The flame shook for a while, and then flew out from Ye Feiran's wrist, and the size also increased in an instant.

The larger flame still feels warm, not burning at all.

"Brother Huoyan, no matter what the situation is, don't be wiped out." Ye Feiran urged.

The flame froze slightly, then shook it vigorously.

"Ran'er, put on the defensive armor I gave you." Ye Murin also urged.

Hearing this, Ye Feiran's eyes subconsciously fell on the pile of treasures that Ye Murin threw over, with a tangled look on her face.

It was said that she was going to accept the baptism of Lei Jie with brother Huoyan.

Ye Mulin saw the tangle in Ye Feiran's eyes, and quickly said, "Thunder robbery is getting more and more powerful. This armor is not even comparable to the mutated nine-leaf red branch, and it will not affect your acceptance of the baptism of thunder robbery."

Hearing this, Ye Feiran put on one of the armors without hesitation.

Since there is no impact, the damage can naturally be reduced a little bit.

In the end, she did not forget to give Ye Murin a confident smile.

"I can!"

These words are not only to appease men and friends, but also to appease herself.

At this time, Ye Feiran, who had a charred face, actually smiled very horribly, but Ye Mulin felt that it was not very good-looking.

When Ye Feiran was ready, the sixth thunder tribulation was also brewing.


A thunder and lightning that was still the size of a bucket fell, and the ground of the entire bat forest shook.

The moment the lightning struck, the larger flame suddenly moved in front of Ye Feiran.

Ye Feiran: "!!!"

In fact, it doesn't have to be like this. One person and one fire will greet each other at the same time, and the power of thunder and lightning falling on them will be smaller.

As a result, not only the armor on Ye Feiran's body was smashed to pieces, but Brother Huoyan was also smashed to pieces.

Bunch of small flames are scattered on the ground, and it looks like it will go out at any time!

Seeing this, Ye Feiran didn't care about the pain on her body, she climbed up with difficulty, and said loudly, "Brother Huan, we agreed, you are not allowed to perish.

We live and die together. If you die, I can't live. You can't be so cruel and let me be buried with you. "

Ye Feiran was naturally trying to scare younger brother Huoyan.

"Little brother, you have to hold on. I also live and die with you. I finally swallowed and merged all the clones. I don't want to die so quickly." The other side also shouted.

I don't know if it was because of hearing their words, the small flames scattered all over the place suddenly brightened a lot, and then began to gather.

When all the small flames came together, they turned into a bunch of flames in the blink of an eye.

This is the younger brother of the flame, but it is flickering and dark, and it is obviously very weak!

Seeing this, Ye Feiran felt a little flustered, "Huahua, what should I do?"

The six gods and no masters of the other side forced herself to calm down, but her voice still trembled uncontrollably, "Let... let it come back to you."

"it is good!"

Ye Feiran's consciousness controlled the younger brother of the flame, and let it return to his wrist.

Seeing that the flame pattern on the wrist suddenly faded so much, Ye Feiran felt distressed and flashed at the same time.

Since it is a flame, the Mutated Fire Spirit Orb must be useful to it.

So, Ye Feiran directly moved the flame to the mysterious space, and let the mutant fire spirit beads in her dantian nourish it.

After doing all this, she came to deal with her own situation, and put another pill into her mouth.

When she let the spiritual power catalyze the medicine pill, she couldn't help but sighed softly.

Alas, I thought that Brother Huoyan could be like the mutated Jiuye Hongzhi, to endure two thunder tribulations with her. Unexpectedly, one thunder calamity would almost kill it.

There are still three thunder tribulations left, and she can only put her hope on the other side of the flower.

The other side of the flower: "..."

It doesn't even know if it can withstand a thunderstorm, let alone two.

However, to meet the expectant look of the little master, he could only nod his head.

At this moment, it is extremely hopeful that the elder brother candlestick is here. After all, among the three of them, elder brother candlestick is the strongest.

But the next moment I thought that they were about to face such a terrifying thunder calamity, most likely because of Brother Candlestick, the other side of the flower suddenly didn't want it to be here.

If it wasn't for the fusion of the two candlestick fragments, they wouldn't face thunder calamity, would they?

For a time, the other side of the flower was extremely conflicted.

"Huahua, what are you thinking, quickly adjust your state to meet the seventh thunder calamity." Ye Feiran pulled the other side of the flower back in a trance.

"Oh!" The other side of the flower immediately threw the messy thoughts out of the sky.

"By the way, Huahua, there are nine thunder tribulations, each three is counted as a small calamity, the power is not much different, but the power of the three small calamities increases exponentially, so for the last three thunder tribulations, we must go all out." Ye Crimson reminded.

The other side of the flower: "..."

Even more afraid, little master, you might as well not remind, those who do not know have no fear.

"Little master, how do you plan to deal with the seventh thunder tribulation?"

Ye Feiran glanced at the other side of the flower, "naturally accept its baptism."

She worried that the other side of the flower was the same as the flame brother, and a thunder tribulation was almost the same.

The other side of the flower: "..."

No matter how scared the other side was, Ye Feiran put on the defensive armor given by Ye Murin again, and the seventh thunder robbery fell.


Although the other side flower was afraid, she still stood in front of Ye Feiran like younger brother Huoyan.

It was only after one experience that Ye Feiran responded quickly.

Ye Feiran and Biganhua were struck by lightning, and the defensive armor on the former collapsed, and his whole body was charred black.

The latter flower withered, withered to the point where it could no longer be withered.

"Cough cough..." Ye Feiran coughed, and a puff of white smoke came out of her mouth.

These seven thunder tribulations are more powerful than she imagined!

When she saw a withered flower on the other side, she couldn't help but wonder how she should take over the eighth and ninth thunder tribulations?

The other side of the flower is not as desolate as younger brother Huoyan, aware of Ye Feiran's sight, and weakly replied, "Little master, I'm fine."

"Then you can still carry the eighth thunder tribulation?" Ye Feiran asked.

The other side of the flower: "...No!"

Ye Feiran stopped paying attention to the other side flower, stuffed a handful of medicinal pills into her mouth, and after running the spiritual force to catalyze the medicinal pill, she slowly sent the other side flower back to the mysterious space.

The other side of the flower: "..."

This distinction is too obvious, is it because it transforms into a woman?

Hmph, little master, this is definitely patriarchal!

While the eighth thunder tribulation was still brewing, Ye Feiran changed into a new vest under the cover of the willow tree.

Going on like this, her vestments were almost destroyed by lightning.

Then, she put on the armor given by Ye Mulin again.

"Woman, let me meet the eighth thunder tribulation with you! Anyway, I have long been exposed." Ancient Mingfeng said.

"I can too." The ancient nine-tailed god fox said immediately.

"No." Ye Feiran refused without hesitation, she thought she could carry it.

"Master, do you want me to go with Chiyan?" The Ice Soul Divine Snake couldn't help but said.

"Yes, yes, I and I can disperse the power of two thunder tribulations." Chi Yanhu immediately echoed.

Hearing this, Ye Feiran suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and she knew how to meet the eighth thunder tribulation.

Ahhh... why did she only remember now, is it because she has lived here for too long?