter 3649

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮
3649 strange white fire, destroy the magic army!

Ye Kong and Liu Xihan were noisy, grinding each other all the way to the end of the platform. All the treasures on the platforms on both sides had been pocketed by them. < - " ww.vm)

Ye Kong estimated that the value of the treasure collected by the two people should be the same.

However, at the end of the platform, the two found that the real competition began.

It turned out that at the end of the platform, at the end of the narrow passage, there was a faint white dim light array in front of him.

Ye Kong patted it with his hand. The array was as hard as iron.

Obviously, this array is a very solid defense array. Even if ye Kong's cultivation of 100000 degrees is in, it is difficult to break it. Don't say he is just like an ordinary person now.

However, ye Kong is not an easy person to give up. Just when he wants to take out the seven leaf knife, he finds that Liu Xihan has taken out a knife as thin as a cicada wing with his wrist raised.

That knife is really as thin as a cicada's wing. It's thin and small. From this side, you can see the light passing through the opposite side!

Surprisingly, this knife turned out to be a reincarnation level magic weapon!

"The hillbilly of the seventeen countries have not seen reincarnation weapons, have they?" Liu Xihan said proudly that she had not seen Ye Kong take out the seven leaf knife before, and thought that ye Kong had only seen quasi samsara weapons at most.

"Yes, yes, I'm so poor that I haven't seen reincarnation weapons." Ye Kong snorted coldly.

But ye Kong didn't have much expression. He had seen that Liu Xihan's cicada wing knife must be better than his seven leaf knife! Although that knife looks rare and strange, its combat effectiveness is definitely not stronger than that of the seven leaf knife!

"Hillbilly, I'll cut the array later. Don't shamelessly compete with me to get in." Liu Xihan scolded again, and then used the cicada wing knife to cut the array.

She wants to use the sharpness of reincarnation level magic soldiers to break the array.

But her idea was too naive. Just when Liu Xihan's cicada wing knife just touched the array, there were three clear sounds from the array.

Liu Xihan didn't know what the sound was. Holding a cicada wing knife, she still cut towards the array.

"Stop!" Ye Kong grabbed her hand and shouted, "you're crazy. What rang just now is the alarm bell! This array must contain important secrets. If you break the array forcibly, I'm afraid jade and stone will burn!"

Liu Xihan doesn't care. She just wants to win, and she doesn't care what's inside. It doesn't matter if jade and stone burn, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't get it, as long as ye Kong doesn't get it.

"Go away, what treasure can there be in the fragment area of the venerable?" Liu Xihan pressed his hands, and the cicada wing knife had been severely cut into the array.

However, the scene of cutting the crack in the array she wanted did not appear. What appeared was that from that array, white light slowly spread upward, extending upward along the cicada wing knife!

"Counter offensive array!" Ye hollow was surprised. This ancient array was really powerful.

Looking at Liu Xihan still holding the knife, ye Kong roared, "throw it away!"

"Oh!" Liu Xihan had felt the power of the spreading white light, and was so scared that she quickly threw away her hand.


The reincarnation level magic fell on the platform behind her. Looking back, I saw that the knife was covered with white light. Then, the white light burned a hole in the platform behind her like a flame, and the knife fell directly into the hole.

“&# x6211;&# x7684;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# x5200;&# xff01;&# x201d;

原&# x6765;&# x90a3;&# x5c0f;&# x5200;&# x53eb;&# x505a;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# xff0c;&# x4e0d;&# x8fc7;&# x5f2f;&# x5f2f;&# x7684;&# xff0c;&# x5012;&# x6709;&# x4e9b;&# x5973;&# x5b50;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# x7684;&# x6a21;&# x6837;&# x3002;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x6b32;&# x54ed;&# x65e0;&# x6cea;&# xff0c;&# x503c;&# x94b1;&# x7684;&# x5b9d;&# x7269;&# x6ca1;&# x5f04;&# x5230;&# x51e0;&# x6837;&# xff0c;&# x5012;&# x628a;&# x81ea;&# x5df1;&# x7684;&# x8f6e;&# x56de;&# x7ea7;&# x795e;&# x5175;&# x7ed9;&# x5f04;&# x4e22;&# x4e86;&# x3002;

