Chapter 269

Name:The Most Lord Author:Sell cowhide
The next morning, Alan had breakfast and sat in the hall of the Lord's house early, waiting for the arrival of the interviewer.

After a night's thinking, Allen decided to move the three performance forms of crosstalk, sketch and drama from his previous life to this world. Of course, if he found someone with special skills during the interview, he could also add acrobatic performance.

Alan has no idea whether crosstalk and sketch will succeed, but the performance of drama has unique advantages in this world.

The interviewers had already lined up outside. After Allen announced the start of the interview, people poured into the city master's house with excitement. Under the command of the guards, a long line was lined up at the door of the hall again.

Alan was accompanied by lacs, Ruiwen and other heroes who had no mission, as well as Brent, the official in charge of the celebration performance.

The first one to come in for an interview was an aristocratic youth. Although he was not outstanding, he was fairly decent. When the young man entered the house, he looked indifferent.

"Meet your Lord."

The young man gave Alan his name and bowed to Alan.

"Are you here to interview actors? Or do you have a skill?" Allen asked.

"Interview actors."

Ellen thought: "if you suddenly get a million gold coins, the expression of ecstasy, you show it."

The young man nodded and then stood there quietly with a smile on his face.

After a long time, Allen urged, "you can perform."

"Lord, I'm already performing."


The young man smiled faintly: "money and I are like floating clouds. Even if a million gold coins are put in front of me, I still have this indifferent expression."

Alan's forehead turned black and continued to write a question: "what would you do if you met a legendary beast rushing towards you? Perform."

The young man nodded, calmly stood in place and looked ahead.

"But the legendary beast shouldn't be enough to scare you, so you're so calm?" Allen asked.

The young man nodded with a smile: "Lord, you are wise."

Alan understood that the boy was just making trouble!

"Somebody, catch him and cut him directly," Allen ordered to the bodyguard next to him.


The two bodyguards beside him took orders and marched towards the young man.

When the young man saw two bodyguards coming towards him, his face changed greatly. He wanted to pass the pass easily with his indifferent performance. How did he get killed!

"Lord, spare your life, spare your life!" the young man knelt to the ground and prayed with snot and tears, calm down no longer.

Alan looked at him and smiled softly, "why, don't you calm down now?"

"Go down, you don't pass the interview!"

"Thank you Lord, thank you Lord!" the young man quickly thanked and ran out in a panic.

Alan shook his head. It's outrageous that the boy should make fun of himself.


Several people were interviewed in a row, but none of them satisfied Allen. Their performances were so stiff that they didn't know what they were. Allen also knows that no wonder these people, because there is no profession of actor in this world.

Later, Allen had to lower his requirements. As long as his acting skills were passable, he asked them to stay behind and wait for the second round of interview.

At noon, Allen had a hasty meal and continued the interview.

The interviewers' lunch was also in charge of the city hall, which also didn't make them hungry.


With the cry of the guard at the door, an old magician wearing a worn magician robe with two or three patches on the robe entered the hall.

The old magician looked like he was in his early 60s, with white beard and hair, disheveled hair, and a beard that he hadn't taken care of for a long time. He looked very down-to-earth. The magic wand in the old magician's hand was also shabby, and the bare began to reflect light.

Ellen slightly felt that the strength of the old magician was only level 1. With such an old level 1 magician, we can see how poor the talent of the old magician is!

I'm afraid it's just a little better than ordinary people and can barely practice magic.

"Fire magician, Anthony, meet the Lord and all adults."

The old magician walked into the hall and respectfully saluted Allen, lacs and others.

"Master Anthony, I don't know whether you are here to interview actors or have a skill?" Allen asked. The reason why the word "you" is used is out of respect for the elderly.

Whether rich or poor, the elderly in their 60s are worthy of respect.

Anthony smiled and his voice was a little hoarse: "it's a skill. I'm here to make a fool of myself in front of the Lord."

Anthony was also at sixes and sevens about whether his skill would be recognized by the Lord.

As he showed, he didn't get along well. Anthony is a first-class magician aged 60, 30 and 63 this year. A slightly powerful Lord will not accept it. Some small Lords would accept Anthony's refuge, but Anthony didn't want to spend the rest of his life in a poor small territory.

So he began to wander around, relying on his skills to perform around, but he could also earn the money needed for life, but his life was a little tight.

Yesterday, he was performing his unique skills in a small village near nice city. Suddenly, he heard the news that the Lord recruited people with skills to perform, so he came to try his luck.

"Then ask the old mage to perform," Allen said.

Anthony nodded and slowly stretched out his right hand. In the palm of his hand, a fireball slightly larger than his fist appeared out of thin air.

Just when everyone was confused and felt that releasing a fireball was a skill, the fireball in Anthony's palm suddenly began to change.

The fireball changed in Anthony's palm, and finally turned into a flame bird. The bird's eyes, mouth, legs and every feather on his body were all lifelike and vivid! If people hadn't seen the formation of the flame bird with their own eyes, they might mistakenly think it was a living flame creature!

What's more amazing is that the flame bird made two soft calls, waved its wings and began to fly around Anthony. Every dance of the wings of the flame bird is no different from that of the real bird. It can't be seen that it is controlled by people!

"What a strong fire control ability!" beside Allen, lacs couldn't help sighing all her life. "Even if brand's guy, I'm afraid his fire control ability is a little inferior to the old mage."

Brad in Lach's mouth is naturally one of the most powerful fire magicians in varolland, revenge flame soul brand.

Alan nodded: "yes, I'm afraid the legendary magician can't control magic to this extent. Anthony can be called a master of fire control regardless of his strength."

However, what is more shocking is still behind. After Anthony turned into a flaming bird, a fireball rose in the palm of his hand again, and then began to turn.

A vivid flame bird appeared again, and its shape was very different from that of the first bird.

Then there is the third, the fourth, the fifth

Finally, nine flaming birds of different shapes flew up and down around Anthony, making a soft sound.