*3rd Pov*

- FlashBack -

'Lucy, just before I go to sleep, once I integrate the 100% Otsutsuki bloodline, how strong would I be?' Questioned Alex

{You would beat the Patriarch of the Otsutsuki in everything besides Chakra. However, I have a proposition. Once you transform into an Otsutsuki, you will receive a massive amount of Chakra, but since your current Chakra is still under the process of being taken over, you won't be able to receive that Chakra. So, once it has finished, I will integrate the leftover Chakra you were supposed to gain, and then immediately transform it into your own Chakra. Since when you become an Otsutsuki, your will power will increase exponentially, making it so that there isn't as much pain. Do you agree?} questioned Lucy

'Alright then. Sounds good. By the way, how much Chakra would I receive?' Questioned Alex

{100 Quintillion.}

Alex immediately passed out

- End Flashback -

'I have 100 Quintillion Chakra for me to choose what to do with. I can either integrate it with my Chakra, and gain an absurd amount of Chakra, or put it into system points, in which I would gain an astronomical amount of SP.. its a hard choice..' thought Alex

{I would recommend integrating it into Chakra. I won't explain now as you have to deal with the Otsutsuki, but I will explain later.} said Lucy.

'Alright then.' Thought Alex. He teleported Kaguya to the weakest area of Otsutsuki while Alex teleported himself to the Otsutsuki Patriarch.

[You have finally come, human.] said the man. He looked like a person in their late 20's, who had white hair and Byakugan eyes.

[2 things wrong. First, I'm not a human. I'm a vampire. Second, I didn't come here. I am simply here to start a massacre.] said Alex. Immediately, Alex activated his Zero Dojutsu, and the guard's heads flew off. Their bodies and heads disappeared as well.

[Using that strange technique again. But you must tell me before you die, what do you call those eyes of yours?] questioned the Patriarch

[I'll tell a dead man these glorious eyes out of kindness. They are called Zero Dojutsu. Now tell me your name so I can bother remembering it.] said Alex, pretending to be arrogant.

[This one's name has long since been lost in history. In fact, I've forgotten it myself. However, you can call me The Supreme Existence.] he said

[I'll just call you Patriarch since that is better. Then, honorable patriarch, let's start this little duel.] said Alex. The patriarch started his move first, activating what seemed to be a Tenseigan with 9 tomoe's, which was red.

[Let me guess, this is the combination of the Tenseigan and the 9 tomoe Rinne-Sharingan, right? However, these eyes trample all. I'll give you a painless death if you beg me.] said Alex with false c.o.c.ky-ness. He wanted to mess with the Otsutsuki patriarch to set a false image of Alex inside his brain, as to get a chance of a surprise attack.

[Ill politely reject.] he said as he summoned a black sword out of nowhere.

[Oh?? I didn't think you could use the truth seeker balls. Lets even this, then.] said Alex. he activated his Six Paths Sage Mode and made a katana out of the truth seeker orb. Both of them pick it up and charge at each other. Appearing at opposite ends, the do another charge and clash their weapons. Signs of struggling were arising from both the Patriarch and Alex.

[Ho? You are the first to be able to match me in strength and speed. Let's test your defense next.] he said as a cut appeared on Alex's left c.h.e.s.t. His clothes were torn off, however, his body held no injury.

[Defence matches up to mine, so the only thing to compare is Chakra and techniques.] he said with a grin

[I would say the same, however, I won't be needing to use much Chakra in this fight. I'll limit it to this much.] said Alex while raising his Chakra to the maximum, 200 billion. The patriarch mistook it as Alex underestimating him, though Alex was actually using his full power.

[Ill indulge you then.] he said as he himself lowered his Chakra to 200 billion.

'Might as well pull a Saitama.' Thought Alex

[Normal Series - Normal punch.] said Alex. It didn't do a difference, as the punch landed. The patriarch couldn't react in time and ended up with a hole in his right c.h.e.s.t. Blood splattered out, which landed on the floor, before disappearing into Alex's inventory.

[I didn't expect you to have that much strength. Even I could probably only block that attack twice before I would have to get serious.] he said without difficulties as the hole regenerated in a blink of an eye.

[Nice healing factor you got there. I'm jealous.] said Alex while swiping his sword, which was in his right hand, towards the neck of the Patriarch. He ducks and tries to kick Alex's legs, which makes him jump up and kick the Patriarch in the head. Alex succeeds and sends the Patriarch back to his throne, where he sits once again, without any sign of injury.

[How about we step this power to another level, eh?] questioned Alex. He activated his Tailed Beast Cloak, which made the Patriarch a little surprised.

[You have a Chakra Beast?] he questioned

[You do as well?] questioned Alex. He nodded before turning into a red-black form.

[I have the 9 tailed beasts, Tribo, a Dragon. He originates from the 10 tailed beasts of a planet I originally wanted to kill. He begged for mercy and ended up being sealed inside me. I don't pester him that much, though. What about you?] he questioned

[I have the 9 tailed beasts, Kurama, a 9 tailed fox. He also originates from the 10 tails, in which a half-Otsutsuki split into 9 entities. He was sealed into me by someone related to me. I can already beat him when I was 5 though, so not much to do with him. Also, I'm getting sick of this talking. Let's fight for real.] said Alex with a chuckle. The Patriarch also chuckled before the both of them disappeared from the room. A hole appeared in the ceiling, in which the two were sent into outer space. Clashes upon clashes appear in space, and sounds of metal hitting each other vibrated throughout space, even though there wasn't supposed to be sound in space.

