Chapter 558 - Messing With The Wrong Girls

Name:The Princess and The Lord Author:
"Young miss, you can't say what my uncle did is true or not just based on your words, do you have a witness of what happened today? We can't allow you to ruin my family reputation like this" Sanguan Wu Ci smoothly twist his tongue, he knew he has to minimalize this situation before it gets out of hands.

"Consider how fast everyone runs when they here your family name, you know exactly that no one would testify" Ming Yue Yin quipped, what a glib-tongue he had.

Her pair phoenix eyes glistening under her long thick eyelashes. Is apparent for him that this woman more than meets the eyes the truth is none of them are simple, but no matter how great their power is he refused to believe they could exceed the power of the Sanguan family.

"How about this, why don't we compensated your grieving and let bygone be bygone," said Sanguan Wu Ci.

"Brother Sanguan!" Ruan Qiao Qin strongly rebuked, how could he back down like this!

Sanguan Wu Ci glare at Ruan Qiao Qin to shut her up, he doesn't know what these women background is but it;s better to end everything peacefully.

Lory listening Sanguan Wu Ci words with frowned, she knew he pressuring them using money to keep their mouth shut, his behavior hits her nerves "What if I say No" Lory said with a stern voice.

They all stare at Lory simultaneously, Lory crosses her arms on her c.h.e.s.t anger is frankly show on her face "This da*n pervert is harassed my cute friend here, we stopped him and told him that my friend is married and what this so-called 'honorable' man to do?" Lory gives Ruan Qiao Qin side-eyes who praised her uncle incessantly.

"He threatens us with his family name and forces us to serve him like a whore, and you tell me you will compensate me wit money and forget all this like it's nothing? who do you think you are?" Lory speak calmly but his eyes filled with anger. That pervert not even say sorry!

Zhuang Wu Ci wants to kick Zi Yu Tong, but he remains composed, his main objective is to save the Sanguan family face first. A family good name is worth more than life, he can't let Zi Yu tong stupidity tainted the Sanguan family's impeccable reputation. they say as long don't admit it, it never happened, so Zhuang Wu Ci will stick to this plan until he found another plan.

"Still without proof and witness no one would believe your words not to mention it would ruin your reputation as a married woman, I don't think your family would happy to hear this," he said with a concern look as he was care but it obvious he threatening them with their own reputation.

It sad reality for women in this world, even though they are the one who becomes victims but is their name that would be ruined, some people would pity them but a lot of people would mock and ridicule their misfortune, that's why a lot of women in this world would stay quiet when they are harassed or even r.a.p.ed.

Zhuang Wu Ci's threat might work with other women, but not for Lory and her weird friends.

"Xi Ying, are you gonna have trouble because of this?" Lory's only worry is Yang Xi Ying well being because she is the only one who has family here.

Yang Xi Ying is touch by Lory concern, she shakes her head with a sweet smile plastered in her face "I'm brother Li wife, not even my father could reprimand me with brother Li protection"

"Don't forget my protection too, who dare to touch you when everyone knows you are my best friend" Ming Yue Yin said with an overbearing attitude "And afterall…. My words are enough to vouch isn't it" Ming Yue Yin rests her hands on her hip as she smiles arrogantly.

Zhuang Wu Ci's eyebrows gradually furrow and a foreboding feeling creep into his heart 'This is not right' he lamented to himself.

Meanwhile, Quan Qiao Qin can't hold her anger any longer, she stomps her feet and pointing her finger at Ming Yue Yin "You, who do you think you are!" Ruan Qiao Qin shouted exasperatedly.

"Who am I?" Ming Yue Yin chuckles "Why don't you tell these people who I am!" Ming Yue Yin suddenly raised her voice, suddenly four women with mandarin color uniform approach Ming Yue Yin.

"Your majesty!" the four of them kneel with one knee on the ground.

"Raise.." Ming Yue Yin waves her hand slightly.

Su Yi and the other raised at one time then Su Yi and turn around and stare at Ruan Qiao Qin with a contempt look "This venerable one is Empress Ming the ruler of Liangzu Kingdom, how dare you questioning her words" 

It's like a lightning on broad daylight, Ruan Qiao Qin eyes bulged widely as if her eyeball would fall from its socket, she can't believe it, is her ears play a trick on her, she looks at Sanguan Wu Ci but he looks shocked too, so it's true!

"Xi Ying, are you okay?" Li Mo Zhen wrapped her hand around her shoulder.

"Brother Li, where were you?" she pouted in indignant, he is coming too late.

Li Mo Zhen chuckles lightly "When we rush in you already in the middle of the fight, and you seem winning too so we don't want to bother you, let you vent your anger" he patted her head dotingly.

"We?" Yang Xi Ying tilted her head confusedly.

The atmosphere turns heavy as chill sends to their spine, notice people reaction Lory doesn't need to guess who may come. A man with dark robes strode in a firm and steady pace, his untied long hair flown behind his back showing his unruly temperament, the half golden mask his icy expression, the man is like the real presence of the king Yama himself.

Sanguan Wu Ci is a sovereign cultivator at the core stage he doesn't meet a lot of people who can make his legs tremble. The pressure is too apparent and his back drenched with cold sweat 'This man is not human' that's all he can think of.

Lory saw Zhao Li Xin walk towards him with a foul expression, Lory knows she has make him worry again. Lory raised her hand and smiles warmly to eased his anger "Li Xin…."

He rests his palm on her face "Trouble keeps looking for you" he said gently.

"Isn't that annoying" Lory said with an upset look.

"As long you okay" he c.a.r.e.s.sed her cheeks with his thumb softly completely ignoring other people probing eyes.

Zhuang Wu Ci expression deepens, this man…what his relationship with her? Uneasiness penetrated his heard but he doesn't understand why.

While Ruan Qiao Qin stares at Zhao Li Xin back with a curious gaze as she had seen many exceptional men through her life she thought no one could match her cousin Zhuang Wu Ci demeanor but she's wrong, that man presence could match if not exceed her cousin, although she can't see his face because the mask he wear but just from the contour of his jawline, chin and lips the man appearance must be outstanding, but why he with that ordinary woman?

"It's rare for you to keep quiet and watch" Lory giggles as she teased him.

Zhao Li Xin sigh "I should learn to trust your ability more moreover Girsha didn't help you either so I'm certain you are not in danger," said Zhao Li Xin. Eventually, he only make his moves because Girsha flew towards her because that means Girsha is warry.

"You….who are you?" Sanguan Wu Ci had his own suspicion bet he is not sure.