That day, Jian Xu Bai didn’t come back until very late after he left the Qing Jiang County Lord’s residence, he went to the Grand Princess of Jin’s residence, however, after Mrs. Shouchun asked what happened, she also advised him to think about it, “It’s not that I won’t help you as a sisterinlaw, but my mother’s situation is really not too good! But my mother’s situation is really not too good, you love Song siblings is a good thing, but also can not disregard my mother’s life, right? In any case, mother is also your biological mother, and raised you so big.”

The reason why Mrs. Shouchun Bo said her words so heavily was naturally because she wished to kill Jian Xubai’s hopes of going to the Grand Princess of Jin to seek help.

She did not do this intentionally with Song Yi smile over the bad, one is really afraid of Jin’s Grand Princess can not be stimulated in the disease, there are a long and a short; two is because two days ago the Liang Wang prison thing, worried about Jin’s Grand Princess intervene in this matter, will annoy the Duanhua Emperor.

“A Xu’s own decency in front of His Majesty is already not small!” Looking at her younger uncle’s back as he left, Lady Shouchunbo sighed in embarrassment and said to Jiaoyao, who had come out, “Even he couldn’t beg for mercy, so it’s clear that His Majesty’s will has been decided! As an elder, if I personally intervene, perhaps His Majesty will give me face, but in my heart, I’m sure there will be a grudge left! If His Majesty refuses to give me face even when he’s on fire, how do you think I can step down?”

He also said in a low voice, “The reason why His Majesty respects Mother is simply because when His Majesty was the Crown Prince, Mother treated him well! But now that His Majesty has ascended to the throne from now on, only Mother will be begging him, not him begging Mother. The favor that mother saved in the early years, only out of not in, more and more use less and less, I’m not saying that this favor should not be given to Song younger sister, but, this time, even the Queen Mother is under house arrest, even if mother at all costs, Song younger sister, can be saved down?”

Since even a small amount of favors might not be able to preserve Song Yixiao, why waste it?

In the end, the Grand Princess of Jin is not the only one son of Jian Xubai, in addition to the dead Jane Yiyu father and son, Qing Jiang County Princess, Shou Chun Bo, as well as the far north of the Su Wangfei, and even married to He Lou Duhan’s Pei Yourui, have the right to share in the benefits of this mother.

And for the sake of a Song Yixiao to exhaust the relationship between the Grand Princess of Jin and the Emperor, it was certainly unfair to the other childreninlaw.

Jia Yao pursed her lips and sighed, “That’s it! Don’t tell His Highness, and let His Highness rest and recuperate these days!”

The Grand Princess of Jin can’t be counted on here, so the last person that Jian Xu Bai can turn to is Gu Shao.

Gu Shao is a clear observer, after meeting and listening to the process, thoughtlessly stroking his beard and said, “His Majesty has personally said that he does not want to pursue you for this, can be seen still think of the brotherhood, and how can it be true to take the life of my niece’s granddaughter? And also give you three days to consider? This is simply to let you make a statement, His Majesty and then give grace to pardon! Listen to me, don’t go out again after going back, after three days, go and tell his majesty that you have thought about it and are willing to obey the holy order, I guarantee that his majesty will surely change his anger to happiness!”

“What Minister Gu said, why haven’t I thought of it?” But Jian Xu Bai only smiled bitterly at his words, “However, things are unpredictable, what if I say this and His Majesty only praises me for being loyal to him?”

If he didn’t agree to kill his wife, he could still grind it out with Emperor Duanhua; once he did, it would be basically impossible to take it back!

How dare he risk the life of his married wife?

Seeing this, Gu Shao sighed, “Then I can only go for you tomorrow! But don’t expect too much, in my opinion, his majesty just wants you to show your loyalty you also know that the matter between the King of Liang and the Marquis of Boling really made his majesty hurt his heart a lot! And the Empress too! What His Majesty needs most right now is loyalty.”

The implication is that if Jian Xubai agrees to kill his wife for Emperor Duanhua, he can expect to pass the barrier, and there will be no trouble afterward; but if he insists on refusing to kill his wife, even through the help of Gu Shao or something like that, he can barely pass the barrier, and from then on, his status in the emperor’s mind will also be in a dilemma, and it will not be as good as it used to be.

