Knowing that the Su family is only one of the contenders for the imperial throne, not the only choice, and that Su Shaoge explicitly said that he didn’t need the Marquis Yan’s help, Song YiXiao naturally wouldn’t rush to volunteer, and only said, “Then I hope that the second prince’s wish will come true! If you have any orders afterward, please send someone to tell you!”

Maybe the So’s did win? It doesn’t cost anything to say something nice.

Su Shaoge of course also knows that this is a scene, smiled and said, “Grandma words! In the future, there will be times when we need each other, and I hope that Grandma will not forget today’s promise!”

Song Yi smiled and said, “Naturally.”

People say that a gentleman’s promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold, and she’s not a gentleman, just a woman so this promise today will not count, it depends on the circumstances!

After saying this, seeing that both Su Shaoge and Ji Zifu had nothing else to say, she excused herself and went to see Su Shaoling.

Su Shao Ling of course is nothing, but Yun aunt came all the way, still gave her back to the pulse, said some measures to stabilize the fetus.

The two sistersinlaw are now in a similar situation, both pregnant, so they are not afraid to come together without words.

While talking about the matter of the heir, a report came from outside, saying that the First Lady had come.

This first lady was Wei Yinlian she was the cousin sisterinlaw of the Ji Zifu couple, and it was only right for her cousininlaw to come over to visit when her pregnancy went awry.

But right now, when they heard that she had come, both Su Shaoling and Song Yixiao had some unspoken suspicions that she had come to spy for the Wei family.

“Cousin’s wife came at a good time!” However, after meeting each other, both of them did not show their faces, and both of them said with a smile, “We were just going to talk about you!”

“I heard that Shao Ling is not feeling well?” Wei Yinlian also smiled and nodded his head, and after entering the room and not yet taking a seat, he first said with concern, “Is it serious?”

Su Shaoling pointed at Song Yixiao, “I didn’t hear that Yun Aunt had returned to Marquis Yan’s mansion, so when I felt sick, I first ordered someone to go and invite her. I didn’t want to startle my sister, but also rushed over! This is my fault, sisterinlaw is now double body, which is good to ask her to run for me?”

“According to me, Cousin Su is most outgoing.” Song Yi laughed and said, “It’s not like I’m about to give birth, so I can’t leave the house! I’m not even pregnant yet, and it’s broad daylight and a wide, tidy street, so it’s not important to take a ride over here, so what’s the big deal? I’m afraid Cousin Su is tired of having me around and is trying to drive me away!”

Only after Wei Yinlian heard them say this did she put her heart down and smiled, ”I’m going to cry foul for Shao Ling! In the past few days since their return, how many times have they met with you? Moreover, those times were all about business, and didn’t talk much where did they get tired of each other? It’s just that she’s pregnant for the first time, so she’s used to being careful, and when she saw that you’re happy too, she got into it!”

“That’s why you two are full sistersinlaw!” Song Yi smiled and said, “Sister Wei helped sister Su as soon as she arrived, and actually didn’t hurt me! Next time I see Sister Jiang, I’ll be sure to complain!”

Su Shaoling covered her mouth and said, “She is almost the mother of two children, but she still wants to find Mu Scape to complain, when I turn around, I’m going to find Chaoping to complain, and tell her to know that her own mother is even more childish than her! At that time, let’s see if sisterinlaw is shy or not?”

The three of them joked and laughed for a while, and talked about the way of health, Song Yixiao look at the time is not too early, and then said goodbye to return to the house.

Because Yun Aunt was given by Old Lady Duanmu, and is a talented person who knows the art of medicine, so her status in Yan Houfu is very special and different from the ordinary servants.

If you don’t want to take a ride with her, Song Yixiao would have asked her to ride with him if he didn’t want to take a ride with Jian Xu Bai.

At this moment, the carriage left the Fuyang Marquis’ residence, Song Yixiao sent Tundra Jin and the others to the carriage, lowered his voice, and interrogated Yun Gu alone, “Is it true or false that the second son of Su suspected the matter of the Jinxiu Hall?”

However, Yun Gu only calmly said, “I have always only cared about learning medicine and healing, and I don’t ask about the rest of everything.”

Song Yixiao suspected that she was refusing to say, but it was not good to press the issue in the car, only pursed her lips and did not speak again.

So back to Marquis Yan’s mansion, but Jian Xubai has already returned, is frowning waiting for his wife, “Just a little thing, how to fight Chao Ping?”

“Did she complain to you?” Song Yixiao went into the inner room to change clothes while telling him, “Three children learn to trace red, she did not learn properly, but she smeared her hands full of ink and pressed it on Xuan’er’s face. I asked her to make amends with Xuan’er, but her attitude was careless, so I hit her a few times.”

Jane is in fact to the flesh and blood of the white, the words through a few points of complaint, “This age of the child does not understand, naughty is also there. What’s more, just smeared Xuan’er face full of ink, wash off is just, and not get hurt hurt, need to be so solemn I asked Xuan’er, he also think it’s not a big deal.”

Song Yi smiled as she sat in front of the dressing table and removed the bead ring, saying, “Xuan’er’s family is not as good as ours now, and he’s a man who understands things early and lives alone here, so how can he be bothered with Chao Ping?”

“You’re afraid that he won’t say anything, but he’ll hold a grudge in his heart?” Jian Xu Bai walked over, picked up a jade comb to comb her hair, raised his eyebrows and said, “There is no difference between how we treat him and Chao Ping, if he wants to hold a grudge over such a small matter, then it’s better not to have such a righteous son!”

