
Seeing the fierce demons all over the sky and their ferocious and twisted faces, the demons in Xishan were all flustered.

It was the first time that they felt the anger from the devil. Before the anger came out, they had already shaken their minds.

For a moment, many magic soldiers were in place to turn the power of each array to the extreme.

Even so, can't suppress the inner tremor!


With the roar, Xishan has become a space shrouded by the array. The strong breath of power makes the surrounding Warcraft howl and flee for their lives.

These Warcraft seem to realize that there is going to be a terrible battle here.

Mo yuan stood in the air and looked down at the rising array in front of him. His look was still indifferent, as if what was rising before him was not an array with amazing defensive power, but a void, unable to block his fierce eyes.

"Did the king of sand decorate the west mountain like this?" The evil general frowned and looked at the formation in front of him. If it was him, he would not break the defense line here, or even be killed by the other side.

It's not too much to say that it's a trap!

The eye of Mou yuan is worried.

What would you do, my lord?

Suddenly, Mo yuan raised his hand and took out the red Yan prison.

With the appearance of Yan prison, his side is surrounded by a torrent of killing intention, mixed in the evil spirit, which makes the illusory fierce devil ferocious and powerful.

Seeing this sword, the eyes of the evil general trembled slightly. No matter in the past, in the present, or in the future, their blood emperors and evil generals all advance and retreat with the devil.

Even if the blood emperor falls, but his magic weapon, hell prison still exists, which means that his blood emperor's soul is still there!


The body of Yan prison's sword trembled slightly, which aroused a fierce sword meaning, turned into red competition and poured out manifestly.

"Go!" Mo yuan's eyes light a sink, suddenly sent Yan prison out.

Suddenly, Yan prison turned into a bloody angry Jiao, with countless red competitions, and flew madly toward the west mountain.

Looking at the scene of scarlet sky and raging fire, the demons in the West Mountain are all trembling.

"Stop it A demon soldier yelled, and quickly called on all to hold on to the position!

Boom! Boom!

With a roar of bloody fury, he suddenly bumped into the first line of defense in the west mountain. The terrifying power stirred up and shattered everything around him.

The fierce competition, like a sharp blade, cuts large and small defense formations.

Just such an impact, all the demon soldiers felt their hearts trembled and suffered unbearably. Is this the strength of the devil?

With the power of only one person, he has shaken many defensive formations of Xishan Mountain!

It's terrible!

But this is just the beginning!

"It's a sacrifice to the blood emperor of the past." Mo Yuan said coldly: "you should bear in mind that at the beginning the blood emperor was for the sake of the demon world, sacrificing himself, but also defending the defense line."

"You owe him everything today!"

His voice was not loud, but it was heard by all the demons present!

"For the blood emperor The evil general raised his arms and exclaimed with excitement. He could not help shouting for his brother.

Blood emperor, do you see it? His heart is dark, today, the devil with your hell, to these mercenary, put the devil in a dangerous place, launched a strong attack!

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