Ye Han: "..." Should she be happy about her father's reaction, or should she be happy? Feng Yuexi on the side couldn't help but roll her eyes. Although she also likes this pair of rings, she is definitely not as irresistible as Ye Changqing. It seems that in their case, it is not the mother-in-law who likes the son-in-law more and more, but the father-in-law who likes the son-in-law more and more! Murong Lingji did not dare to laugh at his future father-in-law, so he nodded and said, "Really, parents can wear it and have a look." Ye Changqing and Feng Yuexi were very moved, but did not take any action. After all, if they wear the ring now, it means that they agree with the relationship between their two children. Ahem... It's really rare for a daughter and Murong Lingji to be in love, but they always have to investigate Murong Lingji's character and make things difficult for him! As the saying goes, the easier it is to get it, the less it will be cherished. They naturally hope that their daughter will be cherished. However, Ye Han didn't know what they were thinking, and she also thought the pair of rings were beautiful, so when her parents didn't move, she put them on herself. "Mom and Dad, this ring is so beautiful!" Ye Changqing: "..." Feng Yuexi: "..." Murong Lingji on the side felt happy, why is Han'er so cute! "It is indeed beautiful!" Now that the Najie was put on by the girl with her arms turned outward, Ye Changqing kept doing nothing. He glanced at the Najie with his consciousness, and then he stood up all of a sudden. He was not excited, but frightened. The meeting gift prepared by Murong Lingji was so generous! This meeting gift is comparable to the treasure trove of the entire Canglan Ye family! Murong Lingji smiled and said nothing. Ye Han and Feng Yuexi both looked at Ye Changqing with puzzled faces, and the latter asked, "What's wrong with you?" "Yue Xi, why don't you take a look at the greeting gift inside the ring first." Ye Changqing's voice was a little trembling. Hearing this, Feng Yuexi frowned slightly, and then his consciousness scanned Najie. The next moment, she stood up, also frightened by the greeting gift inside the ring. "Is this...isn't this meeting gift too generous?" After saying that, without waiting for Murong Lingji to respond, her spiritual consciousness glanced at Ye Changqing's Najie, and Ye Changqing's spiritual consciousness also glanced at Feng Yuexi's Najie. Two couples: "!!!" After coming back to his senses, Ye Changqing raised his eyes and looked at Murong Lingji, and said with a serious face, "Mr. Murong, we will not sell our daughter." Ye Han: "???" Why sell your daughter? With such doubts, Ye Han's consciousness glanced at the Najie in his parents' hands, and he stood up in shock. "Aji, this greeting gift...did you give it to me by mistake?" "No." Murong Lingji shook his head, "This is the meeting gift I carefully prepared for my parents." After speaking, he silently sent a message to Ye Han, "Actually, I have been preparing for the meeting ceremony for my parents since I started practicing, and this is only part of the meeting ceremony." Ye Han: "!!!" For a moment, she couldn't find her voice. After the shock, her consciousness quickly glanced at the jade bracelet on her wrist, and then her eyes widened. There are more things in this jade bracelet than the gifts given to her parents combined, and they are all kinds of treasures, most of which are beneficial to her future cultivation path. Murong Lingji glanced at them and said seriously, "Father and mother, I am sincere to Han'er. Don't refuse these greeting gifts. I have carefully prepared them for you, and they will be very beneficial to your future cultivation path. Because I hope that my parents and Han'er can successfully ascend to the immortal world and the divine world in the future. Especially when you go to the immortal world, you must protect yourselves. As for arriving in the God Realm, I will naturally protect you. " Hearing this, Ye Changqing and Feng Yuexi looked shocked again. "You, what you mean is...that you are from the God Realm?" Murong Lingji nodded, "Yes, I am now in the lower realm of Yuanshen." Ye Changqing and Feng Yuexi looked at each other, and then asked in unison, "Ye Xiaozi is also from the God Realm?" Murong Lingji nodded again, "Yes!" For a moment, Ye Changqing and Feng Yuexi didn't know what to say. They looked at Murong Lingji with unpredictable expressions. Every cultivator is full of yearning for the fairy world and the divine world, and God is the existence they yearn for most. Now, people from the God Realm appear one after another around them. This may be their chance! "Mom, Dad, Han'er, let me tell