Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qi Mianmian found herself speechless.

The atmosphere suddenly became very joyous.

After a while, apart from Qi Tian, who seemed to be glued to the sewing machine, Qi Zhen and Qi Mianmian immediately got busy.

It was best to soak the medicinal herbs for 30 minutes before frying them. Qi Mianmian limped to the kitchen and placed the medicinal herbs in the medicine jar to soak, then sat down on a small stool by the kitchen door. While trimming and preparing vegetables for cooking, she instructed Qi Zhen to clear a space for the oven.

The Qi family had split into their separate branches more than ten years ago.

Before Qi Jingtang returned to the city, the eldest branch, third branch, and the two elders of the Qi family lived very comfortably in this ancestral home, which spanned more than 200 square meters.

Five years ago, when Old Master Qi died of a sudden heart attack, Qi Jingtang returned with his wife and children. Although his family took the smallest and worst west room, it still made the eldest son and third son despise him greatly.

The third son, Qi Jingzhong, still hid this disdain from his family. After all, Qi Jingtang had a rightful share of the ancestral home. Strictly speaking, he had even taken advantage of his older brother, Qi Jingtang. According to the rules of other families, he, as the third son, should stay in the west room.

Meanwhile, Qi Jingshu’s family, the eldest branch, displayed their disdain publicly. It was as if Qi Jingshu had forgotten that he, as the eldest son, should have stepped in to ensure that Qi Jingtang got his rightful share of the house back then.

Seeing Qi Zhen clattering about busily in the kitchen, Zhao Xiulian, in an attempt to find fault with her, began to scold her. “Qi Zhen, you brat, can’t you be more refined or ladylike? You’re so rough and boisterous. You won’t be able to get married in the future.”

Qi Zhen was a firecracker of a girl, bold and reckless. How could she accept such nasty comments? With her hands on her hips, she stepped out and said, “No matter how outrageous I am, I’m still better than your daughter Qi Moli. Ha, you’ve raised such a shameless daughter yourself, yet you’re not embarrassed at all. How dare you say that I…”

“Oh, I know. You’re using me as a punching bag…”

Qi Zhen felt extremely aggrieved.

Zhao Xiulian wasn’t a great person, but she had never been as unreasonable as she was today.

She must have been in a bad mood because of Qi Moli. That must have been why she chose to use Qi Zhen as a punching bag.

This was too much.

She could never allow that to happen.

Otherwise, if she let it happen today, they would be bullied endlessly in the future.

Qi Zhen was great at arguing. Watching her pretty mouth spitting rebukes at Zhao Xiulian, Qi Mianmian felt better than she had felt in days.

She herself didn’t like to quarrel, but she really admired people who could do so, especially Second Sister, who always kept her arguments strictly verbal and didn’t employ any physical tactics.

Zhao Xiulian did not expect that one sentence from her would be countered by ten indignant ones from Qi Zhen. She jumped up in disbelief, ready to fly at Qi Zhen.

Hmph, she couldn’t win against Qi Zhen in verbal arguments, but there was no doubt she would win in a physical fight!

Elderly Lady Qi, who was watching the show on the sidelines with Qi Mianmian and Qi Shan, saw that Zhao Xiulian was about to use physical force, and decided to step in to berate Zhao Xiulian. However, before she could do so, Qi Moli suddenly flew out of the room and rushed straight toward Qi Zhen.

She was shouting, “Qi Zhen, I’m going to fight you to the death…”

Qi Moli had just thought of a few ways to infect Qi Zhen with her illness.

Some of the rashes on her body had already turned into pus-filled sores.

If she were to scratch Qi Zhen or either of her two sisters with her pus-stained nails, she would definitely be able to infect them with the disease…

Qiao Nian had initially wanted to use the bathroom as an excuse to leave, then pretend to accidentally scratch one of them.

Now that Qi Zhen and Zhao Xiulian were at war, she had a ready-made reason…

Qi Shan was terrified. “Why… why isn’t her door locked?”

Elderly Lady Qi was also frightened. Shivering, she said, “They said they didn’t have a spittoon, so it wasn’t convenient to use the bathroom. Moli, don’t do anything rash. You promised not to…”

Elderly Lady Qi shouted as she stepped back, afraid that Qi Moli would bump into her.

The doctors at the clinic had said that as long as there was no blood contact, the infection would not spread. But what if they bumped into each other and got hurt?

Whatever she feared, happened.

Elderly Lady Qi was getting old, after all, and her movements were sluggish. Just as she stood up, Qi Moli, who was passing by her, suddenly cried out and collapsed onto her.