One Pebble
The ending of the third level silenced the commotion for some time. Although the 'Optimal Crown' got what it wanted still they were not happy. The main problem was the team and each member of the team.
Even the most fool member was better than the top players of other companies. A player was not taken as best player with his skills, unique weapons and the agility in the tasks. The best players were decided after seeing their mental ability to defeat unpredictable circumstances among the levels. It was about the capability of an individual.
Only capable individuals could make perfect team. All the guilds under the order of the 'Optimal Crown' were taking benefits but not giving good outcome in return.
Since the commencement of the portal game none of the guild leader used their brain in making choice for the team. That's why the CEO of the company took this responsibility to ignore the guild leader. In fact he fired many of them who tried to intervene. He was burning with hatred because he lost his assets for the sake of fools.
Now he was ready to personally handle and decide how to select capable players. For this he sent clear voice message to the other friends those belong to the other game companies.
They were eager to know how Kyle would select capable players. Kyle thought to personally conduct some experiment and test the experienced players. He asked several confusing questions at the end. After long discussion he selected the present two teams.
If his method worked than he would select other teams with same method. In his eyes if his players stayed in two three levels this would be enough to damage the third team. The first and foremost priority remained same.
The preparations for the fourth level were completed. Kyle personally met players and guided them.
He took permission for special levels for the rest of teams for the same reason. This would help him launch his selected players for all teams in order to categorize them according to numbers for selection.
The office and the related staff was busy. They informed players to remain out of contact from irrelevant people. The purpose was to prepare them mentally and train their focus.
"After the fifth level, third team would take rest and the other teams will go through from six to level ten. However my plan is to give damage to the third team in the fourth and fifth level. This would reduce their reputation and the ranking would face some slap." Kyle spoke gritting his teeth.
"I will guide my team to look for this option during quests. I must look for the indirect ways in order to not receive damage in return. The players are enthusiastic. They would not repeat the mistakes of others." The team head answered.
The clever selection was visible.
"You will be responsible to complete maximum quests. The main issue is that none of our teams completed single quest until now. It is embarrassment and someone should wipe it away. The damage to the third team is secondary. Remember it will be the first damage when the team broke the unbeatable title. You should not neglect the least options. I want you to remain alive till the end of level." Kyle explained his focus point.
The previous six teams died because their focus was the third team instead of quests.
"It means my team should not leave quest when confronting third team. I understood now. Our success could also damage them equally." The team leader nodded.
Kyle eased up on his seat. "Now you got my point. The previous foolish players focused on third team and let the audience make fun of them. They died without doing anything. If it was under my means I would have scolded them to death however they left the company on their own." Kyle rested his arm on the side.
He could not believe how many times his company became laughingstock in the previous month.
It was all due to his slow understanding toward the portal game.
Other CEO's handed him the responsibility to masterfully select strong an capable players. Before this portal he never did type of low selections however it was demand of the time. Any longer delay could completely destroy his 'Optimal Crown' empire.
The team leader went back to guide his team members according to the suggestions of the boss. It was his responsibility to follow the rules of the boss. The team leader did not want to disappoint his boss, also he was here to make name in the portal game.
In the office, Kyle took deep breath. His assistant could see his boss doing small jobs in order to get back what he lost. He was also trying his best to not annoy him. He was very careful about giving his suggestion.
The long day ended am he was thinking whether boss was ready the day end. Kyle kept looking at the files glaring the dropped figures. He had been in the business from two decades. Never in the entire twenty years he faced this level of losses.
It was alarming for the stability of the company. The drop in the share prices woke him up and now he was doing everything soberly.
The purpose of meeting with the developer was to see how much he should expect from the third team. Now that he was sure, he did not want to neglect.
He closed the file, he knew further glancing at the files might give him heartache.
Perhaps he was ready to leave the office when he looked at the assistant.
"In my opinion killing one Pebble could lit the chances for the demise of third team." The personal assistant spoke.
Kyle sighed. He was thinking this possiblity in the previous three levels. It was not option any more. Further fooling of the actions could make them laughingstock again. He stood and laughed.
"My friend, there is not one Pebble."