"Why don't you think about it? Yuwei has been oppressed by the Qin family for so many years. Now she finally flies to the branches and becomes a Phoenix. Can she be proud? Can she be excited?"

"Yao Wenxi, how many times have I told you? Your pride will hurt you sooner or later. Jiangzhou is not the only aristocratic family. There are people outside. The outside world is very big and capable people come out in large numbers. Do you think the whole world will revolve around you? I'm suffering now?"

Yao Wenxi's face was cold. "What do you mean? Now that I'm at this point, those people don't pay attention to me at all. Who's the face they beat? It's not yours? Qin Lirong, don't you want face most? Why? Don't you want face this time?"

Qin Lirong sneered, "don't stir up the general. Yao Wenxi, without me, your situation will only be more ugly than it is now."


"I've always been smooth sailing in politics, not to mention Liu Xingchi. Even Lu Haoting will give me some face. When he was in Jiangzhou, Lu Haoting never targeted me. Until now, those people embarrass you, but they embarrass you so painlessly in business. People have never bothered me."

"Do you think if those people really want to target me and deal with the Qin family, they will take you? You look down on yourself!"

"You... Qin Lirong, who are you facing? If I do this, your face will look good?"

It's OK to be bullied in front of outsiders. Her husband belittles her like this, which makes Yao Wenxi unbearable.

She is proud, even in front of Qin Lirong, she is still proud.

Even, in front of Qin Lirong, she is more proud than in front of outsiders.

Qin Lirong raised an illegitimate son outside and openly brought it home for cultivation. This is a great humiliation to Yao Wenxi.

How did she survive those years?

In front of Qin Lirong, she will never allow herself to lose face.

After suppressing Yao Wenxi for a while, Qin Lirong stopped when he was good, and a smile arose from the corners of his mouth. What he said was very gentle.

"Of course I am facing you. Don't forget that you are my wife. Your face naturally represents my face."

Yao Wenxi finally breathed a sigh after hearing this.

It's terrible that I haven't found one with me for so many days!

Qin Lirong said, "you used to be too proud to understand the hearts of young people. If you want to control these young people in the future, you still have to understand their psychology."

Yao Wenxi frowned, "what psychology?"

"They are a group of young and ambitious young people. Their world and future are infinite. Do you think they will be controlled by you? Will they be suppressed by you?"

Yao Wen was angry. "After talking for a long time, what are you talking about? For a while, they don't obey the control, and for a while, they want to control them?"

After selling everything and pretending to be deep, Qin Lirong said, "these young people are young and energetic. In their eyes, they are great, okay?"

"When you were young, you felt that the world was big and you were the biggest. You wouldn't pay attention to more people at all. Especially in the past two years, Lu Haoting's circle reached the top. You're still so proud to run and talk to others with a charity attitude. It's strange that they can take care of you!"

Yao Wenxi was stunned, "what should I do?"

Qin Lirong said: "you should understand their psychology. Yuwei is your adopted daughter, which is true. Until now, Yuwei is still your biggest breakthrough, but if you make Yuwei feel refreshed and comfortable, she will be able to cooperate with you."