25 Chapter 25: Destroyed Reputation

Nathalia had just finished a TV series she'd been watching, had a big yawn and stretch, and was ready to have a good nap.

She was just thinking about how many days it had been since the beating when someone knocked at her door. It startled her a bit, but she had half expected it was coming sometime soon. "Come in."

Though she had been staying in her room, she knew exactly what was happening at home and with the company.

A tired and worried face showed up. It was her father. Frank Carter walked in slowly and sat by Nathalia's bed. He looked heavy-hearted. "Nathalia, our company stock price, has hit the limit a few days in a row. It's worrying." He sighed and spoke directly.

He was too exhausted to even make an effort to beat around the bush.

Finally, Nathalia thought and sneered inside. But She acted perfectly, and she was surprised and worried, "How come? I know dad, you have been running it very well. How's that possible? What happened?"

She knew everything that was happening. She knew it well.

Things are going smoothly. It's even better than I thought. Though, it's strange that the Davison Group and Walken Corporation got involved. Weird.

The image of Spencer's proud face appeared in her head. She shook her head slightly as if she could wipe it off by doing so.

Though her plan had worked out wonderfully, Nathalia remained cautious, for she understood how big and powerful the Carter's was, and there was still a long way to go to eventually demolish them.

They are in trouble now, but it's just temporary. Before long, Frank Carter will figure out a solution. He is experienced and has a strong network. He is definitely not to be underestimated.

Meanwhile, the Davisons and Walkens will eventually resume their business with them. Like it says, business is business. Everything is about profit in the business field.

"It's, well, it's the video clip..." Nathalia looked at him, innocently and patiently. Frank seemed to feel guilty, and his face turned red as he mumbled, "our company, you know, it's, so, our company's reputation, well, has been damaged..."

Nathalia replied with an encouraging and cheerful tone, "Don't worry, dad, I'm sure you can fix it. You are the best." Her face showed admiration.

Frank Carter was thinking quickly and fast. He sighed a few more times and put on a helpless look. "The media's been following me everywhere. I feel so stressed. Also, a few members of the Board of Directors took advantage of the incident and are trying to get rid of me. I'm exhausted."

It was the first time he showed himself weak and helpless in front of his daughter. He felt a bit awkward, but he had to get what he wanted.

This is just the start. More troubles are to come. You wait and see.

Frank looked at his daughter. Nathalia looked the same as usual, presenting him with a lot of love and admiration.

He then remembered what his wife said and asked tentatively, "Nathalia, there's something I want to ask you about. You remember the shares your grandpa gave you? Do you think you can lend it to me? It will help a lot. And of course, I will give it back to you when we've gone through this tough time."

When Nathalia was born, her grandpa gave her 10% of the company shares as a present. When the two family companies merged, the 10% remained under Nathalia's name.

It was stated that 10% could only be used when Nathalia got to 18 years old.

Nathalia smiled knowingly. Of course, this is what you want. You have finally got to the point now. I knew you would do anything for money and your own benefit.

She knew that as soon as she got to 18, her father would get the first chance he could to take the shares from her, and now this was his chance.

Frank was confused by Nathalia's smile, wondering what she was thinking about or if she would agree.

However, it mattered not if she agreed or not. He had to have those shares. To him, they had belonged to him from the very beginning, and they would be given to his son. Nathalia was nothing to him.

He went on explaining and exaggerating how difficult it was and how impossible for him to keep his position without the 10% shares.

In fact, he himself owned 35% of shares, and the rest was divided among the other shareholders apart from the 10% that Nathalia had and a small amount that was circulated in the market.

Nathalia listened attentively. She would look upset when Frank was upset about the loss; she would look angry when Frank was talking about the annoying members from the Board, and she would look worried when Frank was saying the company might not survive.

But deep down, she despised him. You have been thinking of stealing that 10% from me. Now you think you have got the perfect chance.

In Nathalia's last life, he only needed an easy excuse, and Nathalia gave away her shares.

She was naïve, yet who would have suspected their own father.

It was true that the company was in big trouble, but it was far from going bankrupt. Also, even if it had to come to that, the Carter couple had millions worth of property all over the world.

Nathalia couldn't just let them have it all. She wanted to take every bit of money away from them and leave them with nothing. She wondered how they would feel to fall from having everything to nothing.

However, she was now still under their control. They watched her, and they had her life in their hands. If she refused to give them 10%, they would be suspicious, and it was possible that they would get rid of her completely.

Frank had never seen Nathalia as his own daughter; besides, whoever and whatever that was an obstacle to him to get what he wanted, he had no pity on them but the determination to exterminate them.

Nathalia was just still a young girl and had not gathered the power to fight against someone as cruelly sophisticated as Frank. She had to be cautious and avoid mistakes.

Frank made a lengthy and well-prepared speech, waiting for Nathalia to make the offer of giving all the shares to him. He was expecting that Nathalia would agree straight away, and he would reassure her a few times how grateful he was. She's giving the shares to me. No one forces her. She offers it herself. He thought to himself.

However, some time elapsed, and Nathalia made no response. Frank looked at Nathalia to find that she seemed absent-minded.

You are not even listening! What a waste of my time! You shit.

Frank grew annoyed, and harshly he questioned, "Nathalia! Yes or no? Are you offering the shares?"

He had to get them, whatever it had to take. He had to.