Hearing this, ye Yuheng immediately shook his head, "branches and leaves will not blossom."

"What about the mutated branches and leaves?" ye feiran asked again.

This time, ye Yuheng did not answer immediately, but recalled the records of his ancestral home and said, "the Ye family has never had mutated branches and leaves. It's hard to say. I'll ask the old ancestor and the supreme elder later!"

Ye feiran pondered for a while. Her voice was a little hoarse and said, "Grandpa, I'll let xiaomengzi bloom for you."

"Little cute son?" Ye Yuheng didn't react for a moment.

"Oh, xiaomengzi is my branch." ye feiran smiled and touched her nose.

Ye Yuheng: "

This name doesn't seem to match the variant nine leaf red branch!

However, great grandchildren like it. It's just a title.

"Xiaomengzi, come back quickly!"

Ye feiran shouted, and the mutated nine leaf red branch came back with Ye Han's nine leaf Golden branch.

Ye feiran saw that Jiuye Jinzhi also had a face from a distance, and her beautiful eyes widened slightly. "It, it's growing wisdom?"

Ye Yuheng and ye Han also looked shocked.

"Yes, yes! Ranran, I made it grow smart! Am I very powerful?" the mutated nine leaf red branch asked with flashing eyes, obviously asking for credit.

After ye feiran was shocked, she looked at Ye Han's nine leaf Golden branch carefully.

Looking at ye feiran, Jiuye Jinzhi gives people a cold feeling, which is very similar to Ye Han's temperament.

Ye feiran reached out and touched its leaves and asked, "can you speak?"

"Yes!" Jiuye Jinzhi spared no words.

Ye feiran praised the variation of nine leaf red branch, "tut Tut, little cute son, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

"Yes, yes! I say I'm the best!" the mutated nine leaf red branch was very angry, and then the conversation changed, "master, is there a reward?"

At this time, ye Han also made tea. Ye feiran took a sip from the tea cup and asked, "what reward do you want?"

"Hey, hey... I've just consumed a lot. I want xuanjing, the best xuanjing!" the mutated nine leaf red branch made a horse way.

Ye feiran was drinking tea. Hearing this, she choked, "cough..."

"Be careful!" ye hanlian hurriedly said.

After ye feiran returned to normal, she looked at the mutated nine leaf red branch and asked in a faint voice, "what did you just say?"

The variant Jiuye Hongzhi didn't notice the change of Ye feiran's expression and said solemnly, "I want the best xuanjing. I just helped it open its wisdom, which consumes a lot, and xuanjing can help me become stronger and stronger!"

Ye feiran: "!"

So now she has to raise another ancestor, one who eats xuanjing!

Snow elves want to eat pills, nightmare beasts want to eat spirit stones, and another one wants to eat xuanjing... God, she can't afford it!

"I don't have xuanjing!"

"Master, you lie, I know you still have xuanjing." the mutated nine leaf red branch made a horse way.

Hearing that, ye feiran was shocked. She only opened the mysterious space once, and it smelled the smell of ice xuanjing. What a dog nose!

"I have only one ice crystal left all over my body, but it can't be useful to you."

Hearing this, the mutated nine leaf red branch suddenly wilted, and Meng Meng's big eyes looked at ye feiran pitifully.

Ye feiran glanced at it, waved her hand and said, "don't look at me like this. I'm very poor and I can't afford you. Go!"

As soon as the voice fell, the mutated nine leaf red branch trembled all over, carefully looked at the master, noticed that the master was not joking, and was in a hurry.

"Whoosh" came to ye feiran, "you are my master, you can't stop me!"

Ye feiran quickly smiled at the bottom of her eyes, pretending to be serious, "I can't afford you, really!"

The mutated nine leaf red branch stared at ye feiran for a while, then weakly said, "in fact... In fact, the best spirit stone can also be, no, the worst can also be."

It's really afraid that its master doesn't want it. It's hard to wake up. It's nothing without its master.

Ye feiran glances at the mutated nine leaf red branch. These two goods seem stupid, but actually they are thieves!

"Remember what you said, but your master, I don't even have one of the worst spirit stones now, because you have consumed them all."

Hearing this, the mutant Jiuye Hongzhi's eyes turned. It was wronged to almost cry. It found that it was routine by its master!

Seeing this scene, ye Han reluctantly shook his head, and then handed the mutant Jiuye Hongzhi an attribute xuanjing, "thank you for helping Jiuye Jinzhi open his wisdom!"

The variant nine leaf red branch sees the attribute xuanjing, and its eyes brighten instantly. The grievance disappears completely in an instant. A leaf catches xuanjing and absorbs it in less than three seconds!

Seeing this scene, ye Han was shocked, and ye feiran was also shocked!

It's harder than you think!

Ye feiran sank into a chair and began to sigh, "Alas, it's not easy to be the master these days, alas!"

Ye Yuheng looked at the carefully mutated nine leaf red branch and ye feiran. He coughed and said, "your grandmother still has a lot of xuanjing and Lingshi. I'll let her give it to you."

Hearing this, the eyes of the mutated nine leaf red branch lit up instantly, while ye feiran waved her hand and said powerlessly, "Grandpa, no, I won't starve to death for the time being!"

When she woke up, the old ancestor, the supreme elder, the Tianlin elder and the great grandfather had taken out all the spirit stones and xuanjing on them. Now it's not good to reach out and ask for them from the elders!

Ye Yuheng stopped talking and motioned to ye feiran to let the mutated nine leaf red branch bloom.

Ye feiran then returned to normal and ordered, "xiaomengzi, you bloom slowly and show it to grandpa!"


When the variant nine leaf red branch blooms, ye feiran also shows her right wrist. The other shore flower on the wrist slowly disappears, while the variant nine leaf red branch blooms slowly.

Seeing this, ye Yuheng's face became a little dignified. At this time, he also found that the variation of nine leaf red branch was due to the flower on the other bank.

"I'll study this matter carefully. Don't blossom in front of others and don't let people see your wrist." Ye Yuheng told me seriously.

"Yes!" ye feiran responded obediently. She didn't find out what was going on. Naturally, she wouldn't be exposed.

"You have a good rest. I'll find the old ancestor and the supreme elder!"

Before ye Yuheng left, he also looked for Gong Yufu and briefly said the things about Lingshi and xuanjing.

Gong Yufu came to find ye feiran at the first time and gave her a ring without saying a word.

"Too grandma, I can't!"

"The elder can't give it away!" Gong Yufu smiled, and a word blocked ye feiran's refusal.

Ye feiran sighed in her heart before she put away the ring. "Thank you, grandma!"

"You don't have to thank the family. Just go home!" Gong Yufu said.

After so many things, she didn't ask for much. She just wanted the family to reunite and be safe.

Ye feiran didn't have the spirit stone and xuanjing to raise the variant nine leaf red branch. It also spread to the three brothers and sisters of Ye Changfeng. The three brothers and sisters immediately added half of their xuanjing and spirit stone to the meeting ceremony.

"Eldest brother, han'er, Ran'er, this is our gift to you!" Ye Yaxuan sent the nine rings.

Ye Changqing was about to push the three rings back. Ye Changfeng said, "it's just a gift!"

"Yes, I don't want to accept the meeting gifts. Is it too embarrassing for us?" ye YAYING added.