It's obvious that Lin Heng's smile is on his face.

Since it means that the Empire will have one hundred more states, it means that it will destroy the state of yuhengjiang!

"As for the affairs of yuhengjiang state, let's put it on for a moment. It's just a clown." After that, Lin Qian's face disappeared and replaced by solemnity, "I think you can see that there are some special faces. They come from the underground world of Guling state."

"They are the black horn clan who are good at soul power, the red horn clan who are good at body refining, the dwarf clan who are good at weapon refining and the Lingti clan who have strong endurance."

"I hope to tell all the people of the Chinese empire that no matter what race you are, whether you are strong or weak, men and women, old and young, are all the people of the Chinese Empire, and they are all Chinese!"

"I don't want to discriminate against each other. I want to help each other and make the Chinese Empire stronger. In fact, only in this way can we have a better life. "

At present, all the people of the Chinese Empire are looking at Lin Qian on the telephoto, listening to each other's words carefully and nodding to themselves.

As a matter of fact, it's not a big feeling for foreigners to become the people of the Chinese Empire except to make them feel fresh.

The Chinese empire made them live an unimaginable good life. What does it matter to accept foreigners?

"In order to make the Chinese people more comfortable in the future, promote mutual communication, and travel across distances without any hard work, I want to announce the first major event today. The Chinese Empire will establish the Aviation Hall, the rail hall, the official road hall and the water transportation hall of the Chinese Empire. The four halls are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of communications of the Chinese Empire. ”

speaking of this, Lin Qian's face is very serious: "travel is no longer a time of tiredness and hindrance, which will make the whole empire more prosperous. I'm afraid the people of the Chinese empire can't understand what the four halls mean."

As Lin Qian himself said, the people of the whole Chinese Empire looked at each other face to face when they heard Lin Qian's words, so they didn't understand what it meant.

However, it's very inconvenient for him to travel. Although the ghost train is very common now, ordinary people can afford to use it. It's OK to run in the city and go to and from the small town and Zhuangzi.

If you want to travel between cities or even across continents, only the soul warrior can do it.

But for the soul warrior, it's very hard to cross continents, it's not convenient to enter Nirvana, and it's very tiring to fly through the air.

But at the next moment, they found a mirror suspended in front of Lin Qian on the telephoto, with some pictures flashing and constantly drawing closer.

Immediately after that, the soul vision machine has been filled with this picture, and one scene after another emerges.

First of all, it was a streamlined box made of strange metal. It was lying quietly on the ground. There were windows and doors on the box. It looked like a house, but it didn't look like a house, but it looked pretty.

Just at this time, a group of people, including the human race and the four alien races who have just joined the Chinese Empire, walk towards the metal box.

At this moment, the door on the metal box opened, and these people of different races entered, and the picture followed.

It was only then that they could see clearly that there were rows of seats in it, which seemed very soft and comfortable. From the satisfied expression on people's faces, they could see it.

The picture turns again and comes to the outside of the strange metal box. The whole body is covered by the light of the array, and it floats slowly, but the height is only three feet above the ground.

Then, the strange metal box was driving towards the front. At this time, people found that the road of strange metal box was spacious and flat, very clean and wide, and the lush spirit trees were planted on both sides of the road.

"This is called the soul chariot. It will be managed by the official hall of the Chinese Empire. Every city and town will have soul chariots going to different places. You can take it at a fixed time and only need to pay a certain fee." Lin Qian's voice also rang out, "in this way, if the people of the Chinese Empire want to go to another city, they can enjoy the scenery outside the window in their soft seats by paying the appropriate soul crystal, and wait until the soul car takes you to the destination."

At the same time, the picture has come to the interior of the car named soul. The people of the Chinese empire can clearly see that the passengers inside are sitting comfortably in the soft seats.

Some are closing their eyes, some are talking, and some children are sitting on their mother's lap, lying on the window and looking out.

The picture follows the child's eyes and extends into the distance. There is also a streamlined metal box flying.

But the only difference is that it's obviously bigger, and there are more than a dozen connected together.

It is inlaid on the long strip forged by lingkuang metal, which is very fast.The image on the telephoto is drawing closer, showing people the position where the metal Road on the ground connects with the metal.

At this time, the people of the Chinese Empire were surprised to find that although they were bound together, there was no touch between them, and the long string of metal boxes were completely slightly suspended.

Then, their majesty's voice sounded again: "this is called soul train, which is faster and can accommodate many people at one time. Compared with soul car, cross state travel is no other, and it needs less Soul Crystal than soul car."

In the sky, the huge cloud boat appeared in their eyes. Compared with the warships of the Chinese Empire, it was obviously more friendly.

Among the rivers, there are also different sizes of muzhou navigation, the speed is obviously much slower, but it is more suitable for long-distance travel.

The Aviation Hall and the water transport Hall of the Chinese Empire are naturally the two kinds of ships in the sky and water.

Lin Qian's vivid description made the minds of the people of the whole Chinese Empire fly.

In the Chinese palace, all the people were silent, including Zhang Juncheng, the well-informed king of the sword array, who carefully looked at the contents of the mirror in front of them and completely indulged in Lin Qian's description.

The image on the mirror has disappeared, Lin Qian's description has stopped, and people have come back to their senses.

They know that the content of the picture is real. A few days ago, Qizhou conducted an experiment.

If they didn't understand the meaning of traffic before, now they do. They look at Lin Qian with admiration.

"Our emperor is creating rules!" Lu Sheng, the hand of the dwarves, stood on the table excitedly. "I have seen that a new world centered on the Chinese empire is being born." , the fastest update of the webnovel!