Translator and Editor: Maru and Aki


Chapter 30

Ravia’s order to Crow* was very simple.

Embezzle the dark flower little by little.

Although Crow viewed Ravia, who made the order, as someone perplexing, of course, there was a reason behind that.

‘To make Tidwell and Herod doubt each other.’

Tidwell and Herod recently formed a partnership. However, it was important to emphasize the word ‘recently’.

In a situation where the alliance between the two is still flimsy, what if, somehow, they find a mistake in the account book? And what if I make it seem as if that mistake was done by a member of their group?

The result was obvious. They had no choice but to doubt each other.

‘If Herod is deceiving me, it’ll only be a matter of time before he exposes me to Tidwell.’

Considering Tidwell’s whereabouts, he doesn’t seem to know that Ravia had approached Herod yet.

But Ravia knew.

That this situation, where the odds are in her favor, can be reversed at any time.

Before that happened, she had to drive a wedge between them.

‘In addition, if there’s a problem with the production of dark flower, Tidwell will have no time to keep an eye on me.’

She would be able to take advantage of that time to confront Herod.

But she had no time to relax.

Meeting up with Herod isn’t urgent as there were still 10 days left before Laricia performed ‘Aida’, however, she must execute her plan as soon as possible because Duke Leontine is about to leave the capital soon, which means the end of the Leontine family was just around the corner.

In addition, for that plan to work, Ravia had to do something for Crow.

Even after Crow reluctantly accepted the order, he still spoke in a dissatisfied tone.

“Miss, you’re my master now, so I’ll follow your order. But I won’t be able to accomplish it with solely money this time.”

“Then what else should I give you?”“I need you to give me information.” Crow said.

Because the most challenging part of such orders was gathering information.

“As long as you give me information, I’ll do the rest without fail.”

“I bought you, a messenger, because it was difficult for me to acquire information, yet now you’re telling me to obtain information for you?”

“I can’t help it. I’m sure you know how dangerous the task you just gave me is.”

She could at least lessen his burden by providing him information.

It can’t be helped. If someone, who had done such tasks before, said so himself, Ravia didn’t have any other choice but to accept his request.

Having come to that conclusion, Ravia asked, “What information should I get for you?”

He then asked her for three things.

“The location of the dark flower factory, a way one can enter that place, and a method that can make Tidwell take his eyes off the factory.’

All of them weren’t information that was easy to obtain to the point it made Crow raise his hands in surrender and say that it was impossible for him to carry out the order she gave him.

If it weren’t for Ravia, he would have been wandering aimlessly for answers without a single clue to either of the three.

Perhaps that’s what Crow hoped for, but unfortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case.

Because Ravia had the ability to get a hold of the answers to those, she came back to the empty carriage to think about it first.

‘I didn’t know I’d fall asleep.’

She woke up when she felt as if something she could easily recognize even with her eyes closed was covering her.

And that is because the warmth and aroma of the cloth revealed that someone wore it not too long ago. What’s more, a familiar scent of magnolia aroused her nose.

Her familiarity with this particular scent was proof of how often Ravia was monitored so far.

It was a scent that flowed along Tidwell’s body, so when he grabbed Ravia’s wrist and danced with her, she was able to smell that pungent scent yet again.

But why does his scent somehow feel unfamiliar now?

Is it because my feelings differ when I have my guard up around Tidwell and when I’m in a defenseless state after waking up from a deep sleep?

Or is it because I can’t fully discern the reason as to why he covered me with his coat while I was asleep?

If not, then is it perhaps because the warmth of the coat feels comforting…..

‘….Comforting? As if.’

At that thought, Ravia quickly removed the coat that covered her body. Ravia grimaced as the cold night air instantly took away the warmth that enveloped her.

Because of this, the urge to cover herself again with his coat continued to torment her, but she turned her eyes away from the coat by looking outside of the window.

As if trying to protect her pride no matter what.

However, there were things she couldn’t turn a blind eye to.

For example, the reason why Tidwell covered her with his coat.

‘Perhaps it’s because he feels sympathetic toward me?’

Or was he too immersed in his act as a sweet and nice younger brother? But what if that’s not the case?

Endless questions flooded her mind. If it happened before, it would have been easy for her to move on.

If only her father, Duke Leontine, didn’t start to treat her kindly out of the blue. If only Tidwell did not hold her wrist gently. If only he hadn’t whispered words to her so closely.