[Amenotejikara!] said Alex. He switched places with the Otsutsuki Patriarch's sword, which left him swordless. Alex landed a surprise swipe, cutting the Otsutsuki in half.

[Let's turn up the heat. No pun intended.] said Alex after seeing the two half's connect to each other.

[Fuji!] screamed out Alex. A white flame eats away at the Patriarch, which is soon stopped as the flames are taken off his body with Chakra, the same technique Naruto used against Sasuke's Amaterasu.

[Serious Series - Consecutive Punch!] screamed out Alex as the sword in his right hand turned into 2 pairs of black gloves. The punches obliterate the stunned Patriarch, making him float into space.

[Unfortunately, this is your end. You did good enough, I guess.] said Alex. He closed his eyes and raised his right hand. His eyelids opened, revealing a pure black eye, which was the active Zero Dojutsu, from the regular, un-activated black eye.

[Truth Seeker Ball - Six Paths Chibaku Tensei!] screamed out Alex. Suddenly, millions of Truthseeker balls appear around Alex, which charge the paralyzed Patriarch, who is eventually stuck in a massive, black sun sized sphere. Alex places his hand on the truth seeker ball and starts to absorb the Chakra of the Patriarch before he could be set free. He is drained of Chakra, and then dies, in which Alex stores his blood and body. The giant truth seeker orb shrinks into 10 regular truth seeker balls that float behind Alex before disappearing, along with all of Alex's powers.

'Damn, that was close. If I didn't stun him with Kotoamatsukami, he would of have won.. I am drained of chakra..' thought Alex. He re-entered the Space Station, to find it littered with only Otsutsuki bodies. Alex stored all the blood and bodies from the Space station into his inventory before meeting with the blood-clothed Kaguya, who had blood dripping from her 3 eyes.

[You alright?] questioned Alex

[I'm fine. This is what I wanted.] said Kaguya. She misinterpreted his question, as he questioned her Physical state, not mental state.

[There are still Otsutsuki out there, destroying planets.] said Kaguya. Alex shook his head.

[Why not decedents of Hagoromo?] questioned Kaguya

[Thier blood is diluted with human blood, while Hamura only has a little human blood compared to the Shinobi people.] said Alex

[Anyways, let's go back.] said Alex. He teleported Kaguya and a clone of himself before talking with Lucy.

'Lucy, where is this 'Luck amplifying' treasure?' Questioned Alex

{The coordinations are xxxxx, xxx, xxxxxxxxx.} spoke Lucy. Alex once again teleported the object into his hands, to find a simple talisman with the word "LUCK".

{With this, you can amplify your luck 100 fold for 5 times.} explained Lucy

'Alright then. Quick question, is it possible to get more copy slots, besides hidden missions?' Questioned Alex

{It is. 2 trillion per slot.} explained Lucy

'*Sigh, ok, I guess. Use 1 of my slots for the Luck multiplier. As for the karma stealer, Ill consider it later. For now, let's return back.' Thought Alex. He immediately dispelled and replaced the clone he had sent Kaguya with, and then walked into his lab.

'Alright then, let's work on getting the DNA of a Phoenix, Dragon, and Tiger into my bloodline system..'

(A/N: And that's the end of the Otsutsuki's. No blood to resurrect, none alive outside the homeland of Otsutsuki, so now the Shinobi world can Rest In Peace for a while. Not in death, of course. No Akatsuki, thanks to B. Zetsu, no Kaguya, thanks to Alex, and also no Otsutsuki thanks to Alex. The only problems are the Phoenix, Dragon, Tiger clans along with clans like the Aractive.)



Name : Alex Uchiha

Age : 18

Race(s) : Immortal Vampire

Bloodline(s) : Zero Otsutsuki, Joestar, Pillarmen

Stand(s) : Killer Queen, Kraft Work

God Chakra : 200,000,000,000

God Ki : 100,000,000,000

Power Progress:

Perk Chakra - 79%

Kurama Chakra : 9,000,000,000,000

Technique(s) : 2,857,059

Truth Seeker Ball(s) : 10

Affinity : All

Stored Stolen Chakra:

Left-over Otsutsuki Chakra - 100 Quintillion (10 Quintillion SP)

Otsutsuki Clan - 500 Trillion (50 trillion SP)

Tribo - 9 Trillion (900 Billion SP)

SP: 1,988,814,714,517 (1.9 trillion)

(A/N: Yes, I am practically giving him an absurd amount of SP, but it is needed, as I have yet another plan for it. Most likely, it would cost him most of his SP, but as the saying goes "Money is made for spending". Yes, I made that myself. No, I'm not some lonely Otaku, you are. Also, just a minor update, I'm not going to include the "STR", "DEF" or "AGI" anymore as, by the time Alex ends up in the DBS world, it would probably be an absurd amount, that some of you could probably not understand. And it's just easier to have a shorter Status, as to be able to add things later on, if I ever add things, which I will do.)