Chapter 15

Crow tit. That was the young man’s pen name.

A messenger’s identity must not be exposed, so they used fake names instead. For Ravia’s messenger, she called him crow tit. He bore resemblance to a crow tit since he was frivolous and fussy.

Crow Tit stopped laughing when Ravia shook her head.

“So, why did you call me out of the blue, miss? Dark flower (Tidwell) is not doing anything special in particular at the moment.”

“I didn’t call you for that reason.” Ravia’s words made him tilt his head and ask, “Then why?”

“….Any movement on Cosmo’s side?”

“Well, nothing special.”

“How about Orpheus’ leader?”

“The usual. He managed the distribution of dark flowers, maintained Cosmo, went to someone’s birthday celebration, and stopped by Velocio.”

He stopped by Velocio? Ravia’s eyes widened.

“Do you know if he came with anyone?”

“Miss, I wouldn’t be a messenger if I had answers. All the information I obtained is from, of course, an informant.”

That’s true. There was a reason why a messenger was called a messenger. As a messenger, they are only expected to either observe the target or get information from an informant.

Ravia went through her jewelry box and held out a ring with a sapphire gemstone engraved on it.

“Seek and observe a person who has red eyes inside Cosmo. I want you to give me their portrait if possible. Apart from that, I want you to keep an eye on Cosmo’s leader.”

“What about my reward?”

Instead of giving him a response, Ravia handed him the sapphire ring in her hand. As a result, Crow Tit’s exposed lips opened wide in surprise.

“As always, thank you, miss.”

Thereafter, he bowed and left. Only then was Ravia able to breathe. She had to go through all this trouble to avoid getting on the bad side of her step-brother.

‘I can’t wait to get out of here. I’ve had enough of living with people who despise me.’

Ravia leaned against the sofa and closed her eyes. Once she gets the alimony, she’ll buy a building with it.

If I can use what I have learned from the book of investment, I think it would be good to buy a building and open my own store with it. Perhaps, I could rent it out, if not. It wouldn’t be bad to live comfortably that way. By then, I should’ve already completely cut off my relationship with the rest of the world. Including Leontine.

‘But who the hell is that man….’

Such unexpected danger was beyond her calculation. Ravia ended up falling asleep with several hypotheses in her head.


A few days later, the culprit who invaded Leontine’s box seat spoke to his longtime partner…

“Ah, I saw your sister.”

Tidwell, who was polishing his gun, paused instantly at his words. He doubted his ears because his partner was so full of himself that one might think he met his favorite celebrity.

Then, he raised his head along with his gun.

“Why did you come to see my sister?”

“Tid. I get it. Put your gun away first. Can’t you see my comrades glaring at you?”

“Do you think it would be faster for me to make a hole in your head or for your pawns to come at me?”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be faster for me to kill you? Tidwell, why are you overreacting? I went to Velocio to see the opera. At that time, I coincidentally saw someone who looked like your sister.”

At his words, Tidwell’s expression became even more intense. Thankfully, he was able to compose himself quickly and place the gun back on the table.


“It’s been about a week? I am amazed that she’s able to go alone.”

“It’s been about…..a week? I’m amazed she’s allowed to go alone”

“…Is that really the case? Did you really go there to see the opera?”

“Don’t you trust me?”

“Tell me the truth.”

“In all honesty, there’s someone I was asked to kill.”

As Herod said those words, he looked at Tidwell, who calmly picked up his gun and started polishing it again, to see his reaction. However, hearing about his sister was the only reason enough to make Tidwell point his gun at him.

Herod smiled inwardly. There was nothing that Cosmo’s intelligence did not know. It’s especially easy for them to gather information about the target if they aren’t protected by anyone, just like Ravia Leontine.

‘Ravia Leontine. I’ve been observing her to see if she’s a threat to Tidwell. But I was surprised instead.’

Herod recalled the lost woman of ‘La Traviata’ that he saw in the box seat.

He already knew that she was on probation, so he thought she probably sneaked out to see the opera.

-What can a noble woman do in the theatre? She should’ve stayed still in her room.

