Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qi Mianmian said seriously, “I still don’t dare to prescribe prescriptions that carry risks. I only dare to prescribe those that are completely safe. For example, this prescription is like hot tea. It’ll only be beneficial and not harmful.

I’ve been trying to find a solution. In our family, not only does Big Sister have good eyesight, but so does everything else. The herbs in this prescription aren’t expensive either. Why don’t you try drinking some? ”

Qi Tian thought to herself: Little Sister has really grown up.

She had known it from the start. Her youngest sister had been so smart when she was young. Why would she become foolish when she grew up?

In the past, she must have been fooled by Luo Qingwen.

Qi Zhen hurriedly nodded. “I understand. Five portions, right? I’ll remember. But what’s the deal with the oven?”

“It’s for us to make cakes and bread to sell.”

Qi Zhen was speechless.

Without waiting for Qi Zhen to speak, Qi Mianmian continued, “During the two years I studied medicine, I traveled to many places with Grandpa. An aunt of a patient was especially good at making cakes and bread. Because I was young, she wasn’t afraid of me stealing her skills, and even explained each step to me along the way. I picked it up quickly and quietly memorized the recipes.

Besides, Second Sis, it only takes a few bricks, some sand, and a little cement to make an oven. It doesn’t cost much. With an oven, not only can we bake bread and cake, but we can also roast chicken, meat, and sweet potatoes. Please don’t object to it.”

Qi Zhen narrowed her eyes and thought for a while. “Alright, if we can roast sweet potatoes, we can indeed give it a try.”

Their family had been eating sweet potatoes for a very long time in the past year. Other than stewed sweet potatoes, she was already sick of all other kinds of sweet potatoes.

Qi Mianmian and Qi Tian were speechless.

Qi Zhen carefully put the money and the pieces of paper into her pocket, then put a wavy hair clip in her hair in front of the mirror. Carrying the bamboo basket that was used to buy groceries, she ran out. After running a few steps, she came back with her cheeks puffed up. “That’s not right. If both items don’t cost much, why did you give me so much money?”

Qi Mianmian said, “Oh, whatever’s left is for you to spend.”

“Ah…” Qi Zhen happily went into the house and gave Qi Mianmian a big hug. “Thank you, Little Sister. I’ll definitely return the money to you when I have it. ”

Although Qi Zhen was embarrassed, she didn’t want to reject her, because she was indeed short of money and Qi Mianmian had several hundred yuan.

She had no intention to scheme for Qi Mianmian’s money, but since Qi Mianmian took the initiative to give it to her, she would not reject it.

After Qi Zhen left, Qi Mianmian stuffed twenty yuan into Qi Tian’s hands. “Take this, Big Sister. You can return it to me when you have the chance to in the future.”

Although Qi Tian’s monthly salary was more than twenty yuan, it did not belong to her.

It was just like how Qi Jingtang and Wan Meiling’s salaries did not belong to them either. The money had to be used to buy rice, oil, vegetables, daily necessities, medical fees, gifts for neighbors, Qi Fang and Qi Mianmian’s school fees, etc…

After all this, there wasn’t much left of her monthly salary, and everything left was in Wan Meiling’s hands.

Qi Tian didn’t refuse the money either.

She was a girl who had future in-laws. Every time she went to her in-laws’ house, she had to ask her stepmother for money to buy gifts. It was a terrible feeling.

Of course, she wasn’t going to take Qi Mianmian’s money for free.

She would use the money sparingly and return it to Qi Mianmian with interest after her marriage.

Qi Moli had a nightmare last night.

She dreamed that she was clothed in rags, and had been chased out of the house by her family. Everyone she passed on the street would throw rotten eggs at her and call her a whore.

When she finally woke up and realized it was a dream, she didn’t feel reassured either.

She suspected that this was a premonition.

It meant that she would be reduced to this state soon.

At this moment, she was extremely regretful. That night, when she had visited Zhao Xiaoguo at his dormitory, there had been a sudden blackout. She bid farewell to Zhao Xiaoguo and prepared to go home. At the entrance of the dormitory, a man had embraced her from behind, then dragged her to the back of the dormitory to have his way with her. Thinking that it was Zhao Xiaoguo, she pretended to be reluctant and pushed him off, but eventually yielded willingly to his advances. After that, she realized that the man was actually Wang Manqiu, the roommate of Zhao Xiaoguo’s wife who lived in the countryside.