*3rd Pov*

Meanwhile, Frey was called to Netero's office...

He knocked on the door thrice before walking inside and taking the gestured seat.

[Welcome to my temporary office, Frey.] said Netero. Frey only nodded.

[Not much of a speaker, eh?] questioned Netero.

[No, not much.] answered Frey.

[Alrighty then, I'll get straight to the point. I would like to directly pass you and give you 1 star.] said Netero.

[And the catch is that I become your slave?] questioned Frey mockingly.

[Ho ho ho, not quite. In return, I would like you to be my second assistant.] said Netero

[Assistant? I'm afraid I'm not catching on.] said Frey. He had read in a book inside the HxH world that a chairman can only have 1 assistant. In this case, it was Beans.

[It looks like you are quite knowledgeable. I guess the saying; "Knowledge comes with age" doesn't apply with you.] remarked Netero

[Get to the point.] said Frey.

[I will. There is no need to be impatient. What I mean for you to be my second assistant, is for you to be my assassin trump card. Well, maybe not quite a trump card, but at least a person who makes my life easier from time to time.] said Netero with a cold glint in his eyes.

Frey opened his mouth but nothing came out. He was planning to reveal his status as a Zoldyck but remembered that he isn't one anymore.

[I'll have to decline. However, that doesn't make it nonnegotiable.] said Frey

[And what do you have to offer?] questioned Netero.

[Just give me my hunters Licence, and I will do you one request, regardless of what it is.] said Frey while holding up a finger.

[I'm afraid the things that I want are things you cant achieve.] said Netero after a small daze.

[Something that I cant achieve? So, is it something to do with the Dark Continent?] questioned Frey. Netero immediately sharpened his gaze while dismissing the only other person in the room, Beans.

[What I indeed yearn for is the dark continent. But what can your measly strength do?] questioned Netero

[It isn't about my strength. It's about my capabilities. But first, at least tell me what you need from the Dark Continent. Who knows? Maybe I might just have it.] said Frey. He had semi-predicted this situation back when he was on the Dark Continent, so he took thousands of Nitro Rice. The rice increases the longevity, or lifespan of a person.

[I'm not one to fuss about old age. What's meant to be is what's meant to be. However, there is a specific item I need from there. I left it there long ago, and now, I need to retrieve it.] said Netero

[You are claiming to have gone to the Dark Continent?] questioned Frey with surprise.

[Yes, I have. However, I have sealed my own memories of the place. So, I have no recollection of the Dark Continent. Plus, I'm much weaker than my prime self. Even if I wanted to diffuse the seal, I can't anymore. And I don't think there is anyone strong enough to help me unseal it... Why am I explaining this to a kid?] Stated Netero, questioning himself softly on the last bit.

[Why indeed?] questioned Frey. It was quite simple really. It was his Stand's passive effect. How would it be called Emperor's Domain if it doesn't have some kind of "Emperor's Domain". Frey was confused by the fact that the stand was named after a passive ability, and not an active one.

[How 'bout this. Give me my licenses, and I will unseal your memories.] said Frey. Without waiting for Netero to answer, Frey shot a beam of Nen that struck Netero's head and released the seal.

[There. However, I have put a restriction. You are allowed to get whatever you need to get, however, if you don't manage to get it within 6 months, you will be automatically returned back here. I have restored you to your prime with the help of Nitro Rice, and have enhanced your Hatsu with a bit of mine. Just give me the word, and I will send you off.] said Frey. The now young Netero looked at the boy with slight shock and amazement at how quickly that was done.

[I have set it so that your power-ups will last only 6 months, so you won't be able to abuse them. And if you somehow get into a definite death situation, seconds before you actually die, you will be teleported back.] explained Frey. Finally, he stopped. Netero called Beans in.

[Beans. Make a 1 star Hunter Licence for Frey. As for the person who is going to govern the second examination, leave that to Menchi and Buhara.] said Netero, somehow hiding his youthful appearance.

[Also, I will be gone for a while. I'll promote you to Acting Chairman for the next 6 months. Dismissed.] said Netero in an authoritative tone, before nodding to Frey. Beans bowed and left, and soon after, Netero disappeared. Frey walked out of the room, followed beans, and got his license before walking to Killua and the group. He explained the situation, with a bunch of lies mixed in.

[So you convinced the chairman to give you a hunter's license, and take a vacation, is what you are saying?] relayed Killua. Frey nodded.

[So then what is the point of staying here?] questioned Kurapika.

[To just tell you. I'm leaving now, and Menchi will be taking over.] said Frey

[Also, don't try looking for me, because if you do, you will end up not finding me. Just focus on what you need to do, and you will find me. Alright, goodbye!] said Frey. He walked up to one of the exit doors, opened it, and jumped out while closing it. Keep in mind they were in the air.

[Is... he gonna survive?] questioned Leorio

[He did that with me, except double the height before. Plus, if that old man can do it, then why can't he?] said Killua. Leorio only rolled his eyes...


Name: Frey

Age: 12

Nen: 300,000,000

Hatsu: 2 (5)

Ark: 287th Hunter Exam (Second Phase)

Nanika Wishes: 1

Stand: Emperors Realm

Physique: 25,000 units (50,000 units)