Hearing the speech, night Mu Lin looked at ye feiran with a smile and gently opened her thin lips, "I saw a man with a heart of stone like Ran'er for the first time. Ran'er's heart of stone is just aimed at me, isn't it?"

Well - this is a special treatment!

However, can you change a special treatment? He doesn't like this one very much!

"No, I'm so hard hearted to everyone."

Ye Fei Ran's eyebrow tip was slightly picked, and she looked righteous.

Such a child falls into the eyes of night Mu Lin, not to mention how lovely it is!

So, night Mu Lin couldn't help but stretch out his hand and point Ye Fei Ran's nose, and slowly said, "a duplicity woman."

The man's cold fingers fell on his nose. Ye feiran subconsciously stepped back, glanced at him and said, "nonsense man."

"Oh ~" night Mu Lin smiled, and the dumb voice sounded in the woman's ear, "I'm telling the truth."

Ye feiran looked away inexplicably with a little guilty heart, and then left Ye Mulin a beautiful figure. She coughed and said, "I'm too lazy to tell you. Take me to dinner quickly. I'm hungry."

Night Mu Lin picked up the tip of his eyebrows, and a smile appeared at the bottom of his eyes. He caught up with Ye Fei ran with his proud long legs, and his throat gave out a burst of dumb laughter. "Is ran Er guilty?"

Ye feiran turned her head and stared at Ye Mu Lin, "go away, who's guilty? You're guilty!"

At the next moment, ye feiran realized that her reaction was a little fierce. She couldn't help frowning, and an emotion called shame gradually spread.

"Night Mu Lin, if you say one more word, I'll leave immediately."

Hearing the little woman's threat of Chi ~ Guo ~ Guo, night Mu Lin immediately counseled.

At the same time, he realized that he had just been a little complacent.

"Cough ~ chef Gao should have almost finished lunch. Let's go!"

Seeing that ye Mulin knew current affairs so well, ye feiran was a little relieved. He grabbed the matter and said that she was afraid to really go.

Before long, they came to the dining room, but the table was clean and there was no tea cup.

Night Mu Lin's face sank immediately.

The next moment, ebony came out of nowhere and respectfully saluted, "master, madam!"

Blackwood looked up and saw ye feiran's old and ugly aunt's face. He was scared and stepped back. "You... Who are you?"

Ye Fei ran picked the tip of her eyebrows and looked at heimu with a smile, "what do you say!"

Hearing the familiar voice, heimu blinked, then looked up and down at ye feiran, couldn't help swallowing, "madam, why are you dressed old and ugly?"

"Naturally, it's because your master likes old and ugly women." ye feiran subconsciously replied.

The next moment, realizing what she said, she added calmly, "I made a great sacrifice in dressing up like this. Who knows that your master's taste is so wonderful that he likes old and ugly women."

Night Mu Lin: "

Heimu: "

This is absolutely impossible. How can his master like old and ugly women? It must be his wife's nonsense.

Night Mu Lin didn't want to continue this topic. Black eyes looked at heimu and didn't speak.

Blackwood suddenly became excited and hurriedly said, "master, madam, chef Gao hasn't finished lunch yet, but it's almost the same. There are many dishes."

Hearing the speech, ye Fei Ran's eyes glowed, "what kind of dishes do you have?"

Black wood was about to answer. Night Mu Lin's low and magnetic voice suddenly sounded.

"Madam, if you want to know, you can move to the dining room."

"Yes, why didn't I think of it! Maybe I can steal my teacher and learn skills." Ye Fei ran was excited on her face.

Night Mu Lin: "

Suddenly regret, can you go back?

If Ran'er succeeds in cheating on her teacher, what reason does he have to "tryst" with her?

Black wood looked at Ye Mu Lin, then looked at Ye Fei ran, hesitated for a while, and then said, "madam, are you sure you want to go like this?"

When talking, heimu also pointed to his face, which was very obvious.

Ye Fei ran picked the tip of her eyebrows and hooked the corner of her lips. "What's the problem? Don't have a problem with my dress. This is the type your master likes."

Hearing the speech, Blackwood twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth, and then said solemnly, "madam, don't joke anymore. Really, it's not funny at all. My master has always liked you and will never empathize.

If the master likes old and ugly women now, it must be because, madam, you dress up as an old and ugly woman. He only likes you. No matter what you dress up, he likes you. "

After heimu finished with one breath, he looked at Yelin with his eyes and looked like asking for praise.

Night Mu Lin was very satisfied and generously gave heimu a look of appreciation.

Heimu was elated for a moment and almost jumped up uncontrollably. After pressing down, he had thought about how to show off with Heisha and ruthlessness later.

Hearing heimu's words, and ye Mulin didn't deny it, ye feiran didn't have any fluctuations in her heart. It was false.

At the moment, there were ripples in her heart, one after another.

It seems that I don't know when her heart has been out of her control... But she doesn't reject it. On the contrary, she is a little happy.

But so far, that's enough.

She always remembers a sentence - in love, whoever moves first loses.

And she, to be the winner, has no reason.

Ye feiran looked at heimu and night Mu Lin, and there was no change in her face.

Night Mu Lin also looks at ye feiran and is very nervous. He doesn't know how Raner will react?

"Sure enough, there are as many subordinates as there are masters. They can talk nonsense." Ye Fei ran said speechless.

Night Mu Lin: "

Heimu: "

Is there something wrong with this reaction?

Ye feiran didn't give them a chance to speak and continued, "I'm too lazy to talk to you. I went to the dining room to steal a teacher and learn skills."

When the sound fell, ye feiran left with great strides and looked for the past along the smell of food.

Night Mu Lin and heimu look at Ye Fei Ran's back.

"Lord, Lord, madam, is she pretending not to understand?" Blackwood asked carefully, extremely nervous.

Night Mu Lin didn't answer heimu until ye Fei Ran's back disappeared. He sighed softly in his heart, "the future is long!"

Hearing this, heimu was secretly relieved. He thought the master would blame him for talking too much.

"Master, you can catch up with your wife."

Night Mu Lin glanced at Blackwood and left with his hands on his back.

"Let the housekeeper let them out for activities! Your wife said that the palace was unpopular."

"Yes, my subordinates will arrange it immediately."

After Blackwood arranged, he immediately found ruthlessness and said excitedly, "ruthlessness, you know? The master just gave me a look of appreciation."

Ruthless: "

For the ruthless speechless response, heimu didn't care at all. He turned to find Heisha and said excitedly, "Heisha, you know? The master just gave me a look of appreciation."

Heisha: "

It's just a look of appreciation. What's there to show off?