20 First Layer of Seal

Name:The Phoenix Aspect Author:DJRogue
It had been nearly two weeks since Jayde had died and woken up on Doha. During this time her weak body had undergone some drastic changes. With the daily consumption of the magical elven wafer bread, her malnutrition body had blossomed. Her cheeks were her rosy, her hair had a healthy shine, and she had grown nearly five centimeters, and with her daily workouts, her body had grown a lot stronger.

It was the sixth day since Isha had woken up.

After Jayde woke up, Isha informed Jayde that he had recovered fully and would be able to lift the first layer of her seal.

Jumping out of bed, Jayde quickly did her morning ablutions, Isha had informed Jayde not to eat as the lifting of the seal was going to be a very painful experience. Sitting cross-legged on her bed, Jayde mentally prepared herself, she couldn't help being excited that she would finally be able to cultivate, taking a deep breath to calm down she informed Isha that she was ready.

At first, Jayde only felt a warm tingling feeling, then a slight itch in her bones, the itch started to become painful, but it was nothing compared to the pain that Jayde had gone through as a child during the torturous training of the Xi Corporation training camps.

The area below her belly button began to heat up, the area kept on getting hotter, soon it felt like that she has swallowed molten lava. Every part of Jayde's body was extremely painful, even her skin was burning.

The pain that Jayde was going through was unimaginable, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, Jayde tried her hardest to bear with it, the pain just kept on increasing, rolling over her in giant waves. Black dots were dancing in front of her eyes. It felt like every single nerve ending in her body was suddenly exposed, the slightest movement was like ten thousand knives cutting her.

The itch in her bones was maddening, Jayde wanted to dig through her skin and scratch, the veins and tendons on her neck were standing out from just how hard she was clenching her teeth. Even the most terrible torture that she had gone through as a child couldn't compare to the amount of agony she was in now.

Even her hair ached, blood had started to drip from her clenched fists as her nails dug into her flesh.

Jayde tried not making a sound, but the agony she was in defeated her indomitable willpower and she couldn't help letting out a small whimper.

Jayde started to feel faint, every second felt like an hour. "Oh God, please let it end" she prayed.

Just as her mind about to shut down due to the pain, the whole cave lit up, and Jayde was covered in a blinding light. The golden glow covered her whole body, and a warm tender feeling penetrated every part of Jayde's body.

A tremendous sense of well being filled Jayde and her body felt light.

Soon the golden glow dissipated.

Looking down Jayde inspected her body. The robe she was wearing was soaking wet, and her body was covered in a black lacquer-like substance.

"What the f*ck!" Jayde exclaimed loudly, really shocked at this black stuff all over her body.

Sensing Jayde panic, Isha quickly informed Jayde that this was toxins that had been stored in her body.

"Frigging hell, it stinks" Jayde yelled in disgust.

Not wasting another second, Jayde jumped up and fetched her wooden tub to scrub herself clean, it took three baths before she was satisfied that she no longer stank.

Standing naked in front of a mirror that she had found in the old man's possessions, Jayde inspected her body. Her skin was slightly pink from being scrubbed so hard, but as Jayde inspected it, she noticed that her skin had a slight luminous look to it.

The biggest shock was the changes to her face, the lifting of the first layer of the seal had reversed the face changing spell that the elder from the Freehold clan had placed on her body. Her eyes had reverted back to her original amber color, but the color was deeper and her eyes were brighter.

Jayde loved the color of her eyes it reminded her of a holographic image she had seen of a panther when she was in the Federation.

Her hair was still raven black but had a slight navy blue tinge to it. With jade white skin, and soft pink lips, her face was really lovely, you could see that when she grew up she would be stunning. All the scars from her torturous childhood had disappeared. The only strange thing that Jayde noticed was that on her back, there seemed to be a very slight pinkish mark, after inspecting it closer it really resembled a pair of wings, but it was quite faint and barely noticeable.

After getting dressed, Jayde tested out her body, she was elated to find out that she was a lot stronger and faster than before. With her cat-like agility, she was able to do somersaults and twist and turns that she had battled to do previously. She also found that she moved a lot quieter than before.

Comparing herself to her old body, Jayde estimated that she had gained about 60% of her previously enhanced abilities.

[Jayde, enough playing around] Isha said seriously interrupting Jayde thoughts.

[We need a serious talk, with your magic unsealed, you have now activated the Divine Training system, and you don't have much time left] Isha declared.