Chapter 4015

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮
Four hundred and fifteen is another hundred years, and chaos is restarted.

The vast chaos forms a huge golden light spin. In the rapid rotation, its volume is expanding. In this golden splendor, a light and shadow flew out from below, from the channel in the center of chaos due to rotation, and flew high-speed to the sky.

This figure is Shen Zhenting, the first holy emperor. He turned Xia Xianghong into a mortal and killed the ancestor in sackcloth, which brought him to chaos.

"The holy child cheated me with a fake skill, but he didn't expect it. Am I so easy to cheat?"

"I was only fooled twoorthree times, and then I began to devote myself to research, using the reminder given to me by his fake skill, and began to study the real skill."

"After many times of improvement, this time I have felt that the skill has been achieved and it is time for me to harvest."

"This time, I will succeed!"

Shen Zhenting's eyes suddenly shot out the light of expectation, and then his figure disappeared in this huge golden background.

At the same time, somewhere in the pure land.

A large area of lake water, the glittering light at the bottom of the lake, and ye Kong, who was not rescued, still sat cross legged at the moment.

He has no defense and no armor, but he is alive and well.

"So it can be." Ye Kong was calm in his heart. From his panic before to his calmness now, it came from his own creation of this skill.

Absorb the chaotic power evaporated from the water of the evil land, and then use this power to fight against the Hongmeng cornerstone below to form a cycle. After that, ye Kong actually felt very relaxed and did not work hard at all!

"Although there is a lot of water in this evil place, it will eventually end. This stone evaporates very quickly. One day, the water of this lake will evaporate. Then, I will be safe."

Ye Kong did dare to think that he was waiting for the water of the lake to evaporate.

In the past, although the cornerstone was buried below, it was covered with red lotus and Danhua. The cornerstone could not see the lake water, and of course it would not evaporate the lake water. Now, the lake is full here, and the cornerstone is cleaned out by Ye Kong, so it evaporates very quickly.

A large amount of water in the evil land is evaporated and stays in this one meter space.

These evaporated forces are finally absorbed by the cornerstone.

Ye Kong felt that this cornerstone was like a nail and a vampire, which was planted on the body of chaos and constantly absorbed power from chaos. Ye Kong vaguely guessed the role of this pillar, but he couldn't think that it was the cornerstone of Hongmeng.

Of course, ye Kong soon thought of a problem.

"I absorb power to fight against stones, but there are many chaotic forces here. Can I absorb more and strengthen myself in the process of fighting against stones?"

Ye Kong couldn't help being greedy in his heart.

In his first point of force was the power of the chaotic beast, which has now consumed nearly half; His second strength point is the power of the electric sea, which has also consumed a lot now; There was a red lotus in his third strength point, but he had no strength.

"The power of the water of the evil land is just complementary to the power of the red lotus and the red flower. It is just absorbed and refined at the third power point."

Ye Kong made up his mind. He simply gave up the posture of sitting cross legged, used the posture of lying on his back, lay on the stone in a big shape, and then ran the skill to frantically absorb the chaotic power in space. Time flies by, and it has been a century of vicissitudes in the blink of an eye.

The autumn wind is bleak, the trees are dilapidated, and there is a desolate scene in front of us.

After a hundred years, the hemp Valley has become a dead land.

In this dead place, there is a team of people moving forward. The leader is a strong man of quasi King level. Behind him, there are a large number of dignitaries, men and women, as if it were a family.

"Patriarch, why should we hide in this desolate place?"

The strong man of the quasi King level said, "I guess with the intensification of chaos restart, the pure land world will become more chaotic and depressed."

The people who followed sighed, "now the war between the Zun countries has made the pure land world a mess. On one side, the Zun countries with qicaigu and ye Kong as their leaders, and on the other side, the Zun countries who oppose them. Now the people are struggling, and even the first eight Zun countries have also participated in this chaotic war. It's really funny that ye Kong and Cai Huang don't know where they died, but their remaining forces are very strong."

The strong man of the quasi King level said, "our enemy of the ninth Kingdom has always been indifferent to world affairs and only asked about business. I didn't expect the war to burn to the ninth kingdom. Fortunately, we still have some property income, so it's better to live in this valley."

Speaking, on a huge rhinoceros behind, a beautiful young woman came over and saluted, "father-in-law, there is Ma Yi Gu in front."

This beautiful young woman is Zhang Yonghui, who was saved by Ye Kong. A hundred years later, she is becoming more and more round. And his father-in-law is Lord Qiu. These people also have some adventures, which have broken through from more than 300000 dimensions to less than 500000 dimensions.

Now there are wars and bandits everywhere, so the enemy wants to live in seclusion to avoid disaster. After thinking about it, Zhang Yonghui thought of Mayi Valley, because she had been to Mayi Valley, which is a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Over the years, the Mayi Valley has been abandoned and become a desolate valley, and the enemy has moved his mind. Instead of waiting to die in the ninth Kingdom, he might as well come to the Mayi Valley and open it into a paradise, and wait until the chaos restarts.

Master Qiu said, "Yonghui, since you've been here, you can take some people and horses to open the way in front. Since we're here, don't worry, and go deep slowly."

"Yes." Zhang Yonghui led her bodyguards forward. After a hundred years, her cultivation also made a certain breakthrough, reaching 200000 dimensions.

On this way, her heart often thought of the last time she came here and was chased by Qiu Qiang. If it weren't for the help of Li Heizi, she wouldn't be able to enter the valley at all, and even her life would be lost. Now, her cultivation has been improved, and her sons have now entered the level of reincarnation elder, thanks to the elder Li Heizi.

But she came out later to inquire. The elder Li sunspot had no news except that he robbed some treasures outside for a while. But now on this road, Zhang Yonghui's heart is a secret, and she doesn't know whether she can see the elder Li sunspot again.

They are very careful when entering the valley. Their cultivation is very low, and they dare not be careless all the way. But to their surprise, when they came all the way to Zhonggu, where Zhang Yonghui and others sat and saw the gambling boat, the lake here had dried up!

They didn't understand what happened, but the dried up Lake made it easier for them to pass through, and began to enter the once inner valley of Mayi Valley