162 Is she dumb?

Name:The Mysterious CEO Author:Dlchelwani
When the car started driving, all of a sudden, Liu Juan stopped throwing tantrum. She sat quietly, tears were continuously flowing from her eyes but she did not make a sound.

The bodyguards were pleased to see her stop throwing any more tantrums and thought that at least this girl knew she would only waste her energy by throwing a tantrum.

After two hours of a long drive, the car reached the entrance of a villa. The villa was huge and lavish. Though Liu Juan had never seen such a villa in her life, she wasn't interested in praising its beauty.

The bodyguards got down and opened the car door for Liu Juan. The two rows of maids were standing at the entrance to welcome their special guest.

"Master Bo is waiting for you in the living room. This way please." The butler came forward and took Liu Juan inside the villa.

Liu Juan was following the butler inside the villa with her head lowered to the ground, tears were still rolling down from her eyes like an open tap of the water.

The villa was more beautiful from inside in comparison to the outside. Its interior of the villa was given the look of the European royal design. Everything was in bright colours. This place looked like heaven and no one wanted to leave from here.

Soon, they reached the living room, where Bo Xiao was waiting.

The butler bowed his head and respectfully said: "Master Bo, our special guest has arrived."

A boy was sitting on the couch with his one leg crossed over the other. He was wearing a white suit, his face was cold and indifferent, however, the features of his face was completely perfect with the short hair like God had taken especially some extra-time only to craft his face. He was not looking any less than a royal prince.

He was only fifteen years, however, his appearance was so intense and intimidating that the bodyguards who were older than him, wouldn't dare to look into the eyes of Bo Xiao.

Bo Xiao was reading a book and when he heard butler's voice. He looked up at the little girl who was crying continually, her eyes were swollen, her nose had turned slightly red because of crying and her cheeks were puffed. However, she wasn't making any sound like other children of her age.


"What's your name?" Bo Xiao asked coldly.

Liu Juan looked up, staring at him with her watery eyes but didn't respond to him.

"Is she dumb?" Bo Xiao asked when he saw that she wasn't replying him.

"No, Master. She is just upset to leave his twin sister in the orphanage." The butler replied.

No wonder. Children were quietly attached to their siblings and would be upset when they would leave their siblings in the orphanage and come here. However, once they came here, they usually forgot about their siblings and got used to living here.

She would also get used to it. There was nothing to worry about. Therefore, Bo Xiao didn't pay much attention to her.

From the next day, Liu Juan stopped crying and quietly followed Bo Xiao everywhere. The butler woke her up at 4 AM in the morning for the training. The normal child usually threw a tantrum and would not wake up this early. However, Liu Juan wasn't a normal child. She woke up early and ate everything without being picky. Her training sessions were also going good. Everyone was very pleased with her well-behaved manner.

However, Bo Xiao felt an uneasiness because of her quiet behaviour and she didn't complain for a thing. Even, in the training session when she got hurt, she didn't make a single noise. Her eyes turned red but she refused to cry aloud.

Time passed slowly and a week had passed.

Next morning, as usual, the butler went to Liu Juan room to wake her up.


The room was dark, the butler switched on the lights and called out "Liu Juan, Wake up! You have to go for your morning training session. Wake up!"

No response!

The butler felt strangle. Usually, Liu Juan woke up in a single call. Then he remembered that yesterday training session was very tough and thereafter Bo Xiao took her to the warehouse inspection with him. Because of a tough day, she didn't get the chance to eat anything the whole day and by the time she reached home, she had fallen asleep. So she didn't have dinner as well.

The butler felt pity on her. Nevertheless, he couldn't do anything. Therefore, he called her again "Liu Juan, Wake up! You have to go for your morning training session. Wake up!"

Still no response!

The butler sighed and went to remove the blanket.

As soon as, he removed the blanket, he was so shocked that his eyes popped out.