-1 Cultivation System

Name:The Myriad Hack System Author:Arone

Deity or Immortal Cultivation

Rank 0 Demi God / Semi Immortal

Rank 1 Lesser God / Nascent Immortal

Rank 2 Mediant God / Eminent Immortal

Rank 3 Greater God / Venerated Immortal

Rank 4 Grand God / Exalted Immortal

Rank 5 Supreme God / Utmost Immortal

Throned Ranks

Rank 6 God Regent / Immortal Lord

Rank 7 God Ruler / Immortal King

Rank 8 God Monarch / Immortal Emperor

Rank 9 God Hegemon / Immortal Autarch

Rank 10 God Sovereign / Immortal Overlord

Each rank is further 5 Stages

Lower>Middle>Higher>Prime(Hidden)>Apex (Hidden)

Each Stage is further divided in 10 Grades 1st-10th

Level Ranking

Rank=1000 Levels, Stage=200 Levels, Grade=20 levels

Normally one only cultivates till Higher Stage before advancing to the next rank.

Bloodline Limits Ranking (Limits before evolution, isn't necessarily achieved. Each rank amplifies it's host and unlocks racial abilities, talents even memories. Bloodlines can be both material and spiritual)

1st Grade Innate (Pure Bloodline)

2nd Grade Elder (Concentrated Bloodline)

3rd Grade Arch (Perfect Bloodline)(Bloodlines have no retraction)

4th Grade Ancient (Ancestral Bloodline)(Access to bloodline memories)(Reinforced Perfect Bloodline)

5th Grade Primal (Primogenitor Bloodline)@@