Duanmu shuche glanced at Chu Hanyan and said patiently, "Younger martial sister Chu, even if we don't get the imperial blood fruit, the master won't blame us. Now we continue to stay in the Warcraft forest to see if we can meet the second imperial blood fruit tree. In addition, the imperial blood fruit on the small peak is still some time away from maturity. At that time, we can go to the auction to try our luck."

Chu Hanyan moved her red lips, and then lowered her eyes. She didn't know what to think?

Seeing this, Ji Yanbin couldn't help reaching out and touching Chu Hanyan's clothes. He coughed and said, "elder martial sister Chu, you care too much about the master's view. It's very tired to live like this!"

"I" Chu Hanyan suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Ji Yanbin, but she didn't know how to explain, because Ji Yanbin said the truth.

She is the eldest daughter of the Chu family. People in the family, especially her father and mother, have high expectations of her. She can't let them down, so she must always get the attention of the master, so that the master will focus on cultivating her.

Ji Yanbin looked at Chu Hanyan. His expression was not as careless as usual. He continued, "elder martial sister Chu, think about it yourself! If you want to open up a little, you will have a happier life. Look at me and elder martial brother Duanmu."

"Shuche is not like you. You don't care about my affairs." Chu Hanyan glanced at Ji Yanbin.

Hearing the speech, Ji Yanbin shrugged his shoulders, raised his eyes to ye feiran and stopped talking to Chu Hanyan. Anyway, he had said what he should say.

At the same time, ye feiran's struggle with the silver wolf king has come to an end, because the silver wolf king's strength is almost exhausted.

Ye feiran looked at the silver wolf king, who was panting, and a pair of wolf eyes were rolling. He was going to look for a chance to escape, and a faint radian appeared in the corners of his mouth.

When the silver wolf king ran up, her body moved, she fell on its back and grabbed its fur with both hands.

"Silver wolf king, surrender to me, or I'll pull out all your hair. No, I should strip your muscles and skin. Your fur is so soft and white that I can make a beautiful dress."

"Ouch ~"

The silver wolf king shouted angrily, and kept turning his body in an attempt to throw ye feiran down.

Ye feiran looked at the fur under her hand, and a cunning point flashed across her eyes. Her slender fingers grabbed a hair, and then pulled it hard.

"Ouch ~"

The silver wolf king immediately exhaled in pain, but still had no intention to surrender. He kept rotating, thinking that ye feiran was dizzy before him.

One, two, three. The silver wolf king gave a cry of pain every time he pulled one.

When ye feiran pulled out the tenth root, the silver wolf king began to feel dizzy and the rotation speed began to slow down.

Seeing this, ye Fei ran hooked her lips. Why is there such a stupid silver wolf king?

Finally, the silver wolf king couldn't stand the feeling of dizziness and pain and fell on the ground.

As soon as possible, ye feiran immediately showed her sharp dagger and said with a smile, "silver wolf king, if you don't submit to me, I'll start skinning."

The silver wolf king didn't respond at all. After all, he can't see the situation clearly now.

When the cold dagger hit it, it subconsciously shivered and made a "whine" sound in its mouth.

"Eh, do you mean to surrender to me?" ye feiran asked while scraping the silver wolf king's fur with a dagger.

"Wuwu" the silver wolf king nodded while purring.

Ye feiran immediately looked happy, raised her voice and shouted, "in early summer, your spirit pet is done. Come quickly."

Hearing ye feiran's voice, early summer came to her conditionally and looked at the silver wolf king in disbelief.

"Lord, do you really give me a contract?"

"Isn't there a fake? Don't you want it like early winter?" ye feiran joked.

Then, in early summer, under the guidance of Ye feiran, he vaguely contracted the silver wolf king.

After the success of the contract, early summer still couldn't believe it, "master, do I really have a ninth level spirit pet? Am I not dreaming?"

Ye feiran put away the dagger, stretched out her hand and flicked her clothes and said, "well, you're probably daydreaming!"

Hearing the speech, Chu Xia shook her head and pinched her arm, but because she had just pinched the wound, she suddenly exhaled in pain.

"Ah ~ it hurts me."

Ye feiran glanced at her bleeding arm and looked speechless.

"Early winter, come and treat the wound for this silly girl."


Early winter answered and walked over immediately.

At the moment, she doesn't envy early summer at all, and doesn't regret that she doesn't want the silver wolf king, because whether she or early summer, she can protect the master well.

In addition to Duanmu shuche, the whole iron blood mercenary regiment envied early summer. They envied that she had a ninth level spirit pet and that she had such a good master.

At this time, the silver wolf king, who was no longer dizzy, realized that he had been contracted by a man of the ninth rank of Qi refining, immediately ran to ye feiran, and a pair of wolf eyes stared at her angrily.

Ye feiran glanced at it and said, "why? Aren't you happy? I found you a master. You should thank me."

"Ouch ~"

It is to submit to her, not the smelly girl of the Ninth level of Qi refining.

Ye feiran smiled, reached out and stroked his head. "Chuxia is my man. Isn't it equivalent to following me? However, you should urge chuxia to improve her strength, otherwise you can't follow me."

The silver wolf king tilted his furry head and thought for a while, then slowly accepted the facts, then walked to early summer and explained early summer through divine knowledge.

In early summer, the whole person was stunned and seriously doubted who was the master?

Ye feiran glanced around and saw that there was no shortage of people. The corner of her mouth raised an arc. The next moment she quickly walked over to the brother of the helper Corps.

The leg of one of the mercenary brothers was badly bitten by a wolf. They were all worried and didn't know how to deal with it.

"I'll come!"

Hearing ye feiran's voice, the mercenary regiment immediately made way.

"Mr. ran, please. The two Yang families are old and young. The whole family depends on him to live. They can't be disabled!" Luo Chengqi begged with a look at ye feiran.

Ye feiran squatted down, carefully examined Yang er's wound and said, "don't worry, he won't be disabled with me."

Hearing the speech, the brothers of the mercenary regiment looked at each other with a happy face.

"Thank you, Mr. ran!"

Ye Fei Ran's beautiful eyes glanced around and said seriously, "there is a strong smell of blood around. Let's leave quickly and find a flat and safe place. By the way, commander Luo, don't forget the crystal core of Warcraft."

Next, several less injured mercenary brothers dug crystal cores with all their hands, while others were responsible for sending the more seriously injured to a safe place.

Ye Fei Ran's beautiful eyes glanced around and said seriously, "commander Luo, I'll treat Yang er's wound now. You stay around and can't affect me, otherwise"


Luo Chengqi responded subconsciously and immediately ordered his less injured brother to stay around.