When Sikong Jing held the silver spear, Hao Zicun was extremely nervous, anyway, his mood at this moment was very complicated.

Sikong Jing tried harder and harder, but the silver spear remained motionless.

After the third time, she was relieved.

She let go and congratulated Hao Zicun directly, "Hao Zicun, the silver spear is yours now."

As soon as these words came out, Hao Zicun was so happy that he jumped up, "Hahaha..."

Murong Lingji couldn't stand it anymore, and poured a basin of cold water on it, "That doesn't mean you can pick it up!"

Hao Zicun's laughter stopped abruptly, "Mu, Brother Murong, are you kidding me?"

Murong Lingji didn't speak, but had a half smile on his face.

This directly scared Hao Zicun to step forward to get the silver spear, but he took it lightly, and the silver spear was picked up.

Hao Zicun blinked, and then jumped up, "I got it, I got it, I got it! Hahaha... I, Hao Zicun, also have a fairy-level spiritual weapon."

Sikong Jing and Ye Han also smiled and congratulated him.

After being happy, Hao Zicun looked at Murong Lingji, "Brother Murong, you did it on purpose."

Murong Lingji glanced at him, then lowered his head to appease Ye Han, "Han'er, since Brother Hao has received rewards, you must also have rewards."

Hao Zicun: "..."

What does it mean that since Brother Hao and Taiwan have all received rewards?

At the same time, another burst of light flashed from the Unnamed Monument, and then a cassock appeared in everyone's sight.

"This is the fairy robe!" Murong Lingji said.

No matter how you look at it, this fairy robe is beautiful, with pear flowers embroidered on it.

Sikong Jing fell in love with him immediately, but he didn't forget about Ye Han, and said with a smile, "Miss Ye, you come first!"

"Han'er, this fairy robe should belong to Miss Sikong." Murong Lingji said suddenly.

At this time, Ye Han also understood that the three of them must be rewarded, so his mind was very peaceful. Looking at Sikong Jing, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please.

"Then I'm welcome."

After finishing speaking, Sikong Jing stepped forward quickly.

Sure enough, she took it lightly, and the cassock was in her hands.

"It's really my reward!"

Next, Sikong Jing studied this fairy-level cassock named Pear Blossom happily, and the more he looked at it, the more he couldn't put it down.

A fairy robe is not only beautiful to wear, but it can definitely save her many times.

When the unnamed monument flashed again, Hao Zicun and Sikong Jing both put away their rewards and looked at the unnamed monument.

They were very curious about what Ye Han's reward was.

Soon, a radiant bottle and a scroll appeared in everyone's sight.

"Two rewards!"

Hao Zicun and Sikong Jing exclaimed, with expressions of envy on their faces.

Ye Han also had a look of surprise on her face. She didn't expect that she would have two rewards, and thought it was also a fairy-level spiritual weapon.

When Ye Han picked up the bottle and the scroll, the Unnamed Monument disappeared before their eyes.

As for when it will appear next time, no one knows.

Ye Han studied the bottle and saw two words at the bottom of the bottle.


Hearing this, Murong Lingji twitched his eyebrows, took the bottle and studied it for a while, then smiled and congratulated, "Congratulations Han'er, this is the soul-absorbing bottle.

Whoever offends you in the future, you will deal with them with a soul-destroying bottle, absorb their souls, and thus control them. "

Hearing Murong Lingji's words, Ye Han's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he looked happy. She had another hole card to save her life.

"I like."

Hao Zicun and Sikong Jing looked envious again, they also wanted the soul-destroying bottle very much.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Han opened the scroll, and there was a score on it.

Although Ye Han has already practiced divine music score, he will never dislike this fairy score.

At the same time, Ye Feixuan and Youyouzi also came back from the other side of the bamboo forest.

Ye Murin and Ye Feiran still stood in place.

Seeing Ye Feixuan and Youyouzi, Hao Zicun and Sikong Jing immediately shared their gains and asked about their gains at the same time. www.

"Xuanxuan, Youyou, what have you gained?"

Youyouzi glanced at Ye Feixuan with a look of embarrassment.

Seeing this, Ye Feixuan smiled helplessly, "Youyou don't have to do this, it's your chance to get the inheritance from your predecessors, and I'm really happy for you."

Hearing this, Hao Zicun and Sikong Jing immediately showed envy again.

Compared with their inheritance, their harvest is nothing compared to the big witch.

All in all, they didn't know how many times they were envious today.

Murong Lingji knew Ye Feixuan a little bit, and knew that she really didn't mind, but in order to liven up the atmosphere, he still said, "Ah Xuan, I also got nothing."

At this time, Ye Feiran's voice suddenly rang out, "Murin and I also got nothing, but we found a weapon that is very suitable for Axuan."

Since Youyouzi has received the inheritance from her predecessors, she doesn't even need to try to draw her sword.

Hearing this, everyone turned around to look at Ye Feiran and Ye Mulin, and naturally they also saw the Qingming Sword being dragged by them like scrap iron.

Ye Feiran waved at Ye Feixuan, "Ah Xuan, come here quickly."

Ye Feixuan walked over quickly, and Youyouzi and the others naturally followed.

Youyouzi saw at a glance that it was a ghost weapon, so he immediately searched for the words on the sword.

When she saw it clearly, she exclaimed, "Qing Ming Sword!"

Ye Feixuan also had a look of surprise. She naturally knew about Qingming Sword, but she didn't expect it to appear here, and was found by Goddess and Ye Shenjun.

Murong Lingji raised his eyebrows slightly, envious of Ye Feiran's luck again, "Qing Ming Sword, a divine weapon, is also one of the top ten dark weapons."

Hao Zicun and Sikong Jing: "!!!"

Alright, they will be envious again.

Therefore, Ye Feixuan gained the most from this trip.

Ye Feiran stepped forward and grabbed Ye Feixuan's hand, "Ah Xuan, I believe you can get its approval."

Ye Feixuan withdrew her eyes from Qingming Sword, and nodded heavily, "En!"

At this time, everyone thought of choosing the master of the famous sword, and they all hoped that Ye Feixuan would be recognized by Qing Mingjian from the bottom of their hearts.

Among them, Youyouzi's mood was a bit complicated, but she thought that she had already received the inheritance from her predecessors, and she was not a sword cultivator, so she immediately felt relieved.

Whether you are a human being or a ghost, you must be content and always happy. Insatiable greed will affect your future cultivation path.

When Ye Feixuan walked towards Qingmingjian, Qingmingjian, who had been silent all this time, finally moved.

It flew directly into the air, with the point of the sword facing Ye Feixuan. Although the scabbard was not pulled out, the god-level underworld weapon still made Hao Zicun and the others fearful.

At the same time, Ye Feixuan's aura also began to change.

Seeing this, Murong Lingji immediately said, "Stay back, don't be hurt by the sword intent."

Whether it is the sword intent of Qingming Sword or the sword intent cultivated by Ye Feixuan, they should not be underestimated.

As they retreated to a certain position, Ye Feixuan's aura was completely different from before. The condensed sword intent emanating from her was icy cold, making people afraid to approach.

Murong Lingji and Ye Murin protected Ye Han and Ye Feiran behind them respectively in time, so they were not hurt by Ye Feixuan's sword intent, but Hao Zicun, Sikong Jing and Youyouzi were not so lucky.

They clearly felt the tingling pain when the icy sword intent slid across their skin. If they were any closer, they might cut their skin and bleed.

"Hiss... What a powerful sword intent!"