“You are also the old man who came over when his majesty was fighting for the crown, if you evil his majesty for this matter, it’s really not worth it!” Gu Shao therefore persuaded two more sentences, “My virtuous niece is a sensible child, you talk to her properly, I think she won’t complain to you after all, if you don’t think about your own future, you should also think about the future of your children and grandchildren in the future, shouldn’t you?”

But Jian Xubai just smiled, still asked him to help the next day to the palace to plead for mercy, and again and again thanked, and only then took his leave.

After he left, Gu Shao’s face sank!

“His Majesty is too much nonsense!” At this time, it was already late, He Lou Duhan was not there, so he could only say these words to his old servant, “In just a few days, he uncovered the Liang King, the Marquis of Boling, and found that the Empress also had something to hide from him, for the King, the many betrayals among the close people are indeed enough to be outraged! However, forcing the Duke of Yan to show his loyalty because of this is really confusing!”

The old servant also sighed, “Although Duke Yan has always been loyal to His Majesty, he has always valued his wife, and after this incident, regardless of whether Mrs. Yan is alive or dead, Duke Yan is going to have a gap with His Majesty! The death of concubine Cui’s death is insignificant, and to cause centrifugalization of his arms over this is really a blunder!”

“It’s not Duke Yan I’m worried about!” However, Gu Shao sighed, “The Duke of Yan is actually His Majesty’s cousin, and was raised under His Majesty’s watch. Even if he has a gap with His Majesty, he will not betray His Majesty. But, my virtuous grandniece, she doesn’t have any deep feelings with His Majesty!”

He narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured, “When Princess Su didn’t come out of the cabinet, she and my virtuous grandniece were frequent visitors …”

Song Yixiao is not a sitting duck, if she knew that Emperor Duanhua had the intention to kill her, how could she have been obedient? She grew up in the Hengshan Royal Mansion, and in less than half a year after her release, she dared to kill the favored Crown Prince’s concubine!

With such a heart, could it be that he would not resist because Emperor Duanhua was an emperor?

“Lady Yan’s friendship with Princess Su is no secret, why would His Majesty not know?” The old servant spoke out to comfort him, “That’s why the Duke of Yan was only given three days, and in three days’ time, how would Lady Yan have had time to contact the Su Wang couple?”

“King Su and his wife are thousands of miles away!” Gu Shao shook his head and said, “But you mustn’t forget that in King Su’s faction, it’s never King Su himself who is in charge, but the Su family! Su Shaoge and Su Bofeng’s uncles and nephews are not in the imperial capital right now?”

Moreover, “Although Jiangnan Hall is depleted, the Song clan branch that lived in Western Liang with the Shen family has already begun to return to the court! They even sent one of their sons to my niece to be their adopted son, so it is clear that the two sides are very close! Do you think these people will sit back and watch the Duke of Yan fall?”

The old servant said: ”Why not? The Song Clan’s side branches are far removed from Lady Yan’s bloodline, and the only reason why they sent their sons and daughters to Lady Yan as righteous sons was because of Lady Yan’s noble status and their desire to climb up the ladder! It’s not like they are really loyal to Mrs. Yan! Speaking of which, even if the Song Clan’s side branches want to be loyal to the first branch, they should also be loyal to Jiangnan Hall’s Fourth Prince Song, not Mrs. Yan, who is already a member of the Jian family, right?”

“Do you think that if my virtuous niece, persuades Lord Yan to secretly turn to King Su, is there any hope of success?” Gu Shao stroked his long beard and asked warmly.

“This …” the old servant thought seriously and hesitantly said, “The old slave is not sure! After all, with the affection between Duke Yan and His Majesty, as well as Duke Yan’s character, he should not betray His Majesty. It’s just that … the world knows that Yan Guo Gong favors his wife, but the old slave doesn’t know anymore!”

Gu Shao sighed, “Do you know why His Majesty had to force Duke Yan this time? The Marquis of Boling is because of the Duke of Yan’s sake, only with the cast to His Majesty’s command, itself and His Majesty’s personal relationship is nothing to talk about; the Queen is certainly His Majesty’s wife, but with His Majesty’s love and harmony, but only in the past two years of the thing; the King of Liang is said to be His Majesty’s only brother, in fact, some years ago, a month may not have the opportunity to see His Majesty a time!”

“So although His Majesty was saddened and disappointed by the betrayal of these three men, in the end, he was not as shocked as when he found out that the Duke of Yan was hiding it!”

