People from all major forces did not dare to visit the ethereal sect directly, but turned a corner and contacted the vice mayor of Baifu city first.

In the city Lord's residence.

The vice mayor sat on the main seat and looked embarrassed at the people of major forces sitting in the guest seat.

To be honest, although he was the vice mayor, he had no right to speak in the ethereal sect.

We have to discuss this matter with Gong Qingqiu.

Therefore, the vice mayor said with an arch hand, "you guys, don't worry about this. You can't make a decision until the mayor... That is, elder Gong Qingqiu of the ethereal sect returns."

"No hurry, we can wait."

The people of all major forces stayed in the city master's residence and stayed there. They looked like they didn't see the condensation fruit.

Seeing this, the vice mayor was very helpless.

He wants to drive people out, but he himself is just Juyuan territory, and the leaders of major forces even have Shenyuan territory. How can he drive them out?

I can't fight again. That's the only way.


A barren desert.

Three days later, they left the secret place and met over the barren desert and looked at each other.


The gate of the huge floating hall slowly closed, and the sand dunes below continued to rotate, swallowing the hall like a huge vortex and completely disappearing.

This experience is over.

"Elder martial brother, how many frozen fruits have you found?"

"I found five."

Shi Lei spread his hand, and there appeared five thumb sized fragrant fruit in the palm.

"I found fifteen." Yan Ruyu held a bamboo basket with 15 frozen divine fruits in it. He smiled, "look, senior brother, they are big and red, and the quality is absolutely high."

"It's a little red and bigger than mine." Shi Lei scratched his head and smiled innocently.

Moying, Huo Yunjie and other disciples handed in their own condensed divine fruits one after another. Some people got dozens, while others only had a few.

In total, there are more than 800 immortal fruit of the ethereal sect, which is enough to refine a large number of immortal pill or immortal liquid.

Gong Qingqiu looked at the frozen fruit dressed in the basket, his red lips slightly raised, and nodded with satisfaction: "it seems that you have gained a lot. This experience is over and you will return to your ancestry!"

She tossed her big sleeve and took the people away.

In the desert.

The city leaders of Zhongyuan City, Dingcheng and others have also made some achievements. Each main city has at least picked hundreds of condensed divine fruits, which is enough to cultivate a number of Shenyuan realm powers.

"Hey, hey, I didn't expect such a big harvest this time. In the future, we will also have the opportunity to be promoted to Shenyuan realm power."

"Fortunately, leader Ye shot this time. Otherwise, we were all killed by those three eyed aliens who suddenly appeared."

"After going back, the city mainly set up a statue for leader ye and burned incense day and night to worship him. It's gratitude to him."

"You might as well send him some more disciples. Leader Ye seems to like recruiting disciples for the ethereal sect best."

"What you said is reasonable. The city master will go back to take more concubines and strive to give birth to more young talents as soon as possible. He will worship the ethereal sect and become an enviable disciple of the ethereal sect."

"I think you just want to take more concubines?"

"Cough, it's hard for people to dismantle. Everyone, it's scattered!"

The leaders of the five main cities said goodbye one after another, then flew to the Nanming state and soon parted ways.


Ethereal sect.

Gong Qingqiu took a hundred disciples back to the top of the ethereal peak. He was about to find Ye Feng to recover his life, but he noticed the seven thousand foot high concentrating ancestral tree on the ground. They were all stunned and thought they had come to the wrong place.

"What is this?"

"A super ancient tree thousands of feet high?!"

"You see, its upper body is human, with a nose and face, and its breath is boundless. It gives me a feeling of facing 18 supreme elders."

Shi Lei and other core disciples who had just returned stared at the huge and incomparably attentive ancestral tree, all stunned.

It's only been three days since I went out. At the foot of the mountain in the northeast of the ethereal peak and on the Bank of the Linghu lake, a huge tree connecting the sky has sprung up. It's so terrible!

The exclamation of the crowd attracted the attention of the attentive ancestral tree.

It bent down, looked at the disciples standing at the top of the ethereal peak with huge and clear eyes, and grinned.

"Young generation, I have fate with you!"

Once this statement is made, the eyes of the millennium old pine turn over.

"Come, come again!"

The millennium old pine can't stand the guy of the ancient tree of concentration for a long time. Obviously, he helped to cultivate the fruit of concentration. However, all the credit was taken by the ancestor tree of concentration. It's shameful!

"Sir... Are you?"

Gong Qingqiu stood in front of his disciples, arched his hands at the attentive ancestral tree and asked loudly.

"Elder Gong, this is the attentive ancestral tree that the leader has just summoned from the level 9 battlefield of Lingyuan world recently."

Wang Ling walked slowly and explained.

"What tree?"

Gong Qingqiu, Shi Lei and other disciples thought they had heard wrong and looked unbelievable.

"Concentrate on the ancestral tree! He is now the second Guardian elder of our sect. He is specialized in breeding condensed divine fruit. At the same time, he is also a high demon emperor level ancestral tree. "

Shen Yu, one of the second generation disciples, explained.

This time he didn't go to the barren desert, so he knew the origin of the ancestral tree of concentration.


Gong Qingqiu and others were stunned.

Is this the ancestral tree for cultivating condensed fruit?

So, in the future, don't we have to go out to search for the condensed divine fruit?

Think of this.

Gong Qingqiu released the basket of condensed divine fruits. Her eyes moved. She saw thousands of condensed divine fruits bred on a vine of the Millennium ancient pine. Suddenly, she felt that the condensed divine fruits in the basket were not fragrant.

There are so many frozen fruits in the sect. Why do we go out hard to do tasks?

"So, we did a lonely job this time?"

Gong Qingqiu muttered to himself.

"Cough, in fact, elder Gong's mission to go out this time is also very effective. At least... It serves the purpose of exercise." The millennium old pine coughed and said.

"..." Gong Qingqiu was speechless.

"Elder Gu song, where is the leader?"

Gong Qingqiu remembered that she had to recover her life.

"The leader shut up." Millennium Gu song said, looking at Yan Ruyu, "Ruyu little girl, help me give birth."


Yan Ruyu likes magic medicine best.

She rose up in the air, swept thousands of condensed divine fruits on the vines with her hands, and sprinkled the life power like dew, making them turn red quickly and move towards maturity.

"Little girl, your talent is really against heaven. Is it the legendary spirit of life?"

Concentrating, the ancestral tree couldn't help praising.

"Grandpa Gu Shu is really smart. I am really a spirit of life. The leader said that I can accelerate the growth of miraculous medicine."

Yan Ruyu nodded.

"Hey, hey, you call me Grandpa Gu Shu. It's very kind. Good. Then you have fate with me. I'll give you a hundred... Oh no, a thousand frozen fruit!"

Concentrating, the ancestral tree laughed with a deafening voice like thunder.

A thousand year old tree's mouth.


Do you know how to say "I'm destined for you" and send condensate fruit? Do you take my feelings into account?

Now it's me who breeds the condensation fruit!

The thousand year old tree roared inside.

If you can't fight, calm as it is, you also want to rise up and have an earth shaking war with the concentrating ancestral tree!


In the headmaster's hall, Ye Feng whispered.

He is studying the first volume of the space code, but he also knows what is happening outside.

I thought he was calm and cautious. Unexpectedly, this guy is a talkative, treacherous and cunning old man. He is not ashamed!

Tear it!

At this time, the illusory "space code" in front of Ye Feng quickly collapsed, turned into countless white brilliance and integrated into his body, making him fall into an inexplicable abyss.


He held his breath and widened his eyes.