you the truth, I will never take back the things I gave away. If you don't want it, just throw it away!" As soon as these words came out, Ye Changqing immediately raised his eyebrows and raised his face, "Prodigal son, if you let one of these treasures go out, your head will be ripped off, how can you throw it away?" After saying that, he realized what he meant, and a hint of embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face. But the next moment, he stiffened his neck and said, "Humph, you want to chase our Han'er, so we will accept this gift." On the one hand, he could see that Murong Lingji really would not take it back, on the other hand, he really wanted to ascend to the immortal world, and then to the divine world. In this way, they can see whether Ye Han and Ye Feiran will live happily in the future. If Murong Lingji and Ye Murin bully them, they will definitely try their best to protect them. "Yes, yes, thank you, parents!" Murong Lingji immediately smiled. All four of us enjoyed this meal. On the way back to the inn, the four of them met Ye Murin and Ye Feiran. Ye Feiran looked them over, and finally his eyes rested on the clasped hands of Murong Lingji and Ye Han. Such speed of development! Murong Lingji can do it! Ye Han looked shy, while Murong Lingji had a smile on his face. Ye Feiran ignored his bright smile and said, "Grandpa, grandma, aunt, Poison Master Murong!" "Grandpa, grandma, aunt!" Ye Murin greeted him. "Ran'er, Ye Xiaozi, you are back!" Ye Changqing was very happy, and the more he looked at Ye Mulin, the more satisfied his eyes became. Murong Lingji on the side noticed this and felt sour in his heart. This was definitely a different treatment, but he did not dare to have any objection. Ye Murin and Murong Lingji took them back to the inn. The latter originally wanted to meet Ye Yuheng and Gong Yufu, but they were not there, so he had to leave with Ye Murin first. On the way, Murong Lingji said to Ye Murin, "Emperor, I have already given the meeting gifts to my parents and Han'er." Ye Murin raised his eyes and glanced at Murong Lingji. "I'm just in case." Murong Lingji explained silently. Who knows if he will have time to see Ye Han again after the seal of Dengxiandi is released. "I know, I have given the stuff to the Treasure Hunter, and it will be handed over to Ran'er." Ye Mulin said. Murong Lingji: "..." Good guy! Why doesn't he have a treasure hunter rat? "No, are you planning to let the treasure hunter live with the goddess?"

March, early spring. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou. The hazy sky was gray and black, showing heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked into the sky and blurred out the clouds. The clouds overlapped and merged with each other, spreading out streaks of crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder. It's like the roar of gods, echoing in the world. ,. Blood-colored rain, with sadness, falls into the mortal world. The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red rain of blood. The city is in ruins and everything is withered. Collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering. The streets that used to be bustling with people are now desolate. The sandy dirt road that used to be bustling with people is no longer noisy now. Only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper were left, indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking. Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck deep in the mud, full of sadness. Only an abandoned rabbit doll hung on the shaft, swaying in the wind. The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerieness. The turbid eyes seemed to have some residual resentment, looking lonely at the mottled rocks in front of them. There, a figure was lying down. This was a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes were torn and covered with dirt, and he had a broken leather bag tied around his waist. The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions and spread throughout his body, gradually taking away his body temperature. But even though the rain fell on his face, he didn't blink, staring coldly into the distance like an eagle. Following his gaze, he saw a skinny vulture gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog, seven or eight feet away from him, observing the surroundings vigilantly from time to time. It seems that in this dangerous ruins, if there is the slightest movement, it will instantly rise into the sky. The young man is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity. After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally buried its head completely into the belly of the wild dog. ,,. ,.