He thought so and lowered his guard, but he didn’t expect to see her in Velocio. Because of that, he was pleased to seize the chance to eliminate his target on that day, but Ravia’s first impression was memorable enough to stop him.

‘A butterfly.’

She was like a butterfly that gracefully flapped its wings without a sound. She wasn’t a Leontine for nothing. She was the embodiment of an aristocrat itself.

But then, he couldn’t help but be reminded of the recent social gathering of the underworld.

-There’s a butterfly.

Tidwell started acting unusual after he entered Leontine’s residence. Moreover, Tidwell looked like he was out of it after he returned from excusing himself with a woman in the gathering. To the point I wondered if he swallowed his own drugs. And so, I confirmed with Tidwell, but that wasn’t the case at all.

At the same time, the trip that made Ravia on probation was on the same day as the said gathering.

Because of those, it was easy for him to connect the two.

And that convinced him that Ravia attended the party.

Herod was deeply impressed by her. It was quite surprising. Her boldness, her brilliant hair, and many more. It was amazing that she was still alive after finding out Tidwell’s identity, sneaking to the party, and even bumping into him.

He was even more impressed because she broke her probation and sneaked out. For that reason, Herod became interested in her.

‘What on earth is that woman?’

Herod recalled Ravia asking him, ‘Do you want to hear La Traviata or do you want to see a lost woman?

Yes, she was that impressive in his eyes.

“Your sister… I think she’s going to leave.”

Especially when she said she was similar to ‘the lost woman’. Since then, I knew that she felt as though she didn’t belong to the Leontine family.

And that she was the type who is likely to be resolute on stepping down.

It didn’t seem as if she was incapable of facing the hurdle, rather, it seemed like she was afraid of failing.

It was because she was used to looking at herself objectively. After enduring a lot of frustrations and failures, she became exhausted. Stepping down was her only way out. She didn’t want to put her life on the line for the right to succeed the family. And so, Tidwell spared her because he didn’t consider her as a threat.

Herod was convinced. At least his partner wouldn’t face any impediment for the time being. With that in mind, the grinning Herod continued.

“At least your sister won’t be in your way. Congratulations, Tidwell.”

But the expression of the man, who was supposed to be happy about it, was strange.

It hadn’t been long since they knew each other, but Herod was someone who’s able to develop a good understanding of people in a short amount of time. In his view, Tidwell was someone who didn’t like to be bothered. He liked to get rid of troublesome things completely and do things with maximum efficiency.

Why is he reacting like this when one of his enemies disappeared?

Tidwell, without saying a word, continued to wipe the gun with a towel. In a low voice, he said.

“Did my sister tell you that she’s getting married?”

Come to think of it, Herod was right. Ravia would leave soon.

Although he was very dissatisfied that she chose Herod as her marriage partner, wasn’t Ravia’s marriage something that he himself agreed on?

‘I forgot to ask her about marriage.’

Only then did Tidwell recall himself posing as Herod in front of Ravia.

‘Did she say they’d divorce after a year? I forgot because I didn’t think too deeply of it.’

I’m going to reject her anyway. Whatever reason there may be, her union with Herod is unacceptable. Aside from all the political threats it will pose, it’s simply because…

“So, do you know that your sister said she was getting married although she refused all of her suitors?”

…she’ll become that red-head’s wife. It’s totally unacceptable.

Tidwell looked at Herod with incredulous eyes, then he nodded.

“I know. One is a cheater, one has erectile dysfunction, and one is a squanderer. She’d rather not marry than be involved with them.”

“Agree. It’s better for her to just die single than marry one of them.”

Clack-! A gun is pointed back at Herod. Of course, the culprit was Tidwell.

“Watch your mouth, Herod. Who’s going to die?”

“Huh? Are you going to keep the Leontines alive?”

“That’s….. No.”

“So what’s the problem? And quit your habit of pointing your gun at me every single time.”


Tidwell put the gun down slowly. He felt as if he was splashed with cold water. Herod was right. From the beginning, he had no intention of sparing other Leontines aside from himself.

So, if Ravia wanted to survive, she had to get married and leave the family altogether, which would make it hard for him to meet her for at least a whole year.

Those thoughts made him feel troubled.