Translator and Editor: Maru and Aki


Chapter 23

After three days, Ravia started to feel that something was off.


“Yes, my lady!”

“Tell me again. What did my father say?”

“His Excellency went to Madame Durand’s salon for you!”

What nonsense is that? Ravia wanted to ask so badly, but she managed to suppress it.

She wouldn’t hold back to say that if she was alone, but she mustn’t do that, especially right now.

“If I recall, Madame Durand is the best designer in the capital. Father must have bought a couple of clothes for you, sister.”

Because Tidwell was sitting in front of her right now.

Despite knowing that Tidwell was currently watching over her, Ravia continued to have tea time with him.

No, they spent most of their time together even if they weren’t having tea time.

Ravia made good use of a passage she read in a book of military strategy.

-If you can’t avoid the enemy, keep them close to you.

Because of this, the annex that was previously only occupied by Ravia, now became a space where many people come and go.

In the meantime, Ravia and Tidwell also shared quite a bit of information about each other.

For example, the fact that Ravia’s favorite color is blue.

“Perhaps he’s buying you clothes for tonight’s charity party. I hope he bought a dress in the color blue, which sister likes.”

Ravia smiled gently at Tidwell, and calmly turned her gaze away as she clenched her fist under the table.

“I’m not too sure about that. My father thinks I look better in red because of my blonde hair….. I’m not sure if he’ll ever buy me anything that is blue in color.”

“I’m sure he will.”

“Why are you so sure?”

“I heard blue is the trend nowadays.”

A red lie. Tidwell was surely skilled at lying.

Ravia had never heard of such a trend whether it was from the magazines or fleeting rumors.

‘Something’s wrong.’

After I returned from the Velocio Theatre, I felt as if my father was paying more attention to me.

At first, I thought he simply wanted to pressure me to get married quickly. But yesterday, he gave me the tableware he bought for my mother’s death anniversary, and now he personally went to pick a dress for me from the finest salon?

‘I’m sure Tidwell did something to him…’

There’s no way for me to know. Just what else did you hide in your claws to make father treat me nicely?

“I look forward to seeing you in your new dress, sister.”

In the end, Ravia left the annex with the maid, still unable to erase her doubts.


‘Blue dress.’

Ravia looked down at the indigo silk wrapped around her body.

Tidwell was right.

It’s a blue dress.

However, it wasn’t true that blue was the current trend. Because the blue dress just happened to be one of the many dresses that her father bought.

Actually, Duke Leontine was quite generous when it comes to buying dresses for Ravia, but it was surprising that he personally chose so many dresses for her.

But the surprise did not end there.

-You look great, Ravia. Your mother also looked great in blue. Because it matches well with the color of your eyes.

Duke Leontine said that when he saw Ravia wearing the blue dress. It was the first time she heard him mention her mother from his own mouth.

Not to mention, he called her ‘Ravia’ in such an affectionate tone.

‘What’s with him all of a sudden?’

Ravia was so surprised and confused about what happened a little while ago that she lost her sense of reality.




The violin changed its note sharply, and Ravia twirled around with the support of Tidwell’s arm, belatedly trying to catch up with the step.

They were now at the charity party.

Despite his busy schedule, Duke Leontine attended various social gatherings to strengthen the position of his new successor, Tidwell. This charity party also had the same objective.

As the name suggested, anyone could attend the party regardless of their status as long as they donated a lot of money.

Usually, not many people were deemed worthy of attending the party held by the great Duke Leontine, but for Tidwell’s sake, he was willing to invite as many people as possible.

Ravia and Tidwell were the party’s biggest sponsors as they were the representatives of Duke Leontine. For that same reason, they had to do the first dance to mark the beginning of the party.

Tidwell was supposed to choose someone else to be his partner, yet he didn’t hesitate to point out Ravia.

-I’m inexperienced and a little shy to ask another lady to be my partner.

He said, faking his innocence.

Tidwell moved his feet along with the melody and laughed quietly.

“You are excellent at this. I thought my foot would be stepped on at least once.”

“Because I’ve been dancing constantly since I was 15. Should I step on you then?”

“I’d like to decline. I don’t like to feel pain.”

“You don’t like to feel pain too, huh?”

“Because I’m human.”

Are you someone who can feel pain in the first place?

Ravia almost spoke out her thoughts. Thankfully, she was able to refrain herself from saying that.

‘Since when did I become so resentful?’

I feel like I’ve become so sensitive because there’s so many things weighing on my mind these days. I almost made a mistake.

What’s the use of lashing out at Tidwell here? Besides, today is an important day, so I don’t want to mess things up.

‘Get a hold of yourself.’

Ravia bit her lips. The tingling pain and the smell of blood forced her to return to her senses.

In the meantime, the song finally ended.

Ravia paused and tried so hard to calm herself down.

She wanted to brace herself so that the thunderous round of applause didn’t feel like a tsunami that was ready to swallow her whole, and that Tidwell’s extended hand didn’t feel like a knife pointed at her.

“Thank you, sister.”

“…You, too.”

Ravia managed to regain her composure and smiled.

She held Tidwell’s extended hand, but the fingertips that touched the palm of his hand trembled.

‘You’ve been on the edge lately.’

There was no way Tidwell didn’t notice that.

Tidwell, who had been with Ravia these days, knew better than anyone else.

And that was exactly what Tidwell hoped for.

A father who suddenly treats her affectionately, a mysterious brother with unknown intentions, and a stifling relationship that made her feel as though she was walking on a tightrope.

Ravia’s cautious and meticulous personality would eventually tie her down like an obsession, which, as a result, would be the cause of her resentment towards him.

He was so close to achieving that.

For instance, Tidwell noticed a subtle bitterness in Ravia’s voice a while ago when she said, ‘You don’t like to feel pain too, huh?’

If he had provoked her a little more, he might have heard her being upfront about her resentment.

‘Her patience is impressive. I expected it, but it’s still amazing.’

A normal person would’ve been so anxious if they were placed under that kind of stressful situation.

‘How can I destroy that patience?’

How can I make her develop excruciating hatred toward me instead of that half-hearted kindness…

Toward my sister, who is as beautiful as a butterfly and as fragile as one that she may break if I so much as grab her.



Tidwell replied, kissing Ravia’s wrist below her glove.

As if her troubled expression not too long ago was just a lie, Ravia replied in her usual calm tone.

Even though Tidwell purposely put his lips against her hand that is sensitive, Ravia was looking at Tidwell with bland eyes.

“I heard the fountain is pretty.”

“Do you want to see it?”


“Can you leave the party this early?”

“As you know, it doesn’t really affect me.”

Rather, it was Tidwell that would be affected.

As she said that, Ravia glanced down at Tidwell. Her gently bent head looked as fragile as a sprout branch. But at the same time, she was only putting up a front.

Now that Ravia already stepped down from being the successor, she didn’t have to stay at the party for a long time.

It was Tidwell who must stay here as the newly appointed successor.

But it was Ravia’s wish. Because of that, there was only one answer Tidwell could give.

“I’ll escort you.”

“Please be gentle. I’m wearing heels today.”

Tidwell smiled and gently escorted Ravia. Of course, he didn’t question why Ravia had to take him outside.


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