Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

Now, a blood-red tentacle-like substance was crawling all over Lin Qian’s body, enveloping him. Along with them, a semblance of ancient scripture writings sprawled, glowing dimly as they crawled onto his body continually.

Hmm? Looks like someone activated a Spiritual Array onto my body, trying to find out something…

Looking at the scarlet glow on his body, Lin Qian thought within himself.

Then, he waved his hands lightly, gesturing to his faithful generals to get onto their feet.

Seeing the crimson glow, the generals flew into a fit of rage. Frost covered Hua Ling’s bewitching face, as her body shook from her passionate fury, “Your Majesty, should you know who this scoundrel is, allow me to lead the Excalibur Battalion into battle, and rip him into shreds as punishment!”

“Hua Ling, we have followed His Majesty to this peculiar place. The exit out of the Empire is within His Majesty’s body. With your current abilities, going through Heaven’s Slit would destroy His Majesty’s body. Are you trying to kill His Majesty?” Shaking his head, Zhuge Ming sternly warned Hua Ling against her plans.

Previously, when Lin Qian first returned to the Huaxia Empire in the valley, he had spoken with Zhuge Ming. From that brief chat, he had learnt a lot.

Heaven’s Slit was the whirlpool at the top of the Huaxia Empire. It connected the kingdom to Lin Qian’s Dantian. When Lin Qian returned to the Empire, Heaven’s Slit closes. Any non-living thing within the Huaxia Empire could pass through Heaven’s Slit without obstruction. However, living creatures like his generals, and items with artificial intelligence like his army, could not move through freely.

After all, this planet that the Empire dominated was initially the game’s server space. Having a sole monopoly of the resources, powerful was an understatement of the Huaxia Empire’s strength.

Right now, within the Huaxia Empire, even the non-combat scholar like Zhuge Ming could wipe out the Universal Phenomenon Sect with just a few casual sneezes, to say nothing of his top generals.

If beings with such overbearing strength passed through Heaven’s Slit, Lin Qian’s body would give way and immediately burst into bits, resulting in his inevitable death.

As such, only the general that could adapt his strength and morph with Lin Qian, Zhao Long, could lead the weakest of troops, through Heaven’s Slit.

“Hmph, if I could get out, I would make sure all those who opposed His Majesty die a silent and unknown death.” Ji Qing smiled sinisterly as his gaze turned ice cold.

“Haha! You’re just a scary cat, scurrying about like mice, hiding in the dark before your kills!” Hearing Ji Qing’s words, the muscular and bulky Xu Meng mocked him disdainfully, his lips twitching.

“Oh oh is that so? Then should I be an idiot like you, blindly charging in with just a stupid piece of metal and end up acting like a shield for everyone?”

“Fuck! Your! Mother! With just this pathetic physique of yours, I can smash you till you turn retarded!”

“Interesting! You think you can actually hit me?”

Smiling wryly, Li Rong stood forward, prying the arguing duo apart, “Two of you, can you stop bickering in front of His Majesty?”

“HAHAHA! Precisely, why are you two so noisy! Just fight it out!” Guan Yi stood at the side, folding his arms as he laughed carefreely.

“Hmph! Except for His Majesty, all men are scum!” Turning her back on the other generals, Hua Ling openly showed her distaste.

On the other hand, Zhao Long stood by Zhuge Ming, wracking their heads in search of a solution to the bloodlines on Lin Qian.

On his regal throne, Lin Qian smiled warmly as he watched his generals. In the past wheneverer he stood in this palace, the people in front of him were just puppets reacting the way they were programmed, fixed sentences and gestures, incredibly dull and boring.

Unlike now, alive and kicking, noisier than ever.

“Gods above, many many thanks for making my dreams come true.”

A warm appreciation and thanks sprouted within his heart. Nothing was better than witnessing a dream from the past life some true.

“Alright, stop fighting.” Lin Qian’s words were absolute. Immediately, the argument halted, and the generals split into two neat halves.

On the left, Hua Ling, Xu Meng and Ji Qing stood behind Zhao Long.

On the right, Guan Yi and Li Rong stood behind Zhuge Ming.

“I believe the Prime Minister had made some sense of the situation with the data I had sent back. Now that my Martial Soul has awakened, can you demystify the situation for me?” On his dragon throne, Lin Qian turned and questioned Zhuge Ming.