If only he hadn’t asked her if she would throw him away or not…..

-You also know that not all chains are necessarily visible, sister.

All of sudden, Tidwell’s words crossed her mind.

Upon recalling that, Ravia raised her body in fear, and at the same time, the carriage stopped.

She felt as though the silence that filled the carriage ensued for an eternity. Until the sound of the carriage door opening broke that silence.

The man with his back against the moonlight gently opened his mouth.

“Oh, you were awake?”

That voice that reminds one of the abyss.

“I didn’t mean to wake you up. It seems like I wasn’t careful enough.”

At his words, Ravia felt as if an invisible chain grabbed Ravia’s ankle and dragged her down. As if forcing her to find out what’s beneath that abyss.

And so, Ravia had no choice but to recall the question she had been keeping to herself all this time.

The question she has never been able to ask because the thought of it alone was suffocating.

Tidwell, you.

Why are you….

“…How can it be your fault that the carriage shook during the ride?”

However, it was impossible for her to ask that question when she herself cannot even properly say it in her head.

Eventually, Ravia closed her eyes.

What’s more, if she was able to ask him that question, it felt like they would never be able to go back to what they used to be. For that reason, she wasn’t able to build up the courage to do so.

“By the way, were you able to escort Laricia without fail?”

Ravia went down from the carriage and changed the topic. After all, she had something more important to deal with.

It was the meeting of Leticia and Tidwell.

In the novel, there was an unusual atmosphere around them when they first met by chance, but their first meeting this time was planned by Ravia.

There were a lot of variables that might’ve changed how it went.

That’s why Ravia had to check whether or not Tidwell was charmed by Leticia.

Will Leticia be able to steal Tidwell’s attention as Ravia wished?

But Tidwell stayed silent for a moment before he replied.

“Sister, you seem to like Laricia a lot.”

Does that mean you like Leticia as well?

Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to confirm because it was dark and his back was against the light.

It would’ve been nice if I was able to see his expression, though.

Ravia thought regretfully. Therefore, she tried to unravel his feelings toward her while they were walking to the mansion.

“Didn’t we talk about this last time? You said you like Laricia’s aria too, didn’t you?”

“Ah, that’s why…”

“Yes, that’s why I wanted to introduce her to you.”

“I see. I’m glad you remember it.”

At his unmistakable cheerful voice, Ravia turned her head to Tidwell.

Unlike before, she was able to see Tidwell’s expression clearly now that they were inside the mansion.

A slightly flushed complexion was evident on his face. It was an expression filled with joy.

“I had a good time thanks to you. She is a very energetic person.”

It seems you like her. That’s a relief.

Ravia smiled without realizing it.

“That’s right. She’s so lovely, just like a child.”

“She’s a lot more similar to a bird than a child. Her gestures are elegant, too.”

“Whenever she speaks, it sounds as if she’s singing, right?”

“That must be why she can’t hide her profession even if she wanted to.”

Haha. Ravia laughed merrily as she climbed up the stairs.

It was mentioned in the novel that Leticia had a unique voice and a lively personality, and that she always sounded as though she’s singing.

‘All is good as long as Tidwell likes Leticia’

Now that she has confirmed his feelings toward her, it seemed as though the confusion and fear she felt a while ago was a lie as her steps became even lighter.

She wasn’t able to realize it, but when she was able to successfully hand her burden over to someone else, she felt relieved.

Ravia was always wary of Tidwell’s interest in her, and was always reluctant to verify Tidwell’s feelings toward her.

Unknowingly, she felt a sense of relief knowing that Tidwell’s interest had shifted to another person.

And that made her recall the question she had always been afraid to ask. It was about what Tidwell thought of her.


Why do you ask me not to throw you away?

Why do you want me to sprain my ankle?

Why do you always look at me like that…

Ravia stopped her stride and looked down at Tidwell, who was following her from behind. Tidwell walked up to her with a gentle smile and expression as if wondering what she was doing.

As if it was natural, he kissed the back of her hand and smiled with his eyes bent.

Ravia’s fingertips touched his cheek.

A familiar warmth and a familiar scent.

Was it because I was relieved? Or was it because the scent was not magnolia, but dark flower?

Ravia opened her mouth as if possessed.


“Please say it.”

“Will you go to my room?”

It was an extremely impulsive question.

e/n: Crow Tit has been changed to Crow instead because it sounds better. Don’t you think so, too?


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