* * *

“It’s been a long time. Marquis Granada, Marchioness.”

“Have you been well?”

“Yes. Thanks to you, I’ve been doing very well.”

“Haha, it’s gracious of you to say so.”

The Duke and Duchess of Rodrian exchanged friendly greetings with the Marquis and Marchioness of Granada. Since they were likely to become relatives through marriage soon, a few words were enough to feel the intimacy.

Moreover, thanks to Seira, Fersen had been methodically attacking Antes without major setbacks, which was very satisfactory.

If everything goes as planned, if he is reborn as a perfect successor and marries Seira, there will be no more worries.

The Duke, having a pleasant imagination, said to the Marquis, who also bore a cheerful smile:

“I think it’s about time to proceed with the engagement. Considering the age, and the fact that the relationship between Fersen and the lady of Granada is not good.”

“I also thought it would be a good idea.”

The Marquis quickly responded, as if he had been waiting for this. The Marchioness also smiled like a picture, as if she had no objection.

Meanwhile, only the Duchess of Rodrian quietly listened to the conversation with an indifferent expression on her face.

And then.

“…Your Excellency the Marquis, I have something to tell you.”

A servant with a not so good complexion cautiously spoke to the Marquis.

While they were having a very important conversation about Seira’s future, the Marquis, although disgruntled, couldn’t ignore it as it was a very important report.

“You must listen.”

“Then explain briefly.”

The Marquis asked for an explanation, wondering how urgent the matter was.

Should I say it here? The servant hesitated for a moment, but since Seira was with Fersen, he explained the situation without delay.

“… What?!”

“There was a misunderstanding in between, it seems Seira didn’t realize that. So now she’s clearing her mind on the terrace with young lord Rodrian.”

The news that Seira was disgraced in front of everyone made the Marquis and Marchioness pale.

They already had suffered enough because of young lady Peils. Just when it seemed to have quieted down, how could such a thing happen again!

The hearts of the Marquis and Marchioness rushed. She’s on the terrace, they needed to hurry to comfort her.

However, they were suddenly stunned and couldn’t move by the Duke’s reaction that followed.


The Duke clicked his tongue softly, how could such a shameful event occur? He tried to make it inaudible, but unfortunately, the Marquis and Marchioness heard it clearly.

“Oh, I apologize. I didn’t mean the Lady of Granada, but rather the fact that again, that Lady Peils and the eldest son of Marquis Vincent were involved.”

The Duke explained briefly. Deep inside he thought Seira was pathetic too, but there was no need to express it out loud.

“It’s really unpleasant how they get entangled in every single thing, no matter what. But don’t worry too much. Soon one side will be settled.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see. We can’t just leave such scoundrels alone.”

Although they didn’t know what was happening, the Duke’s confident declaration meant the Marquis and Marchioness couldn’t show more anxiety.

If his words were true, this minor quarrel would be buried soon.

“I don’t know what the news is, but I hope to hear it soon.”

“Don’t worry. It’s safe to say it has already started.”

As soon as the Duke finished speaking, several nobles approached him very kindly.

“Your Excellency, it’s been a long time. Have you been well?”

“I have been indebted to you since this year. I hope this connection lasts for a long time.”

They were all nobles whom Persen had stolen from the Antares Guild. The Duke gave a very soft smile to them, who were flattering him without knowing there was a flaw in the contract.

* * *

“Oh dear, you’ve encountered such a misfortune?”

“Everyone’s making a fuss about it? I was so shocked, worrying if the lady was hurt.”

Rosemary, who had shaken off the rumors, held Luna’s hand and couldn’t hide her sympathy. The Marchioness also unknowingly showed sympathy towards Luna’s unfortunate situation.

“If you need help, please let us know. We will help you anytime.”

“I’m not hurt. Thank you for saying so.”

“Lady Luna. If my parents feel burdened, I’ll help. I have quite some ability after all.”

“It’s really okay.”

The atmosphere was very warm. Antes, who was very indifferently watching this, intervened in the conversation.

“If the conversation is over, let’s go.”

It wasn’t a good intervention, but a proposal to end the conversation and go somewhere.