“After all, Duke Yan entered the palace at the age of five, and because he was raised at the knee of the Dowager Empress, he spent far more time with His Majesty than King Liang. His Majesty has always favored him as his own brother when Duke Yan was young and ignorant, His Majesty didn’t defend him much!”

“The bond between their cousins is built over time.”

“Yet when my virtuous grandniece plotted against the concubine Cui, it was only a few days before she married the Duke of Yan?”

“If you were His Majesty, would you be willing?”

The old servant was speechless.

Originally in accordance with the concept of this time, do the subject of loyalty to the ruler as a matter of course, not to mention the Duanhua emperor thought to Jian Xubai is not thin, but still was Song Yi smile than down, which called the emperor how to swallow this breath?

The emperor wants Jian Xubai to kill his wife, not only resent Song Yixiao plotting to kill Cui Jian Ren, but also a feeling that this sisterinlaw to their own brother watched grow up snatched away brought bad annoyance.

“It’s just that the Duke of Yan chose the latter between confessing to His Majesty and defending his wife, so how could His Majesty’s pressure succeed?” Gu Shao heatedly said, “You’ll see, when Duke Yan goes back and speaks to my virtuous granddaughter about this, my virtuous granddaughter will have to find a way to separate him from His Majesty!”

“After all, the Song Clan’s side branch but they haven’t picked up that Song Xuan back until now!”

“This branch of their clan followed the Western Liang Shen Clan in their early years.”

“West Liang Shen, East Hu Liu, although these two families guarded their graves as early as the founding of the country, but Old Lady Duanmu was exiled to the Seychelles for a few years, she didn’t have a lot of dealings with them!”

“That old lady doesn’t mention it on her lips, but in her heart, she may not have any favorable feelings towards the late Emperor and His Majesty!”

“The only reason why I have been hesitant is because I have considered the choice of the Duke of Yan!”

“These people …” even Gu Shao, said here, face also a little ugly, murmured, “can not be a provincial lamp! And all of them are sophisticated, planning for the long term!”

There is no one who knows the Lookouts better than the Lookouts themselves.

Gu Shao, who came from the Gu Clan of Hongzhou, knew all too well what kind of savings were under the name of those two prestige families that had guarded their tombs for three generations and had been forgotten by the dynasty!

Of the six valves in the sea, Fengzhou Wei, Jiangnan Song, and Jinxiu Duanmu, all favored literary matters.

Especially Wei Song two clans, ancestral literary style is flourishing, it can be said that as long as the counting point in the history of the literary world celebrities, it is absolutely bypassed these two clans.

While Qingzhou Su, Xiliang Shen and East Hu Liu, but more important martial arts these three clans started because of the Sangzi adjacent to the outside world, is a knife and a gun to kill their respective roots!

Even in the early years of the Great Rui’s founding, Xiliang Shen and Donghu Liu dismissed their subordinates and returned to the field on the pretext of mourning, but just by looking at those servants of the Song clan’s side branches, we know that they never put the clan on hold for a single day at all!

Plus, Qingzhou Su’s influence in the military since the founding of the country, even if Gu Shao is conceited of his talent and farsightedness, for this situation also had to act carefully!

The old servant advised, “Why doesn’t your lordship explain the advantages and disadvantages to His Majesty and persuade him to withdraw his decision?”

“I’m only afraid that even if His Majesty is remorseful now, things will be too late!” Gu Shao pondered for a while, but shook his head with a bitter smile, “Do you think those people who have waited so hard for such an opportunity are willing to let it go?”

Moreover, “My niece is not of a generous nature. She’s not a very generous person! His Majesty himself said that he would kill her, do you think that even if His Majesty retracts his decision, she will feel at ease?”

The old servant thought for a moment, “How about?” Made a stern gesture.

“Although I don’t care to go through fire and water for the late emperor’s trust.” Gu Shao stroked his long beard and helplessly said, “Yet in the end, I can’t do it to put the entire Gu Clan on the line!”

Jian Xubai in order to keep this wife, but even the face of the Duanhua Emperor to refute, to know that Gu Shao killed Song Yixiao, Hongzhou Gu dissatisfaction with the door suffered a disaster is strange!

He pondered for a long time, sighed, “This virtuous niece of mine is a person who understands, she now has a daughter, since she won’t act rashly, as long as His Majesty sits on the throne, she is not assured of His Majesty, she certainly does not dare to act rashly so she is not really a threat, the real thing to be worried about is still the …”

Gu Shao didn’t finish, only frowning his brows tighter.