Chapter 104

Name:The Most Lord Author:Sell cowhide
In the examination room, Arthur found his seat according to the number plate and sat down leisurely. After a while, a soldier came to him with test paper and paper and pen, and put them on his desk.

"Start answering questions!"

When all the candidates got the test papers, the official who assisted Alan in invigilating the test shouted.

Arthur picked up the test paper and found that the second test paper was different from the first test paper. There was a big blank, and only one topic was written at the top.

"Give you a town, how will you manage it?"

This topic was beyond Arthur's expectation, but it was reasonable.

Arthur wrote down his name on the test paper, thought a little, smiled confidently, picked up his pen and began to answer.

"Law is the foundation of governing territory."

Arthur wrote and answered on the test paper without a pause.

Although Arthur was proficient in many aspects of knowledge, what he was most interested in and studied most was the law. Even these years, in his spare time, Arthur wrote a code himself.

If you put Arthur in the ancient Chinese Spring and autumn and Warring States period, he would be a legalist.

Arthur wrote all his legal ideas on the test paper. His thoughts were flying and he wrote quickly. When he finished answering the questions, he found that the time was less than an hour.

You know, the retest time is three hours. Other candidates are still buried in answering questions, and even some candidates are still thinking and don't write.

Arthur read what he had written again, thought a little, picked up the test paper and walked out of his compartment. Now that the answer has been completed and there is nothing to modify, it makes no sense to continue to sit here.

Allen is sitting on the high platform in the school field. Although the candidates under the stage are in the compartment, Allen's position can take a glance at these candidates.

Suddenly, Allen saw a candidate stand up, pick up the test paper on the table, walk towards the high platform, take a closer look, it was Arthur.

Alan was a little surprised. Did Arthur finish the paper so soon?

Sure enough, Arthur handed the test paper to the soldiers in charge of winding up under the stage, and then left the examination room under the guidance of other soldiers.

"Bring up his test paper."

Ellen said to a bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard came down from the high platform, asked Arthur's answer to the soldiers who collected the papers, returned to Alan and handed it to Alan.

Allen opened Arthur's answer sheet, and the word law first came into sight.

After reading carefully, Arthur wrote how to formulate a detailed and reasonable law and rely on the law to govern the territory.

If Allen could summarize Arthur's ideas with the knowledge he learned in politics class in middle school, it would be to govern according to law, so that there are laws to follow, laws must be strictly enforced, and violations of laws must be prosecuted.

After reading Arthur's answer sheet, Allen smiled gently. He didn't think Arthur was still a talent in law. But it happens that the territory needs such talents now.

Allen thought about making his own laws and establishing his own law department in the territory a few months ago, but it was delayed because the territory was busy expanding some time ago.

The laws of the kingdom are too aristocratic, and there is no guarantee for the interests of civilians. These laws are worthless in Allen's eyes. It's impossible for Allen to govern the territory according to the laws of the kingdom!

For example, it's like Arthur had a conflict with the noble youth a few days ago. If Allen was tried according to the laws of the Kingdom, it would be light for Arthur to be caught and half killed!

This kind of law is obviously unacceptable to Allen.

Since Arthur is well versed in the law, he might as well set up a special law department in the territory to be responsible for Arthur, re enact the territory law, and publicly try all legal cases in the territory.

But it's not urgent. We can wait until the second round is over.

As time went by, many examinees finished answering questions and handed in their papers. Allen didn't hurry to read the back papers. He was ready to review them uniformly in the future.

Three hours passed quickly. After the examination, all the candidates handed in their papers.

"Let's inform you and announce the test results on the 12th of this month."

Allen said to his assistant, and then left the examination room with the bodyguard and the test paper.

From today to December, there are more than six days to mark 99 test papers. In fact, it doesn't take so long. A day or two is enough.

The reason for staying so long is that Allen has other things to deal with, that is, to investigate the detailed identity and background of the candidates who have passed the re examination.

The candidates who pass the re examination, Alan has to entrust an important task. They are basically the head of a town. In case Alan doesn't know about the spies of other forces or people with bad purposes, the consequences will be serious.

Therefore, the identity of candidates must be investigated and cleared!

Allen spent the next two days in marking and practicing. The progress of marking the test paper was similar to Allen's expectation. On the afternoon of the 7th, he finished marking all the test papers.

It has to be said that the ideas of these candidates are very different. Some are bright, some are ordinary, some are extreme, and some are childish. In addition to Arthur, Allen selected ten candidates who are close to his concept of governing territory and decided to hand over ten towns outside China to them.

In other words, 11 people passed the re examination.

As for those who failed the re examination, Allen decided to let them stay in Huaxia town for training together with the more than 100 people previously selected to become Reserve officials of Huaxia collar.

For example, when the law department is established, branches will be set up in every town, and the officials of these branches can be selected from these people.

In fact, Allen has a big plan for the establishment of the law department, but the specific implementation needs to be carefully considered before making a decision.

Allen asked the bodyguard to find the detective of Knox. Now there are ten detective of Knox in the territory, five of which are in Huaxia town.

"You act separately. Before the 11th, check the identity and background of these 11 people and report to me."

Allen gave the list of eleven people, including Arthur, to five Knox agents, ordered.

"Yes, Lord!"

Five Knox agents were ordered to assign each person to investigate which candidates according to the towns where the candidates on the list were located, and set off separately.

A few days later, the noxas spies sent to investigate the identity of the candidates returned to Huaxia collar one after another. By noon on the 11th, the last spy also returned.

The details of the eleven candidates were handed over to Allen.

In addition to Arthur, the identities of the other ten candidates are innocent. They grew up in their own town since childhood, including relatives, friends and growth experience.

Allen can safely use these ten people. At least they won't be spies sent by other forces. But Arthur's information is not so plain.

According to the information investigated by the secret agent, Arthur went to marir village in Kribi town with an old man named Abner five years ago, and has settled in marir village since then.

Arthur calls Abner a teacher and respects Abner very much, but the identity of Arthur and Abner before is a blank, and the detective of Knox can't find out at all.

Of course, this can't blame the poor ability of noxas spy, but the strength of Huaxia collar itself is too weak and has no influence in areas other than Huaxia collar.

However, Allen didn't cross over five years ago, and the Huaxia leader hasn't appeared yet. Don't worry that Arthur was sent by other forces to deal with the Huaxia leader. So Arthur can also be used.

Allen handed the list of eleven people to the bodyguard: "make a gold list and write their names. Remember, the gold list is more gorgeous."

After the explanation, Allen couldn't help but rejoice. Is this an alien version of the golden list?

Whether it's the imperial examination or the gold list, it's Allen's prank to entertain himself. It's just a harmless joke that no one knows.

The next day, the square was filled with people early, and all the 99 candidates who took part in the re examination arrived. Because the Lord's office has informed us that the examination results will be announced on the square this morning.