叶&# x7a7a;&# x548c;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x867d;&# x7136;&# x6597;&# x6c14;&# x6bd4;&# x8bd5;&# xff0c;&# x53ef;&# x5e76;&# x4e0d;&# x662f;&# x6df1;&# x4ec7;&# x5927;&# x6068;&# xff0c;&# x770b;&# x89c1;&# x5979;&# x628a;&# x8f6e;&# x56de;&# x7ea7;&# x6b66;&# x5668;&# x5f04;&# x4e22;&# x4e86;&# xff0c;&# x5f04;&# x4e0d;&# x80fd;&# x89c1;&# x6b7b;&# x4e0d;&# x6551;&# x3002;

“&# x4f60;&# x8ba9;&# x5f00;&# x3002;&# x201d;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x4e00;&# x5f20;&# x53e3;&# xff0c;&# x91d1;&# x5149;&# x4e00;&# x95ea;&# xff0c;&# x628a;&# x4e03;&# x53f6;&# x5200;&# x7ed9;&# x62ff;&# x4e86;&# x51fa;&# x6765;&# x3002;

“&# x56af;&# xff01;&# x4f60;&# x4e5f;&# x6709;&# x8f6e;&# x56de;&# x7ea7;&# x6b66;&# x5668;&# xff1f;&# x201d;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x987f;&# x65f6;&# x60ca;&# x5f97;&# x76ee;&# x77aa;&# x53e3;&# x5446;&# xff0c;&# x672c;&# x6765;&# x5979;&# x4ee5;&# x4e3a;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x4e0d;&# x8fc7;&# x662f;&# x4e2a;&# x5341;&# x4e03;&# x5c0a;&# x56fd;&# x6765;&# x7684;&# x4e61;&# x5df4;&# x4f6c;&# x3002;

十&# x4e07;&# x6b21;&# x5143;&# x7684;&# x7a77;&# x9b3c;&# x7684;&# x592a;&# x591a;&# x4e86;&# xff0c;&# x8c61;&# x5979;&# x8fd9;&# x6837;&# xff0c;&# x5341;&# x4e07;&# x6b21;&# x5143;&# x5c31;&# x6709;&# x8f6e;&# x56de;&# x7ea7;&# x6b66;&# x5668;&# x7684;&# xff0c;&# x6709;&# x51e0;&# x4e2a;&# x5462;&# xff1f;

而&# x4e14;&# xff0c;&# x66f4;&# x52a0;&# x8ba9;&# x5979;&# x4e0d;&# x80fd;&# x76f8;&# x4fe1;&# x7684;&# x662f;&# xff0c;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x7684;&# x8fd9;&# x628a;&# x91d1;&# x8272;&# x53f6;&# x7247;&# x7ec4;&# x6210;&# x7684;&# x5200;&# xff0c;&# x770b;&# x4e0a;&# x53bb;&# x7adf;&# x7136;&# x6bd4;&# x5979;&# x7684;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# x5200;&# xff0c;&# x66f4;&# x5f3a;&# xff01;

“&# x5feb;&# xff0c;&# x8ba9;&# x5f00;&# xff01;&# x4f60;&# x4e0d;&# x8981;&# x4f60;&# x7684;&# x5200;&# x4e86;&# xff1f;&# x201d;

“&# x54e6;&# x54e6;&# x54e6;&# x3002;&# x201d;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x8d76;&# x7d27;&# x8ba9;&# x5f00;&# xff0c;&# x5f53;&# x7136;&# x632a;&# x52a8;&# x7684;&# x65f6;&# x5019;&# xff0c;&# x4e24;&# x4eba;&# x7684;&# x8179;&# x4e0b;&# x4e00;&# x70b9;&# x5c11;&# x4e0d;&# x5f97;&# x53c8;&# x4f7f;&# x52b2;&# x6469;&# x64e6;&# x4e86;&# x4e00;&# x4e0b;&# xff0c;&# x4e0d;&# x8fc7;&# x6b64;&# x523b;&# x8f6e;&# x56de;&# x7ea7;&# x795e;&# x5175;&# x4e22;&# x5931;&# xff0c;&# x5979;&# x4e5f;&# x987e;&# x4e0d;&# x5f97;&# x4e86;&# x3002;

