Bang! The door is opened!

Luo Qingyi was dishevelled and haggard, but his eyes were extremely hot. "Xiaoman, are you serious? No, you must be lying to me, aren't you? "

He couldn't believe it, because it was so weird!

After being abducted, Moyuan is not only safe, but also relieves the curse in his body and restores his peak strength. It's unbelievable.

How could there be such a coincidence? Moreover, the two forces in Mo yuan's body are in a very delicate balance. The probability of breaking the balance and getting well is almost zero!

"Yes! You must have lied to me Luo Qingyi swept a circle around, did not find the figure of Mo yuan, can not help but laugh miserably. "If Mo yuan is really safe and sound, how can he not be there? All along, he and you are inseparable. "

" brother, it's a bit complicated. " Luo Xiaoman frowned and looked at Luo Qingyi seriously. "But, I can assure you, yuan is really OK now. It's just that he has something to deal with in the demon world, and he can't get away from it for a while. "

Luo Qingyi was slightly stunned, and then looked at Luo Xiaoman deeply. From his big bright eyes, what he saw was a clear and bright, without a flicker.

"Xiaoman, are you really not lying to me?" He frowned and confirmed again and again.

"Don't you understand me, brother?" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and sighed, "I will not make such a joke."

Hoo -

after listening to Luo Xiaoman, Luo Qingyi took a heavy breath.

He had been haggard face, but also a touch of flush, it seems that the inner depression with this breath to breathe out.

"Thank you, little man."

This words just finish saying, Luo Qing Yi's body a soft, then fell down.

"Tsing Yi!" Chen Mu language, who has been paying close attention to Luo Qingyi, rushed over and helped him.

"Xiao Yu, elder brother, these days, his mind is exhausted. Now that the depression in his heart is relieved, he will relax." Luo Xiaoman comforts a way: "as long as let him have a good sleep, it will be OK."

"Thank you, master Xiaoman." Chen Mu language grateful, these days see Luo Qingyi has been remorse guilt, she is very uncomfortable, but also can't do anything.

Now the knot is untied, it is really clear the clouds to see the moon!

"No thanks, family." Luo Xiaoman waved his hand, and then said to Luo Qingwen, "second brother, you are tired these days. If you can, take a rest. "

" Xiaoman, I dare not rest. " Luo Qingwen pursed her lips and hummed, "now the floating city has come to the most critical moment. I have to keep a close watch on it."

"Really?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes brightened and said in surprise, "second brother, is the floating city to be born ahead of time?"

"Yes Luo Qingwen raised his head, patted his chest, and said with pride, "I promised you to finish the floating city before the end of the month. Is there a reward for completing it ahead of time? "

"Second brother, you are so wonderful!" Luo Xiaoman walked over, hugged Luo Qingwen, and gave him a severe blow on his face.

Luo Qingyi suddenly one Zheng, then the heart is in full bloom, the face is floating up a flush!

Even his already exhausted body is full of strength in an instant!

"Hahaha, Xiaoman, I can't help it. Now I'm going to finish the finishing work of the floating city!"

However, this curtain fell in Kunlun's eyes, but inexplicably let his heart ripple. , the fastest update of the webnovel!