89 Chapter 89: I’ve Loved You Truly

A sharp pain arose in his heart as if someone was digging it with a shovel. It hurt so much.

"Nathalia, I've loved you truly." His voice was very low. He was almost whispering.

"Bang." The door shut. That was the answer from Nathalia.

Closed was the door and closed was the short-lived relationship between the young couple.

From now on, the once lovers become strangers.

She had been holding back her tears, and now they just streamed down her cheeks. She ran and sobbed, dragging her suitcase.

I'm sorry. I love you.

Nathalia rented a flat in Paterson, remained quiet and low-key. She never went out anywhere except for school.

Somehow the cancellation of the engagement had not caused much trouble for Nathalia. It seemed someone had taken care of it. There were no reporters following her, no one waiting at the school gate, no one questioned. Though at school, some teachers and students were talking behind her, it didn't bother her at all.

She focused on her study and cared not about the outside world. Her hard work paid off at the end, and she was accepted into her favorite university.

Relieved, she flew to Europe the next day and spent two months there before her university life commenced.

The day she got back from Europe, as soon as she walked out of the airport, a tall figure blocked her way. "Nathalia Carter, what a coincidence! Let's go for coffee."

Nathalia had always loved the smell of coffee, refreshing. She sipped her coffee, allowing the taste and aroma to linger. Then she looked at Steve, who was seated opposite her. "What do you want from me? I have a busy schedule."

Steve's handsome face had attracted looks from many girls in the café, but he paid no attention and simply watched Nathalia.

She has changed a lot. She's matured, not like the young girl she used to be. Her eyes sparkled, clear and bright. She has caused some much tension and excitement in the media, confused, and impressed so many people, but she remained indifferent, elegant and sharp.

He let out a silent sigh inside and handed Nathalia an envelope. "Congratulations! I've heard that you are going to Queenland University. Well done."

She might look weak and gentle, but she's got a strong heart. She's determined, and she fights for what she wants.

Steve was envious as he knew that he himself lacked the determination.

Nathalia was a bit surprised. How did he find out?

"Thanks. What is it?" She said politely but indifferently.

"A present." Steve wasn't sure how she felt. Disappointed? Angry? Indifferent?

Present? Nathalia questioned. She didn't think they were as close. It's probably from Spencer. She was a bit intrigued and decided to open the envelope.

Steve glanced at her and said calmly, in a tone which sounded almost like a demand, "Take it. It's yours. The Carter's is having the Board of Directors meeting in a few days, and it's said that your father is hoping to expand his shares." Short and brief, but informational.

Nathalia took a look at him closely, then she replied, "Cool. I'll take it. I owe you a favor, and I will pay you back one day."

Steve smiled. A smart girl. Too smart. It mustn't be easy falling for someone like her. He hesitated, but he had to say it. "It's Spencer who..."

The break-up was sudden, and everything ended quickly. They had not seen each other ever since. Steve thought it would just fade away as time passed. He didn't think that Spencer would...

On hearing the name 'Spencer,' Nathalia stood up suddenly, took her bag, and said coldly, "I have to go now."

She walked away quickly without looking back as if a particular monster was chasing her.

Steve watched her escape, sighed. Is it because she cares or she doesn't care at all?

He took his phone out and called Spencer as requested. "Did she take it?" Spencer asked, his voice low, and there was a hint of nervousness.

"Yep." Steve answered impatiently, "But, is it worth it? Spending so much money and time on what? She doesn't even appreciate it."

He has spent millions for her. He obviously misses her, but he just rejects any suggestions of seeing her. Why is he so stubborn? He's struggling because he can't let go. This time he is really caught.

Spencer was standing by the window. The sun shone in. There was a sadness around him. "She doesn't need to appreciate it. How many shares has he got?"

Steve had done his research, and he said, "He has 33%, plus the 10%..."

"Keep buying under your name," Spencer said shortly. It was her wish, her dream, and he would do whatever to help her achieve it. Whatever it cost!

"Cool," Steve assured him. "Will do. Don't stay in the office too late. Spend some time with your mum. You don't want her to start worrying."

"Yep. Talk to you later." Spencer hung up. He picked up a photo on his desk and gazed at it for a while.

Steve felt helpless, yet there was nothing else he could do but help him. This is not healthy. He won't listen. He's just too stubborn.


The monthly BOD meeting was held as usual, but it seemed unusually solemn this time. The directors had heard that the chairman had something important to announce, so everyone was present. There were about twenty of them, gossiping while waiting for the meeting to start.

Nicolas Ford possessed eight percent of the shares, which gave him some authority and respect from others. Naturally, the other directors were asking him for his opinions.

"What's this important announcement about? The journalists and reporters are called. It looks like it's something big." Someone started.

���Probably about buying more property? He seems to be interested in the Fort area."

"That's not an easy one. I'm afraid he's a bit too ambitious."

"There's probably not enough money anyway."

"Perhaps an increase in the capital? To sell additional shares of stock?"

"You are joking! Additional shares?!"

Just then, there was a commotion outside the meeting room, and Frank Carter walked in.

Everyone stopped talking and stood up to pay their respect. Clad in a black suit, Frank looked extraordinarily high-spirited and optimistic. He waved his hands to imply to them to sit down as he took his seat.