For a while, Rosemary, who had taken Luna away from Antes, tightly held her hand and strongly opposed it.

“If you want to go, go alone. Don’t interrupt the conversation for nothing.”

“Interrupting? Saying that I’ll leave because only meaningless conversation is being had.”

“That’s why you don’t have friends. This is what socializing is all about. Building rapport and exchanging emotions through conversation.”


Suddenly, at Rosemary’s accusations of him being an outcast, Antes was at a loss for words. He wanted to retort, but it was true that Luna had no one else but her. He had nothing to add.

Rosemary, buoyed by Antes’ loss for words, advised again.

“Watch, listen, and learn from the conversations we are having at this time. Do you know? Based on what you learn, you might be able to make new friends.”

Rosemary, who provoked Antes’ anger, jabbered again looking at Luna.

If only she hadn’t asked to stay by her side until someone else came along, she wouldn’t have been subjected to this torment.

It was regrettable, but if she hadn’t said that, Luna would have surely asked when they would part.

What was lost was a bit of self-esteem, but what was gained was significant.

Therefore, when Antes stared at Rosemary without a word, Luna, who had felt sympathy during the days when she had no friends, shielded him a little.

“Well, but you have people at the guild who follow the young lord very well. With people to trust and follow, it’s not a complete lack of sociability, is it?”

Antes didn’t expect Luna to speak for him, so his expression softened for a moment.

Singing the ‘let’s break up, let’s break up’ song, and then suddenly surprising people like this. This way, one wouldn’t create a situation where they have to sell their self-esteem to avoid parting.

In the meantime, while Antes was slightly touched, the imperial family appeared in the banquet hall.

Really fond of gold it seems, from the detailed work on their clothes to rings, bracelets, and other jewelry, everything was made of gold.

“It’s the second time I’m seeing it but still can’t understand the sense.”

Antes quietly muttered. It was a ridiculous remark in front of the royals, but Luna also agreed. While she understood the love for gold, the sense was worse than not having it.

Nonetheless, they looked dignified, probably because they were members of the imperial family.

Indeed, Luna made pointless thoughts saying one should be born well, while the Emperor recited the New Year’s greetings.

“When did you see the Emperor again?”

Curious, Luna asked, and Antes mentioned the documents he had shown her last month in response.

“It seemed like I showed you the plan to supply gold to the Imperial Palace.”

“So you agreed to supply it? And you met the Emperor?”

“He was very pleased.”

Oh my. So now you’re trading with the imperial family? This meant that the gold she owned would be worn by the royals.

‘That’s a bit disappointing…’

Anyway, it was the family’s honor.

Thinking back to a few months ago when explaining to Seira, breaking ties with Fersen, and being happy just to breathe, this was a significant advancement.

As they marveled, before they knew it, the Emperor, Empress, and Crown Prince had taken their seats at the central positions. Following this, nobles from each house took turns to exchange New Year greetings with the imperial family.

The first house to greet the royals was, naturally, the only ducal house in the Empire, the House of Rodrian.

“Duke Aison Rodrian.”

At the sound of the name, the Duke and Duchess proudly straightened their backs and crossed the hall to meet the Emperor. Of course, they were followed by Fersen.

Thinking that Seira’s mischief had embarrassed them and spoiled everything, Fersen turned out to be as stone-faced as ever.

“Though modest, we have prepared this to celebrate the New Year.”

The Duke, having respectfully greeted, handed a gift to the Emperor. It was a golden ornament tailored to the imperial family’s taste.

It was an excuse for the New Year’s celebration, and a venue for gift giving. The Emperor briefly praised the Rodrian House.

“With Duke Rodrian, the dignity of the Empire’s nobles stands firm. Please continue to uphold that spirit and work for the peace and prosperity of the Empire.”

“We will certainly do so.”

The conversation was so uninspiring that it hardly seemed like a party they had eagerly prepared for and looked forward to. The Duke’s family took their leave and returned to their original seats.

Meanwhile, Fersen, who had been glancing around the banquet hall, spotted her as if he had a detector exclusively for Luna.

Whether it was because of what happened a little earlier or not, there was a flash of anger in his eyes, as if he was about to rush and tear Luna apart at any moment.