刘&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x8ba9;&# x5f00;&# x4ee5;&# x540e;&# xff0c;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x5df2;&# x7ecf;&# x5c06;&# x4e03;&# x53f6;&# x5200;&# x653e;&# x5927;&# x5230;&# x4e09;&# x5c3a;&# xff0c;&# x53cc;&# x624b;&# x63e1;&# x4f4f;&# x5200;&# x628a;&# xff0c;&# x76ee;&# x5149;&# x4e00;&# x5b9a;&# xff0c;&# x529b;&# x5288;&# x534e;&# x5c71;&# xff01;

话&# x8bf4;&# x8fd9;&# x5e73;&# x53f0;&# x4e5f;&# x4e0d;&# x77e5;&# x9053;&# x662f;&# x4ec0;&# x4e48;&# x91d1;&# x5c5e;&# x6253;&# x9020;&# xff0c;&# x4e03;&# x53f6;&# x5200;&# x4e00;&# x5200;&# x6ca1;&# x5288;&# x5f00;&# xff0c;&# x53ea;&# x662f;&# x5288;&# x4e86;&# x4e00;&# x4e2a;&# x88c2;&# x53e3;&# x3002;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x5fc3;&# x8bf4;&# x65e5;&# x4f60;&# x5148;&# x4eba;&# x677f;&# x677f;&# xff0c;&# x8fd9;&# x5e73;&# x53f0;&# x4e5f;&# x662f;&# x5b9d;&# x554a;&# xff0c;&# x53ea;&# x662f;&# x6682;&# x65f6;&# x4e0d;&# x597d;&# x6536;&# xff0c;&# x56de;&# x5934;&# x4e00;&# x5b9a;&# x8981;&# x5168;&# x90e8;&# x62ff;&# x8d70;&# x3002;

看&# x770b;&# x4e03;&# x53f6;&# x5200;&# xff0c;&# x8fd8;&# x597d;&# x5200;&# x5203;&# x6ca1;&# x6709;&# x4f24;&# x53e3;&# xff0c;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x8fd9;&# x624d;&# x653e;&# x5fc3;&# xff0c;&# x4e3e;&# x5200;&# x518d;&# x5288;&# xff01;

接&# x8fde;&# x5341;&# x51e0;&# x5200;&# x4e0b;&# x53bb;&# xff0c;&# x5e73;&# x53f0;&# x7ec8;&# x4e8e;&# x88ab;&# x5288;&# x5f00;&# x4e00;&# x4e2a;&# x5927;&# x53e3;&# x5b50;&# xff0c;&# x90a3;&# x9053;&# x5927;&# x53e3;&# x5b50;&# xff0c;&# x521a;&# x597d;&# x548c;&# x90a3;&# x4e2a;&# x7a9f;&# x7abf;&# x76f8;&# x8fde;&# xff0c;&# x4e24;&# x4eba;&# x5411;&# x91cc;&# x4e00;&# x770b;&# xff0c;&# x987f;&# x65f6;&# x60ca;&# x5f97;&# x76ee;&# x77aa;&# x53e3;&# x5446;&# x3002;

只&# x89c1;&# x90a3;&# x56e2;&# x767d;&# x5149;&# x4f9d;&# x7136;&# x5305;&# x88f9;&# x7740;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# x5200;&# xff0c;&# x800c;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# x5200;&# x5df2;&# x7ecf;&# x4e0d;&# x662f;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# x5200;&# x4e86;&# xff0c;&# x4eff;&# x4f5b;&# x88ab;&# x8d85;&# x5f3a;&# x7684;&# x706b;&# x7130;&# x70e7;&# x7684;&# x878d;&# x5316;&# x4e86;&# xff01;&# x5728;&# x5730;&# x4e0a;&# xff0c;&# x70c2;&# x6210;&# x4e00;&# x56e2;&# xff01;

