Ye feiran takes advantage of Li Jinse's three hearts, and the three stones hit them down smoothly.

"We are not afraid of trouble!"

Ye feiran's light words came into everyone's ears of the second team with the wind, and almost made them smoke overhead.

Ye feiran glanced at the two buckets and sighed softly, "Alas, in order to beat a group of shameless people down, both buckets are half a bucket less. It's not worth it!"

If the people in the second team knew that none of them could compare with a bucket of water, they didn't know how wonderful it would be.

The bucket was lighter, and ye feiran walked up the mountain a lot faster.

After a while, she went to the top of the cliff. Yunchen and them were waiting.

Pastoral and Han Xize immediately come forward and take over the bucket in ye feiran's hand. Tang Mengtong, Jiang yinghan and situ Yu surround ye feiran with worry.

"Fei ran, how's your foot? Does it hurt?"

"Little leaf, take it off and show us."

"I have all the medicine ready. I'll rub it for you."

Yunchen and they also looked at ye feiran with a worried face.

Ye feiran glanced at them, felt a warm current in her heart, and said with a smile, "don't worry, I don't hurt. Really, it's just that my skin is red at most."

"Really?" Tang Mengtong looked suspicious.

"Do you want me to swear? I'm just hit by a small stone without bleeding. I don't need to lie to you. It really doesn't hurt. I don't know why. It feels like scratching when I'm hit by a stone." ye feiran said.

Yunchen's seven people still don't believe it very much.

"Little leaf, just show us!" Jiang yinghan shook ye feiran's arm.

Ye feiran looked helpless. At the next moment, she turned her eyes and coughed, "men and women don't give and receive. You even want to see my feet. What's your intention?"

Everyone: "

What a fallacy!

"Yunchen, if the four of you look at my feet, you should be responsible. Hehe..." ye feiran smiled.

As soon as Yunchen heard this, the four men subconsciously took a step back and turned around.

"We don't look."

They must not be watched by Ye feiran. They are not broken sleeves.

When Jiang yinghan, Tang Mengtong and situ Yu saw them turn around, they divided their work and quickly stripped off Ye Fei's shoes and socks and carefully examined her white jade feet.

Ye feiran: "

These three are definitely women and hooligans!

When Jiang yinghan saw that ye feiran's feet were not swollen, blue, purple or black, they were just red. They were shocked.

Jiang yinghan stretched out his hand to poke ye feiran's jade foot, and tried hard again. At the same time, he kept asking, "does it hurt?"

Ye feiran looked at Jiang yinghan quietly and didn't speak.

Tang Mengtong and situ Yu also poked ye feiran's jade feet curiously and touched them.

"Fei ran, your feet are very soft! Why don't they hurt?" situ Yu asked suspiciously in a low voice.

Ye feiran rolled her eyes. "Do you want me to hurt?"

"No, I don't mean that. Of course I hope you don't hurt at all." situ Yu quickly waved his hand.

Ye feiran's lips were slightly hooked. "Have you seen enough? Do you believe it?"

Jiang yinghan looked at Ye Fei's jade feet and thought, "little leaf, shouldn't your feet be an iron wall?"

"I don't mind if you think so," said Ye feiran as she put on her shoes and socks.

"Otherwise, I can't explain. Generally, if you are hit by a stone, you will swell up, but you have been hit so many times, but your skin is slightly red. It's strange." Jiang yinghan frowned slightly.

"Strange is strange. Anyway, small leaves don't hurt." Tang Mengtong said.

"Yes, Tong Tong is right." situ Yu nodded in agreement.

Thinking that ye feiran is a doctor, Jiang yinghan's eyebrows stretch out in an instant.

"Yes, the small leaves don't hurt."

Ye feiran put on her shoes and socks, stood up, patted the dust on her ass and announced, "let's go down the mountain! Fifty barrels of water seems very difficult."

"If you walk a few more times, the speed will be fast. Maybe you can go back to the dormitory very early." Han Xize said with a smile.

The shepherd glanced at him. "The premise is that the second team doesn't do anything."

"Are you afraid?" Han Xize asked with a smile.

The pastor stood up, "I'm not afraid. If they do something again, we'll beat them down and let them fall black and blue. I think they still do something."

Nalan Wei Ran stretched out his hand and put it on the pastoral shoulder, slightly raised his chin and said, "pastoral, I like your words, until they have no power to fight back."

"Let's go. Be careful when you go down the mountain. Don't fall down all at once." Yunchen said with a smile.

So the party went down the mountain with two empty buckets.

At the foot of the cliff.

Everyone in the second team fell down at least twice. The last time he fell from such a high place, he felt that his whole body was scattered and there were wounds everywhere.

Although it's not a big wound, the small wounds add up and look shocking.

"It hurts me!" Zhou Wanling touched her feet and said with a sad face.

Chen Dapeng fell badly. He endured the pain and asked with concern, "Wanling, is her ankle sprained?"

Zhou Wanling flattened her mouth and became more aggrieved. "There is no ankle, but it is swollen."

"Shall I rub it for you?" Chen Dapeng thought of the difference between men and women, and quickly changed his voice, "shall I ask Miao Jiaoli to rub it for you."

Hearing this, Zhou Wanling subconsciously looked for Miao Jiaoli's figure, saw her frowning willow eyebrows to deal with her wound, shook her head, "no, I'll rub it myself! But can you help me to sit down there?"

Zhou Wanling reached out and pointed to a stone not far away.

Chen Dapeng took a look and hurriedly said, "of course."

When Chen Dapeng helped Zhou Wanling into the stone, Li Jinse grabbed the stone first.

Chen Dapeng glanced at Li Jinse and noticed that the wound on her body was not as serious as Zhou Wanling. He said, "Jinse, Wanling's foot is swollen. Can you let..."

Before Chen Dapeng finished, Li Jinse refused.

"No, I'm not feeling well all over."


"Why? Am I not clear enough?" Li Jinse said with his hands around his chest and looked at Zhou Wanling with a touch of irony in his eyes.

Zhou Wanling pulled Chen Dapeng's sleeve and whispered, "forget it, let's find something else..."

Zhou Wanling noticed that there were only stones occupied by Li Jinse around. She quickly changed her mind and said, "I'll just sit on the ground."

Chen Dapeng glanced at Li Jinshe disapprovingly. If it weren't for her identity as Miss Li, he would scold her severely.

Zhou Wanling sat on the ground, frowning and rubbing her feet.

Zeng Zhiyuan came to see this scene and frowned at once.

At this moment, the second team looks like a plate of loose sand, taking care of their own.

"Why, aren't you very arrogant when you pick something? Now it hurts!"

Hearing Zeng Zhiyuan's voice, everyone in the second team immediately stood up and saluted, "mentor Zeng!"

"Ha ha..." Zeng Zhiyuan chuckled, "I don't think I can be your mentor. Look, all the disciples in other classes are united, and only the disciples in class 2 are like a plate of loose sand.

The college asked me to be the tutor of class 2, but a month has passed, and there has been no change in class 2. I am ashamed of the college! "