After hearing this, everyone looked confused. "Ghost cultivator? Who is it?" "Yan Nanlu?" Ye Feiran glanced at his friends and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter who it is, do you agree?" "Agree!" Everyone said in unison. "We don't believe in our own eyes, and we don't believe in your eyes, little Ye Zi." Han Xize added. Ye Feiran glanced at Ye Feixuan covertly, and when Ye Feixuan saw their reactions, her worries disappeared. "But who is it?" Situ Yu asked. Ye Feiran smiled mysteriously, "Far away in the horizon, close in front of you." Everyone first looked at the house number, and then their eyes fell on Ye Feixuan. Ye Feixuan smiled slightly, "It's me." Everyone: "!!!" Ah Xuan turned out to be a ghost cultivator! They circled around Ye Feixuan and looked at her several times from head to toe, but they still couldn't tell that she was a ghost cultivator. "Axuan, are you really a ghost cultivator? But there is no ghost cultivator in you. How did you do it?" Han Xize asked curiously. Others also looked curious. Ye Feixuan curled her lips and smiled, "I am really a ghost cultivator. I just took the spiritual energy pill refined by Aran, so I look just like you." "I see!" Next, everyone gossiped about the ghost cultivator, then took out the map of Senluo Continent and discussed where to go to practice. Then, before they could reach a conclusion, the Xingyue Immortal Sect released news that they were lucky enough to have the right to open an ancient secret realm and now welcomed cultivators from all over the continent to enter the secret realm. Hearing this news, Ye Feixuan's eyes flashed with surprise. This Senluo Continent is indeed not simple. There are so many ancient secret realms appearing in the world. Yunchen immediately put away the map of Senluo Continent. "Then we don't need to discuss it and go directly to the ancient secret realm of Xingyue Immortal Sect." Jiang Yinghan frowned, "The Xingyue Immortal Sect must have had the right to open the ancient secret realm for a long time, and now it suddenly allows cultivators from all over the continent to explore it. There must be some ulterior secret realm." "Yinghan is right, should we investigate before deciding whether to go?" Nalan Weiran said with a frown. Tang Mengtong raised his eyes to look at Ye Feiran and guessed, "Because Qianxue Sect directly made the space passage to the Netherworld public to the world, so Xingyue Immortal Sect also followed suit, just to establish the sect's status on the mainland?" Han Xize nodded in agreement, "I think Tongtong's guess is reasonable." Situ Yu was too lazy to think and asked Ye Feiran directly, "Feiran, what do you think?" Ye Feiran and Ye Feixuan looked at each other and said, "I'm afraid this ancient secret realm is not simple." "Then are we going to enter the secret realm?" Mu Ge asked, looking very calm. "Let's go as little Ye Zi said." Han Xize said immediately. "Yes!" Everyone nodded in agreement. Ye Feiran: "..." After so many years, can you have some opinions? Ye Feixuan remained silent, watching the changes in their expressions, and then she seemed to have seen what happened in the past, because every time the Ye family went out for training, they always listened to Ye Feiran's decision. Ye Feiran did not express his position, but looked at Ye Feixuan who was aside, "Axuan, what do you think?" Ye Feixuan: "..." Why do you want to ask her? A Ran did it on purpose! However, facing the expectant eyes of Team Fengyun Three, she coughed lightly and said, "It's rare to encounter an ancient secret realm, so it's natural to go there. Opportunities and dangers coexist. However, you must do some research before going, and then be prepared. Set off." After the voice fell, Ye Feiran immediately said, "I agree with A-Xuan's idea." At this time, everyone also knew Ye Feiran's little thoughts, and couldn't help laughing, "Pfft!" Ye Feiran looked at them quietly, but they didn't smile. "Ahem... then we will listen to A-Xuan this time." "Little Ye Zi, I'm inquiring about information..." Before Yunchen could finish speaking, Ye Feiran said, "I'll contact the ghost market." Naturally, Ye Feiran did not contact the manager of the ghost market, but instead sent a message to the ancient black rose spirit who had been staying in the spirit beast bag. "Sister Hei, I leave the ancient secret realm of Xingyue Immortal Sect to you." "Hmph, I only think of them when I have something to do, and completely forget about them when I have nothing to do. Ranmeiren, are you sorry?" Black Rose Essence snorted coldly.

March, early spring. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou. The hazy sky was gray and black, showing heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked into the sky and blurred out the clouds. The clouds overlapped and merged with each other, spreading out streaks of crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder. It's like the roar of gods, echoing in the world. ,. Blood-colored rain, with sadness, falls into the mortal world. The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red rain of blood. The city is in ruins and everything is withered. Collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering. The streets that used to be bustling with people are now desolate. The sandy dirt road that used to be bustling with people is no longer noisy now. Only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper were left, indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking. Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck deep in the mud, full of sadness. Only an abandoned rabbit doll hung on the shaft, swaying in the wind. The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerieness. The turbid eyes seemed to have some residual resentment, looking lonely at the mottled rocks in front of them. There, a figure was lying down. This was a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes were torn and covered with dirt, and he had a broken leather bag tied around his waist. The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions and spread throughout his body, gradually taking away his body temperature. But even though the rain fell on his face, he didn't blink, staring coldly into the distance like an eagle. Following his gaze, he saw a skinny vulture gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog, seven or eight feet away from him, observing the surroundings vigilantly from time to time. It seems that in this dangerous ruins, if there is the slightest movement, it will instantly rise into the sky. The young man is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity. After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally buried its head completely into the belly of the wild dog. ,,. ,.