Chapter 124

Name:The Most Lord Author:Sell cowhide
On the battlefield, the army led by the red rose was surrounded by the blue shirt corps and had to gather in a circle to resist the attack of the blue shirt army.

At the center of the battle circle, Sophia looked cold and kept giving orders, commanding her soldiers to resist the impact of the blue shirt army again and again. Sophia at this time is full of the a strange charm, but no one appreciates it now.

Although under the command of Sophia, the defense of the red rose collar is in good order, people with a clear eye can see that the red rose collar is at the end of a powerful crossbow and may collapse under the attack of the blue shirt army at any time.

Next to Sophia, a bodyguard and ten knights in red armor closely guarded her.

Su Feiya's personal guard was named Klau Doris, who was the one who said he was his own eye liner.

The ten knights are from the ace army led by the red rose, the rose Knights!

Sophia brought a total of 100 rose knights to attack the blue shirt army. Unfortunately, most of the rose Knights have been killed in the previous breakthrough battle, and now there are only ten left.

However, nearly a thousand blue shirts died in the hands of these 100 rose Knights!

"Young lady, let's protect you to break through!" Klaus advised. It was not the first time she said this, but Sophia remained unmoved.

With her and ten rose knights, Sophia has a high chance of breaking through!

Sophia shook her head. "Claudius, you don't have to persuade me anymore."

"Now the soldiers are fighting to the death. I can't abandon them and break out alone!"

Sophia said firmly.

"But miss, once the blue shirts break our defense, if you fall into the hands of the blue shirts..."

"You know, that guy Claren has been plotting against you!"

Sophia sighed, "don't worry, I won't be caught alive by the blue shirt army."

Clarice's face darkened when she heard the speech, and then said firmly, "Miss, I'll accompany you!"

Sophia's face was also darkened. She couldn't help thinking how good it would be if someone could save herself and these soldiers at this time.

Think of this, Sophia's mind inexplicably flashed a person's face, Alan Senlan. If any force has the ability to rescue them now, it is undoubtedly the Chinese leader. It would be nice for other forces to protect themselves in this chaotic war.

Allen galloped all the way with his army. Finally, the belligerents appeared in his sight.

"Vanguard knight, follow me! Centaur shooter, long-range support!"

At the command of Allen, he rushed to the blue shirt army with Galen, asso, delaire and 50 pioneer knights.

Vanguard Knights belong to the top of the five ranks of arms. Everyone has the strength of five levels of peak. It's easy to rush into the military array composed of a group of two or three levels of soldiers!

Besides, there are three sharp knives in front of them, Galen, asso and delaire.

Although delaire is a female soldier, her fighting style is extremely wild because of the powerful power and defense brought by the dragon's blood. She can definitely be called a big killer on the battlefield!


Alan led the troops into the blue shirt army, like a tiger into a sheep. Wherever the cavalry went, they were either killed or injured!

Suddenly, the blue shirt army was in chaos.

"It seems that reinforcements have arrived!"

Sophia, who is surrounded by blue shirts, likes to say that she has been paying attention to the changes on the battlefield. Alan led the troops to rush into the array, and she naturally noticed it immediately.

Just because of the many obstacles of the blue shirt army, she didn't see who came to help.

However, the Centaur shooter who closely followed the pioneer Knight exposed the identity of Huaxia collar.

After the vanguard Knight rushed into the enemy array, the Centaur Archer immediately drove his horse close, drew his bow and arrow and began shooting. The tall body of the Centaur can't be blocked by human soldiers.

Sophia saw the conspicuous Centaur shooter at a glance and said excitedly, "the Centaur shooter is a Chinese led army!"

Centaur shooter has now become one of the symbols of Chinese leadership.

If there is no doubt which side is the most powerful except the blue shirt army on the battlefield, it must be the Huaxia collar. At this time, seeing that the aid is the Huaxia collar, all the soldiers of the red rose collar have a boost in morale.


Alan led his troops in a rampage among the blue shirts, and no one could defeat him. Gradually, the commander of the blue shirt army found that things were bad.

Although the number of cavalry suddenly appeared is small, the combat effectiveness is too strong! If they continue to kill like this, they may have to explain all their nearly 1000 people here.


The commander gave a decisive order.

The blue shirts began to retreat, but would Alan let them leave easily?

"Vanguard knight, Centaur Archer, pursue!" Allen ordered. "Kill one more!"

Alan now hates the blue shirts!

"Bang! Bang!"

Two soft sounds came from the direction of the retreat of the blue shirt army, and two Mushroom bombs burst.

Timo suddenly appeared, looked at the flustered blue shirt army and smiled: "want to escape? Have you asked me, Lord Timo!"

