8 Fighting Back 1

Name:The Phoenix Aspect Author:DJRogue
Hidden Rebel Base on planet Deshan H24C

Centaurus Nebula

Year 3209

"Commander SN1098, report to the medical bay immediately."

SN1098 aka Jayde heard her name being called over the loudspeaker. Standing up from her chair she left the mess hall and made her way to the medical bay.

Entering the pristine medical bay she looked around for Doctor Shishido Eba.Seeing the small Asian woman she stalked up to her.

"Damn it doc, how many times have I told you not to call us by our designations," Jayde stated coldly.

"You know how much we hate it, we are no longer slaves to the human corporations."

"Er, sorry about that Jayde," Doctor Shishido Eba said sheepishly.

Doctor Shishido Eba was pissed she had forgotten, she had only recently joined the rebel cause after being rescued as a testing subject from a highly classified black ops base in the Delta Quadrant. She understood why the people at the base hated to be reminded of their slave status, they have even gone as far as to rename their species as Centauri rather than homo sapiens.

Jayde and all the rebels were genetically engineered humans warriors, otherwise known as GESS — Genetically Engineered Super Soldiers. They had been designed and breed specifically to fight in wars waged between large Earth-based corporations.

Earthlings no longer fought wars due to race, religion or countries anymore, now everything was controlled by large corporations and wars were fought to control the rare resources available in the known universe.

Due to the fact, Genetically Engineered Super Soldiers were specifically designed and breed in especially nutritional vats and the costs involved in upbringing and a training a GESS, corporation had fought for them to be designated as properly belonging to a corporation.

Most humans were quite happy with this arrangement, as a GESS was superior in all ways to a normal human. They were faster, stronger, more agile, highly intelligent with superior senses and healing ability.

A normal human could never compete with a GESS one and one, so they didn't argue when corporations mandated that a GESS was designated as a product.

Besides which human would want to go off to some dingy corner in the universe, just to fight in some awful alien environment against either other GESS or strange aliens for resources. They would rather stay in the comfort of their own homes, safely their planets and reap the rewards.

"So what's up doc?" Jayde asked facetiously, knowing that Doctor Shishido Eba had found some old earth children programs that she was watching — something called cartoons.

Blushing slightly at the reminder, Doctor Shishido Eba replied: "He's awake."

"Finally," Jayde said as she turned and walked over to an adjacent room.

Entering the medical ward, Jayde walked over to the only occupied bed. Lying in the bed was a tall, handsome man, with blond hair, and bright blue eyes. Looking at him you would estimate him to be in his mid-thirties, but like Jayde, he was an advanced GESS who was over sixty-years-old.

"Lawrence, how are you feeling?" Jayde asked softly, her eyes filled with concern. If anyone else had seen their leader then they would have been shocked. Jayde was known to be cold and ruthless. Many of the recruits stated that she was colder and harder than a robot.

"Sorry to have worried you, Commander," Lawrence replied his voice slightly husky from not being used for some time.

Lawrence came from the same batch as Jayde, they had gone through training together, and out of the thousand babies 'born' only Lawrence and Jayde remained. For sixty years they have fought alongside each other, they had gone through thick and thin. When Jayde finally rebelled against the corporations and started the rebellion, Lawrence was the first person who joined her.

He had disappeared two years ago, and Jayde was convinced that the Xi Corporation had killed him. Her grief had spurred her, and for two years she had waged a bloody war against the Xi Corporation. Freeing thousands of GESS from their clutches, until a couple of weeks ago, Jayde received intel Lawrence was alive, and the Xi Corporation was moving him to a new prison.

Jayde quickly put together an elite rescue team, and in a daring raid, they rescued Lawrence from a high-security cell aboard one of the Xi Corporation transport ships.

Beaten and bearing marks of torture — Jayde was furious with the treatment that Lawrence had received, but she was ecstatic that her brother was still alive.