Chapter 53

Name:The Most Lord Author:Sell cowhide
Allen was worried when he took the information of the magic machine in his hand.

Originally, he sent people to Wangdu as soon as the materials were copied and gave them to the kingdom in exchange for rewards, but now he found that he didn't know who to send to Wangdu.

Now the situation is turbulent. It's not safe to go to the king's capital. At least send a hero of the hero League to Allan.

However, fox Tongling's attack may come at any time. If there is less than one hero in the territory, it will have a great impact on the situation. Alan doesn't want to take a risk.

After thinking about it, Allen decided to leave the information in his hand for the time being. At least he could not send it to Wangdu until the trouble of fox Tongling was solved.

Alan praised the grass, gave him some rewards, and let the grass back.

Only then did Allen have time to communicate with Swain.

Allen told Swein the general situation of the territory and the upcoming crisis, and wanted to hear his opinion.

After hearing Allen's story, Swein meditated for a moment, and then Jie smiled.

"Lord, the most important thing now is to master the trend of fox Tong. Lord has a good tool, gale eagle."

"Now that the main enemy is fox leader, Lord, you don't have to let the gale Eagle patrol around the territory all the time. It's too conservative. Even if you can find fox leader's invasion in advance, you won't have much preparation time."

"Lord, you can send the gale Eagle directly to foxtone Town, the main city of foxtone, to monitor the movements of foxtone. Once foxtone sends troops, we will get the news at the first time."

"At that time, we will have plenty of preparation time."

Alan nodded. It's a good proposal.

Send the gale eagle to monitor fox Tongling. Although the soul transmission distance of gale eagle is limited, it is impossible to directly transmit the situation seen in fox Tongling to Allen's mind, as long as gale Eagle finds that Fox Tongling sends troops, it can fly back to inform Allen at the first time.

The flying speed of the gale eagle is at least ten times that of the ordinary army!

Thinking of this, Allen no longer hesitated and directly ordered the gale eagle to fly towards foxtone.

Swein continued: "according to the situation described by the Lord, the fox leader's military strength is stronger than our Chinese leader, but the high-end combat strength is not as good as ours. Now with Rex and I, even if the fox leader comes out, it may not be able to defeat our Chinese leader."

"From the fact that Fox Tongling is so close to our Chinese collar, but has not sent troops to attack us for a long time, there are only two possibilities."

"The first possibility is that the other party is entangled by something and can't send troops, or the other party doesn't want to send troops for revenge at all."

"Second, they are waiting for reinforcements. This reinforcements may be a large number of soldiers or several high-end combat forces."

"From the previous situation, there may be the shadow of other forces behind this fox leader, so it is more likely to wait for reinforcements."

Swein's analysis made Allen frown.

The strength of fox link is above that of Huaxia link. If reinforcements join, Huaxia link will face much greater pressure.

Swain saw Allen's doubts, Jie said with a smile: "Lord, rest assured that the strength of our Huaxia collar in fox's calculation is only the strength of the previous Huaxia collar."

"I, rexay, gale eagle and frost Archer are all beyond their calculation. So even if they have reinforcements, they won't be too outrageous. We don't have the power of a war."

"Moreover, war is not a simple comparison of strength. If only the comparison of strength can tell the victory or defeat, there will be no so-called war in the world."

Alan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "do you have any good strategies?"

Svein Jie smiled: "war is nothing more than four words, Qizheng Xiangzuo."

"The so-called righteousness is to fight head-on with a dignified teacher, arrange troops and array, and win with strength."

"The so-called wonder is that the sky, the land and the people are harmonious, and all of them can be used by themselves."

"Since we Chinese leaders can't beat each other with Zheng, we have to win by surprise!"

Alan was stunned at swiyne's words.

What are "Qizheng Xiangzuo" and "favorable weather, place and people". Svein, are you sure you come from the hero alliance rather than from ancient China?

"Did you study all this yourself?" Alan asked admiringly.

If so, svein was definitely a military master in ancient China, a figure like Sun Wu and Sun Bin.

Swein smiled with a rare embarrassment: "no, these are the remarks of Zhao Xin, head of Debang. Although Marshal Zhao Xin is from demasia, his military attainments are indeed the best in the whole Valoran continent."

Alan suddenly realized that it was so.

Those who are familiar with the background story of the hero alliance know that Zhao Xin, the German state manager, is not a native of walland, but crossed walland from other worlds through the runic land of walland.

The world where Zhao Xin lived before he crossed may well be ancient China, which can be heard from the few words Zhao Xin often said.

"A little cold comes first, and then the gun comes out like a dragon!"

"If you want to be trapped, you will die without life!"

"Even if we are outnumbered, the last general can take the head of the enemy general among the thousands of troops!"

These words are obviously spoken in the tone of an ancient Chinese general, so Zhao Xin's statement from ancient China is not completely groundless.

When on earth, some players of the hero League even said that Zhao Xin was the descendant of Zhao Yun, a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period. Of course, this statement has no basis at all, but it is true that Zhao Xin has a "Zhao Yun Zilong" skin.

What Allen didn't expect was that after Zhao Xin crossed to Valoran, he even publicized some ancient Chinese military thought in Valoran.

This gives Allen a sense of seeing that when he was on the earth before crossing, the protagonist of the novel crossed into ancient times and won fame by plagiarizing the famous poems of later generations.

Sure enough, the thinking of the walkers have something in common!

"What's your plan?"

Ellen asked svein. Svein said so much. Should he have a plan in mind?

"There are no countermeasures for the time being," Swein replied. "One of the most effective methods is to win the strong with the weak. I want to observe the terrain around my territory and see if there are any places that can be used."

Alan nodded, "then I'll go with you."

The rainbow field where the sun kingdom is located is a plain terrain, and most areas are flat, especially in the urban area of nice.

Allen accompanied Swein to observe the only way from Fox link to Huaxia link for a long time, and Swein didn't find anything worth using.

Suddenly, Swein saw a large grass in the distance and his eyes lit up.

The meadow was far from the road, and Alan and Swain stood by the road, only visible from a distance.

"Go and have a look," Swain said.

The grass was so big that Alan stood on the edge of the grass and couldn't see the other ends of the grass at all. Different from ordinary wild weeds, this kind of weeds is half a meter high and has a yellow color with a trace of green.

"It's yellow silk grass," Allen happened to know this kind of grass and said, "this kind of grass grows in many places on the mainland. Yellow silk grass has strong spreading ability. As long as a few roots appear, it can quickly spread into a large area."

"Moreover, the absorption of soil nutrients by yellow silk grass is extremely overbearing. In the area where yellow silk grass grows, other plants die. Therefore, if this grass appears near farmland, people will generally burn it."

"Does this grass burn easily?" Swain asked.

"It's easy," Allen replied. "Once there's a fire, no matter how wide the grass is, it'll burn the whole piece."

Swein Jie smiled: "great, I think we can use a fire to meet fox Tong's guests."