Stepping forward, Zhuge Ming clenched his fist and bowed, “Your Majesty, the Martial Soul is based on a person’s Soul and Body. Since Your Majesty was reborn here, you have been through two lives. Hence, you developed two Martial Souls.”

“The Empire’s recovery has been completed, and our influence has been placed under control, no longer going berserk. Now, it no longer causes stress and burden on Your Majesty’s body. Hence, your Martial Soul could awaken.”

“This minister believes that the Black Blade represents the Emperor Emeritus, while the White Blade represents the Empress Dowager.”

Having heard the prime Minister’s explanation, Lin Qian slowly nodded, “The Prime Minister is right…” He was clear of it. For the past years, information about his physical well being had been sent to the Tiangong Ministry.

In fact, compared to himself, Zhuge Ming was miles clearer about his bodily conditions.

The Tiangong Ministry. They were the backbone of all technological advances that occur within the Huaxia Empire. In the game, all technologies, upgrading of the Empire and refining of generals and more, happened from this Ministry.

Zhuge Ming, the Prime Minister of the Huaxia Empire, helmed the Tiangong Ministry. Under his charge, all of the Tiangong Scholars, amounting to more than ten million, worked tirelessly on improving the Empire’s technologies.

In his past life, the Huaxia Empire may have won a resounding victory in the battle against the other servers but their losses were still devastating.

The destroyed Huaxia Empire had followed Lin Qian during his rebirth to his world. Here, Zhuge Ming and the others lived on as the same artificial being he created but gained life of their own.

As the head of the Tiangong Ministry, Zhuge Ming led the reparation works of Huaxia Empire.

After the long battle, the defensive arrays of the Empire were up to 70% destroyed. As such, the Empire’s influence went uncontrolled, swelling and bursting about. At the same time, the ripples for the War Arrays were also let loose. To minimise the consequential effects on Lin Qian, who bore the Empire within his Dantian, Zhuge Ming sealed up access to the Huaxia Empire.

It was only when the restoration had progressed to a controllable stage, the access was opened again, allowing Lin Qian to cultivate.

That was also the point when Lin Qian discovered his ability to summon objects from the game. When he required items, his consciousness would dive into the Huaxia Empire. That was when Zhuge Ming would procure the suitable elements for him, sending it out, through Heaven’s Slit.

Together with Lin Qian’s rebirth, the Empire’s gold currency had been exchanged into Soul Crystals. Throughout the restoration process, all of the High-end Crystals had been used up. Yet, they were just missing 1 piece to complete the process.

Should they decide to use technology to condense the Low-class Crystals into a high-class crystal, it would have taken possibly another 3 -4 years.

At the eleventh hour, Lin Qian received the Sacred Soul Crystal from his parents and deposited it into the Huaxia Empire. The timely gift reduced the restoration process drastically.

Just yesterday, Zhuge Ming was able to complete the final three tweaks to any existing flaws, officially bringing the repairs to a close.

Having the Huaxia Empire entirely under control, Lin Qian’s body was lightened of several heavy burdens, and finally able to awaken his Martial Soul.

After all, the Huaxia Empire was his kingdom and not a Martial Soul.

Having heard this from Zhuge Ming previously, Lin Qian was shocked beyond belief.

Looking back, he was thankful that he bombed all his remaining millions of dollars worth of inheritance into City Equipment, the revival of dead generals, war beasts, soldiers etc. before he had died. It was only through this extravagant, immature splurging that he retained both the seemingly infinite resources and sufficient manpower. Otherwise, the restoration would have possibly taken several thousand years.

“Regarding this spiritual array on my body, any solutions?” Standing up from the Dragon Throne, he opened his arms wide, asking Zhuge Ming, “can we counter-attack him?”

Bowing to Lin Qian, a sinister smile curled onto Zhuge Ming’s face, showing absolute confidence, “Be at ease, your Majesty. WIth the Tiangong Ministry’s abilities, I have complete confidence that we can counter-attack this fella who dares to trace you down. I promise that we will bring him death!”

Putting his arms behind his back, Lin Qian strolled down the platform on which the Dragon Throne was o. cutting through his generals on his way out of the Huaxia Hall.

“To Tiangong Ministry! Let’s give this mysterious enemy a surprise!”