If you don't have feet, you can't move, which means you can't start a hole. Life and death depend on your mouth.

However, Yang Chen found that the clothes she was wearing were ancient clothes, which proved that when she passed through the ancient times, it was estimated that it was in a martial arts drama.

But in Yang Chen's impression, I don't remember any hermit expert without feet.

"Don't jump out any experts later." Yang Chen prayed silently in her heart. If she came directly to several experts and killed herself, she would have no choice to slip away again.

Just now, Yang Chen heard a rustle of footsteps.

Yang Chen thought to herself that it would be better to strike first than wait for death passively.

"Who disturbed us?" Yang Chen pretended to hum, but he felt his voice was low and old. He thought, did he cross into an old man?

The man listened to Yang Chen's voice and said in a panic, "please point out the way?"

"Way?" Yang Chen doesn't know who this person is. He only knows that the characters he passes through will face death. Therefore, any person he meets may be the murderer who will kill himself. Therefore, if he wants to live, he must stay alone in this ghost place.

Anyway, after the dangerous period, the system will automatically send itself back.

"Yes." The man said again, "if you don't give me directions, how can I walk?"

"Little monk?" After hearing these two words, Yang Chen suddenly came to the spirit: "so you are a monk?"

"Yes, I have been a monk since I was a child." As the man spoke, he followed the sound. Yang Chen saw that the visitor was a young monk. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, turned up nostrils, ears and thick lips, and added a few more scars on his face.

"Monks should abide by the rules and regulations, and no killing is allowed. That's the first rule. You should be familiar with becoming a monk since childhood?" Yang Chen asked.

"Of course the little monk knows." The monk replied respectfully, "excuse me, elder, are you Mr. Su Xinghe's master?"

"Su Xinghe?" Yang Chen seemed to think of something. He opened his mouth and asked, "are you a virtual bamboo?"

"Eh? Old master, how do you know the monk's name? " The false bamboo surprised me.

"Then I'm no Yazi?" Yang Chen suddenly figured out who he was.

It turned out that I crossed to wuyazi in Tianlong Babu. According to the normal plot trend, when Xu Zhu came in, I passed on his skills. He took revenge on Ding Chunqiu on his behalf, so I directly took the boxed lunch and left.

But in the face of this plot, Yang Chen thinks it's not difficult for him to survive. As long as he doesn't pass on merit to Xu Zhu, he can continue to live well.

In order to survive, I can only grievance old Mr. wuyazi. Let's not revenge this revenge for the time being.

"Elder, you really have no precipice?" Xuzhu suddenly showed a smile. He knelt down on his knees and kowtowed directly to Yang Chen.

"What are you doing?" Yang Chen asked curiously.

"Worship the old master as a teacher." Xu Zhu said, "master, please pass on your skills to the disciple so that you can clean up the old thief Ding Chunqiu for you."

Yang Chen was suddenly confused. He didn't remember that the plot of the original novel would come to such a period? Xu Zhu seems to resist Wu Yazi's passing on his kung fu. Why did he take the initiative?

"That..." Yang Chen had an idea and hurriedly said, "I'm not wuyazi. I'm his twin brother youyazi."

Xuzhu immediately asked, "since the elder is wuyazi's twin brother, why don't you have the same surname as wuyazi?"

"Fool, is your name Xu Zhu, and your last name is Xu?" Yang Chen hurriedly said, "I'm an expert in the Jianghu. If I do anything, I have to have an expert style, a name, and a good name that fits my own eight characters. My brother has no cliff, which means that the sea of suffering is boundless. Turning back is the shore. If I have a cliff, it means that the sea of suffering is boundless. I have to repent in time, okay?"

When Xu Zhu heard the speech, he folded his hands: "I'm really lucky to be taught by the old master. But now the old thief Ding Chunqiu is crazy outside. Mr. Su asked me to come in and inherit the skills of the old master wuyazi. Please give me some advice."

Yang Chen thought and gave Xu Zhu skill, which is equivalent to losing his own life. It's not cost-effective. Immediately he said, "little monk, to tell you the truth, my brother is dead."

"Ah?" Xuzhu exclaimed. Unexpectedly, elder wuyazi was dead.

"Well... Mr. Su asked me to come in and worship elder wuyazi as a teacher. I need his skills to deal with Ding Chunqiu. What should I do now?" Xu Zhu said anxiously.

Yang Chen also knew that Xu Zhu was a kind-hearted young man. At that moment, he took off the jade wrench in his hand, handed it to Xu Zhu and said, "put it on."

Xu Zhu didn't know why, so he took the jade finger and put it on his thumb.

"Although my brother is dead, it doesn't matter. I'll pass the position of leader of Xiaoyao sect to you on his behalf." Yang Chen said.

"Can you pass on his skills to me?" Xu Zhu asked.

Yang Chen was immediately displeased and said, "do you think I'm Bluetooth? "Just pass it on?"

"What is Bluetooth?" Xu Zhu asked.

"Listen to me." Yang Chen said, "you are the leader of Xiaoyao sect when you wear this jade trigger. Although my brother can't pass on skills to you, my brother also has a younger martial sister named Tianshan tonggrandma. Go to lingjiu palace to find her and let her pass on your Tianshan six Yang palm and plum folding hand. Having these skills is enough for you to deal with Ding Chunqiu."

"But I'm afraid I can't get into the vulture palace because I have average skills." Xu Zhu worried.

"Don't panic. Everything is under my control." Yang Chen asked, "is there a young childe outside?"

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhu replied, "elder, there are two. Which one do you mean?"

"Dali Shizi Duan Yu." Yang Chen replied.

"Oh, the elder refers to childe Duan?" Xu Zhu said, "he is indeed here. What can I do for him?"

"You are kind-hearted, and you must be blessed. After you go out, you will make friends with that childe Duan, and then go to Liao to find your adoptive brother Qiao Feng. Let him protect you to lingjiu palace and look for Tianshan child grandmother. After you find Tianshan child grandmother, you will show this jade wrench, and she will know my pains." Yang Chen said.

"So troublesome?" Xu Zhu showed an embarrassed look.

"Heaven will take great responsibility for this man. We must first work hard, work hard and starve his body and skin." Yang Chen said, "can't you even suffer from this?"

Not wanting to be underestimated, Xu Zhu immediately said, "of course, I can bear hardships."

"Well, remember my words. Now it's time to do it quickly." Yang Chen said.