Chapter 141

Name:The Most Lord Author:Sell cowhide
Huaxia collar, Huaxia town.

Alan's days these days are very leisurely. The city Lord's residence ambushed the blue shirt army successfully and defeated the blue shirt army. Allen doesn't have to worry about the attack of the blue shirt army in a short time.

And Allen is sure that after this great victory, the city Lord's house will continue to buy soldiers from him in order to pursue the victory and counter attack the blue shirt army.

At that time, I can make a lot of money again, buy soldiers with the gold coins, attack the blue shirt army with the city Lord's house and avenge svein!

Although Allen sent Kakashi to inquire about Swain, Allen thought Swain was dead in his heart. After all, in that case, unless the blue shirts took the initiative to let svein go, svein would hardly survive!

But Swein killed the son of Karus, the first strong blue shirt army. How can the blue shirt army bypass him?

Having nothing to do, Allen entered the most lords system.

Allen spent 700000 gold coins to open the second accessory element of the one million gold coins he got from the last transaction with the city Lord's mansion. Now he has more than 300000 gold coins left. Allen hasn't used up more than 300000 gold coins so far.

The main reason is that Huaxia collar doesn't have much external pressure now. Neither heroes nor soldiers are in urgent need. Allen wants to keep these gold coins for emergencies.

Later, Allen entered the second subsidiary element, Naruto. When Allen saw the remaining kill value, he was surprised.

The remaining kill value clearly says 115 points!

You know, killing a level 10 strong person only has 100 kill points. Kakashi has accumulated more than 100 kill points in just a few days, which really surprised Allen.

He would never have thought that Kakashi really killed a level 10 strong man.

Upgrading Kakashi from level 8 to level 9 requires 90 kill points, which is now enough. Based on the principle of elite soldiers, Allen decided not to summon new ninjas and promoted Kakashi to level 9 first.

After all, both the city Lord's mansion and the blue shirt army have level 11 strongmen. In terms of peak combat power, Huaxia leader can't fight them at all. So Allen wants to train Kakashi first, at least to compete with the city Lord's house and the blue shirt army in terms of peak combat power.

To instill killing value into ninjas, ninjas must be around Allen, so Allen can only instill killing value into Kakashi and improve his level after he returns to the territory.

Alan was immersed in the system when the bodyguard called and Arthur asked for an interview.

Since the last time Allen and Arthur had a dispute over the severity of sentencing, Arthur has kept himself at home without stepping out of the house. Now Arthur's sudden request for an interview shows that Arthur has made a decision.

"Bring him to me."

Allen said that the construction of the law court is about to be completed, and even the branches in some towns have been completed. No matter what decision Arthur makes, the new law must be formulated as soon as possible.

"Arthur, see your Lord."

Arthur bowed when he saw Alan.

Alan nodded and reached for asso to sit down.

"Arthur, have you made a decision about the sentencing of the new law?"

Arthur nodded, "yes, Lord."

"Arthur thought for a long time after he went back and discussed with the teacher many times. The Lord advocated light sentencing and focusing on teaching, which may be inappropriate in troubled times, but now we Chinese people live a stable life. Light sentencing for some minor crimes may be really better than important."

"But in some major crimes, the sentencing must be heavier!"

Arthur said.

Alan nodded, "what's the big crime you're talking about?"

"Killing without reason, adultery, betraying territory..."

Arthur listed some of the great crimes he thought.

"Those who commit these crimes must be sentenced to death!"

Alan nodded: "yes, the people who committed these crimes are all ferocious people. It doesn't hurt to kill them."

"However, one of these major crimes should be added: abductors and traffickers should be killed!"

Don't think that there is no human trafficking in other worlds. In fact, this situation is more serious in other worlds. These abducted people are generally sold to slave traders, who then sell them as slaves. These people who are sold as slaves will live in endless darkness all their lives.

"Also, the territory prohibits all slave trade. No slave merchant is allowed to step into our Chinese territory!"

Arthur nodded that he was equally disgusted with the human trafficking.

"Well, you've been keeping yourself at home these days. I told you that you haven't done anything about selecting officials."

"Now, you go to the candidate officials to select some talents who are proficient in the law and ask them to help you formulate the new law as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Lord."

Arthur left to finish the task assigned by Alan.

After Arthur left, Alan was thinking about what to do next. Suddenly, a figure appeared in the house.

"Kakashi." Alan was surprised. He didn't expect Kakashi to return to the territory so soon. Did svein have news?

"See you, Lord." Kakashi bowed slightly.

"You're back. How are you? Did you find out the whereabouts of Swain? Is it dead or alive?"

Allen asked hurriedly. Although he thought svein was probably dead, he was still looking forward to a miracle.

Facts have proved that there are indeed miracles in this world.

"Report back to your Lord," kakasi said. "Svein is still alive and has been rescued by us."

Alan was overjoyed at the speech!

"Where's Swain? Bring him to me!"

Soon, Swein and Chu appeared in front of Allen.

Alan saw Swain, laughed and went forward to give Swain a bear hug.

"Swain, you're still alive, great, great!"

Svein Jie smiled: "I svein can't die so easily. I have to give advice for the Lord."

Allen patted svein excitedly and said with a smile, "I'll inform Galen of this good news as soon as possible!"

Galen and other heroes of the hero league are now stationed in Kribi town. Fortunately, Allen gave Galen a magic communication device that can directly contact him.

Allen pulls out the magic device corresponding to the device in Galen's hand, presses the green button and starts calling Galen.

The call was connected, and Galen's voice came from the magic communication device.

"Lord, this is Galen. What can I do for you?"

Alan laughed: "Galen, I have good news for you. It's great news!"

Galen's hearty laughter came from the device: "what good news makes you so happy, Lord. Did the blue shirt army lose the battle again?"

"Of course not," said Alan. "What do you want most now, Galen?"

"What do you want to happen most?"

Galen was silent for a while and then said, "what I want most is that Swain can come back alive."

Galen's voice is a little low. Swain's life and death is unknown for the dead, which is the eternal pain in the hearts of all heroes of the league, including him.

When Swein heard Galen say so, his steady face trembled slightly and his heart was moved.

Alan laughed: "Congratulations, Galen, your greatest wish has come true!"