Then Timo put the arrow gun to his mouth and blew it gently. Several arrows flew from the arrow gun. Each arrow accurately hit a blue shirt soldier's throat or forehead.

The Chinese army began to chase and kill the blue shirt army, and Allen rode to the disabled soldiers led by red rose. Now there are only more than 200 soldiers led by red rose, but those who can live to the present are absolute elite.

He was greeted by Miss Red Rose, Sophia.

"Miss Sophia, we meet again," Alan smiled.

Sophia smiled softly, "thank Lord Allen for his help."

"We are friendly forces, and we should," said Allen. "I'm also very happy to save Miss Sophia. It would be a pity for a wonderful woman like Miss Sophia to die on the battlefield."

This is Allen's truth, not a compliment. Let alone among women, Sophia's ability is also extremely excellent even among men.

Sophia blushed at the words. Is he praising me?

"Miss Sophia, what are you going to do next?" Allen asked.

"What's your plan?" Sophia showed a trace of confusion. "Take these soldiers back to the territory first, and then make a long-term plan. This time, the strength of the coalition army is greatly damaged, and the city Lord's house is completely destroyed. I'm afraid no one can compete with the blue shirt army in nice city in the future."

"We can only hope that the kingdom can repel the invasion of harilo as soon as possible, and then send troops to fight against the blue shirt army."

Alan nodded. "What if the kingdom can't beat back the kingdom of Harlow?"

Hearing the question, everyone was silent. If the kingdom cannot repel the kingdom of harilo, all forces in nice urban area have no other way to go except to take refuge in the blue shirt army and be destroyed by the blue shirt army.

Allen also felt that this topic was a little heavy. He smiled and said, "the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. The blue shirt army is not invincible. I believe we can always find a way to deal with them."

Just then, the vanguard knights and Centaur shooters returned one after another. The pursuit just now killed most of the blue shirt army, and only a few escaped.

"Miss Sophia, we're going back to Huaxia, too. Let's say goodbye."

Allen said, Huaxia collar and red rose collar, one in the southeast and one in the west, are not on the way.

Sophia nodded: "if there is a chance in the future, Sophia will report to Lord Allen for saving her life."

Alan laughed and joked, "how about making a promise by example?"

With that, Alan immediately felt that he had made a mistake. Now he is not the Chinese country of his previous life. This kind of joke can't be opened casually.

Sophia smelled the speech and her cheeks turned red. She lowered her head and dared not look at Alan again.

"Lord Allen, are you threatening grace?"

Crowrice, beside Sophia, glared at Ellen and said, this guy dares to take the opportunity to hit the eldest lady!

Alan smiled awkwardly, "I'm kidding. I'm just kidding."

Sophia raised her head. The blush on her face had not receded. She whispered, "it doesn't matter, Lord Allen."

Somehow, Sophia felt inexplicably lost when she heard that Alan was joking.

Just when Allen was embarrassed by his gaffe, a signal bomb suddenly floated in the distance. The flare exploded in the air, forming a pattern of red roses.

"It's our red rose collar's distress signal!"

Sophia said excitedly, "did anyone else escape!"

When the red rose collar broke through the siege, her soldiers were scattered into several parts. Sophia didn't know if there were any other troops to escape except them. Now I see the distress signal, it is likely that another part of the soldiers escaped for help.

"Everyone, let me support!" Sophia ordered the red rose soldiers.

"Miss Sophia, let's go with you," Ellen said.

Sophia nodded and said happily, "thank you, Lord Allen!"

Now Sophia has only more than 200 disabled soldiers under her command. If the enemy is powerful, they may not be able to rescue them, so they have to take them in. Now Ellen is willing to lead the army to help. Naturally, it can't be better.

Allen said, "it's not too late. Why don't we take the cavalry to support us first so as not to have an accident when we're late."

"Well, please Lord Allen!" Sophia said gratefully.

Alan brought all the cavalry this time. Naturally, all the people went out. And Sophia's cavalry, only the ten rose knights.

Sophia, along with Clarice and ten rose knights, set out with Allen and others and galloped towards the position where the signal bomb was fired.

Getting closer and closer, Alan and others were surprised that they didn't hear how fierce the fighting was.

Is it in this short time that the people led by the red rose have been killed?

Sophia felt extremely anxious and hurried to the front. Finally, the faint sound of fighting came and several figures appeared in everyone's vision.

The scene before us was not a large number of troops fighting as Allen imagined, but five soldiers were besieging a soldier.

The besieged soldiers wore red armor with the pattern of red rose collar engraved on the armor. It was a rose Knight! Under the siege of five enemies, the rose knight was wounded and in danger.

"It's harrengos!" Sophia exclaimed when she saw the face of the besieged rose knight. "Isn't he stationed in the territory? How can he appear here!"

"Is something wrong with the territory!"