Chapter 25: Connections

TL: Akabane


“Here we are ……”

Presently, I was in front of Akari’s house.

It seems that her parents aren’t at home today. That means it’s just me and Akari here.

Alone with the lovely Akari my girlfriend …….?

The moment I’m aware of this, my heart pounding accelerates.

Oh man, I’m getting nervous.

I took a deep breath and pressed the intercom.

After a while, the door is opened. It was Akari who opened the door.

Even though it was already winter, Akari was wearing revealing clothes. Her snow-white skin, without a single blemish, is truly beautiful.

She was wearing a mini-skirt underneath. My eyes were drawn to her beautiful thighs stretching out from her mini-skirt.

Today’s Akari is really erotic. To be honest, I can’t stop looking at her …….

“Good morning, Yuji-kun♪”

“Oh, oh …….”

My voice was trembling. I was nervous.

On the other hand, Akari was as usual.

I said, “Excuse me,” and stepped into the doorway.

I take off my shoes at the entrance and move to Akari’s room.

Her room smelled sweet like fruit.

“Akari’s room is so clean.”

“I cleaned it yesterday.”


Akari sat on the bed.

I sat down next to her.


“Hmm? What are you smiling at?”

“I was just thinking how cool Yuji-kun is today too.”


My face heats up at Akari’s words.

“Oh yeah, is that so ……?”

“Yes! It’s so cool!”

“Haha, thank you, Akari.”

I said and kissed Akari lightly on the cheek.

Then, she puffed out her cheeks. She looked angry.

Wait? Why is she angry?

“Don’t kiss my cheeks anymore, kiss my lips.”

“Yes, yes, okay.”

When I kissed her red fruit-like lips, Akari smiled happily, “Ehehe.”

Really, my girlfriend is so cute.

I pat Akari’s head and she squints her eyes pleasantly.

“I love you, Yuji-kun!”

“I love you too, Akari.”

Our lips meet again. It’s not just a kiss. We kissed deeply as if we were licking candy.

When we gently part our lips, there is a transparent string between my lips and Akari’s lips.



Akari’s face had turned so red that it was steamy. The depths of her eyes were tinged pink, unleashing a bewitching aura around her.

Looking at Akari’s woman face, I gulps and clears my throat.

I can’t take it anymore, I can’t stand it. ……

I can no longer stand it, and I push down on Akari.

Then, Akari’s eyes widened. She looked surprised.


“Akari ….. let’s finish this till the end.”

“Oh …….”

My words made Akari look astonished.

But she immediately smiles wickedly, “Fufu.”

“You want to do it with me?”

“Yes, I want to …….”

“Haha…… really, Yuji-kun likes sex.”

“What about you? Don’t you want to?”

“I want to do it too. …… I want to connect with you, Yuji-kun.”

“Okay, then?”

“Wait a minute, what about …… that thing?”

“That thing?”

I tilted my head at Akari’s words.

“What’s that thing?”

“Rubber, rubber …….”

“What do you mean? Rubber?”

“Well, you can’t do it raw …… We’re still in middle school.”

“I know.”

I take out a pack of ten thin layers from the plastic bag.

I bought this item at a nearby convenience store.

Seeing the 0.01mm thin thing, Akari leaks a dumb voice, “Ha ……?”

“Why do you have it ……?”

“I bought it at the convenience store a while ago.”

When I said that, Akari let out a dumb sigh, “Heh …….”

“Yuji-kun so motivated, isn’t he……?”

“I’m sorry …….”

“No, no need to apologize. I also …… wanted to f*ck with Yuji-kun.”

“You’re so naughty, Akari.”

“I don’t want Yuji-kun to tell me that.”

Akari laughed.

I laughed along with her.


I slowly wake up.

I turn my head to the side and see Akari in her natural state. Of course, I was naked too.

It’s a single bed, so my body and Akari’s are in close contact with each other.

“Good morning, Yuji-kun.”

“How long have I been asleep?”

“Hmmm, about 30 minutes?”

“30 minutes…….”

“Yuji-kun, your sleeping face was so cute.”

“Haha …… how embarrassing.”

We put our faces close to each other and kiss lightly.

We gently pull our faces apart and laugh at each other.

Today, we are connected.

Not only our hearts, but also our bodies became one.

A part of my body heats up as I recall that dreamlike event.

“Huh? You’re feeling weird again.”

“Akari was too cute while do this ……”

“Even though I did that much earlier ……. Yuji-kun is really naughty. I’m surprised.”


“Do you want to do it again?”

“Eh? Seriously? Are you sure ……?”

“Yes, it’s okay. …… I want to do it too.”

“I knew it, Akari is naughty.”

“You don’t like me being naughty ……?”

“No, I don’t hate it.”

“You mean you like me?”

“Yes, I love you, Akari.”

“I love you too, Yuji-kun ……”

[Akari’s POV]

Today, I had sex with Yuji until the end. He told me, “Let’s finish it till the end.”

Yuji is too naughty. Well, I love him for that too.

“So, that’s sex. ……”

It hurt so much, but my whole body was filled with happiness. Every time I am desired by the person I love, my heart flutters.

That dreamy time was really happy.

I want to f*ck Yuji one more time. ……

I want to please him more …….

I want him to want me more. ……

My instincts screamed “I want to do more with Yuji”. My body is craving for Yuji.

I’m becoming more and more naughty. It’s all because of Yuji. ……

I look to the side and see Yuji’s reflection in my eyes.

He was sleeping soundly and comfortably.

Seeing the sleeping face of my favorite person, my cheeks naturally relaxed.

Yuji is really cute.

Suddenly, Yuji hugged me in his sleep.

I also hugged him and patted his head gently and carefully.

“Yuji, I love you.”

I said and kissed Yuji on the lips.