Rong Junyi opened his mobile phone and saw a teenager's wechat news. He was silent for a long time. He stared at his upright lower body and thought about life.

Reply to her? Send it up and be teased by her.

Don't reply to her? Rong Junyi frowned slightly and thought, and saw the wechat message sent by a guy.

[Shucheng: honey, what are you doing?]

Rong Junyi's dark eyes are full of depth and boundless. His slender fingers pick up his mobile phone to edit information——

[rjy: why, do you want to sleep with me?]

Shu Cheng casually handed a bubble gum in his mouth, thin lips slightly hooked, and sent a screenshot of what he had just seen on Taobao to the man.

Rong Junyi looked at the picture sent by the boy, pursed his lips, and his dark eyes seemed to be able to spit out fire.

#Metal male chastity lock classic#

Shu Cheng saw that the man had not replied for a long time. He chewed bubble gum. A glimmer of light flashed in his deep eyes. His thin lips aroused a wicked smile and replied with a voice——

"Help you lock the tumultuous heart!"

Rong Junyi's dark eyes were gloomy and sneered. SM fun products? Who instilled these things in this guy?!

Damn it, meat doesn't look like a woman at all!

Shu Cheng continued to utter his voice unconsciously, with a slightly low voice with charming magnetism.

"Shall I tell you how to use it?"

"Peach blossoms are flooding. It's good to use this!"

Shu Cheng's voice was deliberately enchanted, his bright eyes glittered with joking light, and his fingers stopped on the moving interface of Taobao. It's good.

The boy blew a bubble, pointed his slender fingers and clicked on the collection.

"Wait until you're 18..." the man's voice is low, his black eyes are as dark as Yao, he feels the heat of his lower body, takes his clothes into the bathroom, and cold water falls on his head. When will this guy be 18?!

Shu Cheng, who successfully molested his little daughter-in-law, whistled and stayed in front of his notebook to code. At 10 p.m., Shu Cheng released all the remaining chapters of the girl we chased together in those years on V blog.

"I want to be a powerful person. The so-called powerful is to make the world a little different because of me. My world is just your heart."

"The cruelest part of growing up is that girls are always more mature than boys of the same age. No boy can resist the maturity of girls."

"When you really like someone, you thought you would never want to bless her, but when she stood in front of him, you knew that you wanted her to be happy from the bottom of your heart."

"I've been loved by you. It's hard to think others like me so much."

"To break up, only one person needs to agree, but" together ", but two people need to approve at the same time to count."


On this day, countless people cried into tears. We all had youth. Unspeakable secret love hit countless people's feelings of recalling youth.

As time goes by, the girl engraved in our hearts will still be there.

The pride is unabated, laughing at the year.

Before and after the seat, blue ink dots began to appear on the back of the boy's clothes. Looking back, the girl's smile haunted the boy's dream for eight years and fettered his life.

[light dancing and flying: anda cried all night at the computer screen and said nothing more. I'm going to reward Panlong!]

[Artest: upstairs, count me in!]