“&# x5929;&# xff01;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# x5200;&# x88ab;&# x70e7;&# x5316;&# x4e86;&# xff01;&# x201d;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x773c;&# x73e0;&# x5b50;&# x90fd;&# x8981;&# x6389;&# x51fa;&# x6765;&# x4e86;&# x3002;

叶&# x7a7a;&# x4e5f;&# x597d;&# x4e0d;&# x5230;&# x591a;&# x5c11;&# xff0c;&# x8981;&# x77e5;&# x9053;&# xff0c;&# x4e00;&# x4ef6;&# x8f6e;&# x56de;&# x7ea7;&# x6b66;&# x5668;&# x6700;&# x57fa;&# x672c;&# x7684;&# x5c31;&# x662f;&# x575a;&# x56fa;&# xff0c;&# x7edd;&# x5bf9;&# x4e0d;&# x53ef;&# x80fd;&# x662f;&# x522b;&# x4eba;&# x641e;&# x4e00;&# x628a;&# x706b;&# x7130;&# xff0c;&# x5c31;&# x53ef;&# x4ee5;&# x5c06;&# x5bf9;&# x65b9;&# x7684;&# x8f6e;&# x56de;&# x7ea7;&# x6b66;&# x5668;&# x878d;&# x5316;&# x7684;&# xff01;&# x8f7b;&# x6613;&# x88ab;&# x7194;&# x878d;&# x7684;&# xff0c;&# x90a3;&# x662f;&# x51e1;&# x94c1;&# xff0c;&# x7edd;&# x5bf9;&# x4e0d;&# x662f;&# x8f6e;&# x56de;&# x7ea7;&# x6b66;&# x5668;&# xff01;

而&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x60f3;&# x7684;&# x5374;&# x662f;&# xff0c;&# x5982;&# x679c;&# x4e0d;&# x662f;&# x521a;&# x624d;&# x53f6;&# x7a7a;&# x63d0;&# x9192;&# xff0c;&# x5979;&# x6015;&# x662f;&# x4e00;&# x53ea;&# x624b;&# x90fd;&# x5b8c;&# x86cb;&# x4e86;&# xff01;

“&# x53ef;&# x6076;&# x7684;&# x9635;&# x6cd5;&# xff0c;&# x6211;&# x8ddf;&# x4f60;&# x6ca1;&# x5b8c;&# xff01;&# x201d;&# x5218;&# x5915;&# x6657;&# x63a2;&# x5b9d;&# x4e0d;&# x83b7;&# xff0c;&# x5374;&# x662f;&# x635f;&# x5931;&# x4e86;&# x4e00;&# x628a;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# x5200;&# xff0c;&# x53cc;&# x624b;&# x4e00;&# x6296;&# xff0c;&# x5149;&# x534e;&# x95ea;&# x70c1;&# x3002;

叶&# x7a7a;&# x518d;&# x4e00;&# x770b;&# xff0c;&# x53ea;&# x89c1;&# x8fd9;&# x4e2b;&# x5934;&# x53cc;&# x624b;&# x6bcf;&# x4e2a;&# x6307;&# x7f1d;&# x91cc;&# xff0c;&# x90fd;&# x5939;&# x7740;&# x4e00;&# x628a;&# x8584;&# x5982;&# x8749;&# x7ffc;&# x7684;&# x7ea2;&# x5507;&# x5200;&# x3002;

"I'm your forefather, big money!" Ye Kong used to be a pity for Liu Xihan. The reincarnation weapons are gone. Now he knows that there are many others!

Liu Xihan angrily said, "what are you looking at? A set of eight, now there are only seven!"

Ye Kong slightly stepped aside and said, "then you'd better use the remaining seven to attack the array for revenge!"

Although Liu Xihan was furious, he was not stupid. He knew that the array was weird. If he attacked again, the remaining seven knives would be finished. He angrily said, "if I attacked you, I would not be fooled by you! Obscene, shameless!"

Ye Kong ignored her and asked Ma Xiaohua at the door, "master Ma, how to deal with this array?"

Maxiaohua said, "we don't care about this. It's an extra legal favor to open the hidden area for you. Besides, how many people of the ancient array and the current war clan understand?"

He said, looking at the white flame, and said, "but the flame is weird. I advise you not to stay long and come out quickly."