Song Yi smiled and shook her head, ”No matter how good Xuan’er is, he’s only the son of a righteous man, and Chaoping is our ownwouldn’t I confuse him? I just don’t want to raise a daughter like Changxing or Cui Jianren! Although Chaoping is still not very old, but it is said that rivers and mountains are easy to change, but the nature can not be changed, not before she has not been characterized to teach her the rules, in the future, when she grows up and is used to being loose, then ask her to learn the rules again will be difficult!”

As she spoke, she happened to take off a pair of earrings and casually threw them into her trousseau, ”Since the late emperor’s death, how many times has Imperial Consort Jiang advised Her Highness the Eldest Princess of Yushan? However, from what I heard from Sister Jiang’s side, they all said that it had little effect. Even though recently this Your Highness seems to understand, but Sister Jiang also said that Your Highness is not happy in his heart no wonder, when the late emperor was here, the two imperial daughters have always been tolerant and loved very much, after this emperor ascended to the throne, although he did not intentionally harsh, but clearly showed that he did not like the golden branch of the jade leaves too much publicity. The two empresses were therefore asked by their mothers to screw up their sex. The two imperial daughters were thus demanded by their birth mothers, and their temperament was screwed up, so how can they be happy?”

She sighed, “I just don’t want Chaoping to suffer like this in the future, so I’d rather teach her from a young age to know how to advance and retreat. This will save us a lot of heartache in the future!”

Jian Xubai heard this only revealed the color of peace, but still said, “These to her enlightenment after teaching is not too late, nowadays between the children to fight, but also is their naivety should have the joy of playfulness.”

“Look at you, you haven’t relieved your face until now.” Song Yixiao held her hand on her chin and looked at him in the mirror, smiling, “How long has Chaoping been complaining to you? How long have you given me this long face?”

“Who dares to give you a look?” Jian Xubai heard, will jade comb comb to the end after take away, reached out and ruffled her full of green silk, laughed and said, “I’ve told Chaoping, there is a chance to help her plead for mercy, so that you don’t easily beat her in the future as for the success of the situation, can be to look at the situation! This backyard is your home, not my place, this is what we have long said, a man’s word is out, a team of horses is difficult to catch up, difficult for me to go back on my word?”

The couple both thought of their newlywed agreement at the same time and couldn’t help but doubletake.

After a short period of relaxation, Song Yixiao glanced at the door, signaling her husband to close the door to the room, and released half of the tent, pulling him into the tent whispered, “Just now, the Fuyang Marquis House sent someone to say that Cousin Su seems to be unwell things, you know, right?”

“A pretext, right?” Jian Xu Bai nodded his hand, grabbed a strand of his wife’s green silk hanging down on the couch and played with it, seemingly smiling but not laughing, “Who did you see in the Fuyang Marquis’ residence? First said, if it is Su Zhiyong over there …”

“What time is it that you still have the heart to talk about this?” Song Yixiao hit him rather breathlessly, “Besides, the Su family wanted to ask me to bring a message, and if the one who stepped forward wasn’t Second Duke Su, who else could it be? If Cousin Su’s sisterinlaw hadn’t left the cabinet, there might still be a few possibilities. But her sister, Miss Su Sixth, is not as delicate as she is, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable entrusting Miss Sixth with such an important matter if I were Mr. Su’s second son! Then, of course, I can only go in person!”

Not to mention that Su Shaoge had helped her in the past, and the two of them can’t say that they have a deep friendship, but the relationship is always not bad. Of course, Song Yixiao’s character, big things above such friendship can not play a role, but in small things or not too small things, she is still very willing to give Su Shaoge face.

Since there was such an advantage, Su Shaoge would be foolish if he didn’t take advantage of it.

“What did he have to say that you had to bring and couldn’t just say it to me?” Jian Xu Bai grunted, but didn’t really get angry, only said, “What did he and Cousin Ji say to you?”

“Cousin Ji didn’t say anything this day.” Song Yi smiled and mused, “The things Second Prince Su said rather surprised me!”

Saying that, he described the passage roughly Jian Xu Bai was also very surprised at what he heard, “Grandmother is the one behind the commoner Lu He Hao? How is this possible!”

Wasn’t the mastermind behind the commoner Lu Hakho, the already dead Jian Pingyu?

“I also find it unbelievable, but looking at Second Prince Su’s demeanor, he is very certain.” Song Yixiao said with a headache, “In the end, it’s because we know too little about our elders’ affairs! I listened to Mr. Su’s words today, he knows more about the past than we do! What do you think of father and grandmother? Why don’t they tell us about this and that? If it is a long time ago, and we have nothing to do with the matter, I am not the person who must pry into the privacy of the elders! But now these …”

These things have directly affected their judgment of the big picture ah!

Duanmu old lady and Jane Li Miao but still so covered up, really good!

“Father is not here right now, if father is here, I can still think of a way.” Jian Xubai implication, is that he is also not confident from the old lady Duanmu to set words, “now go to ask grandmother, I estimate that grandmother either refused to meet, or is a circle refused to say! The grandmother’s style you know, her old man is determined not to disclose, we have this ability, where to set out?”

Song Yi smiled and reminded, “You don’t only pay attention to a grandmother ah! There is also the Empress Dowager, commoner Lu Hehao that letter in the end what, Wei family Su family a piece of action are unsuccessful it! Such important news, you do not go to the palace with the Empress Dowager to find out?”

“Now is not a good opportunity to go to Qingxi Hall!” But Jian Xu Bai immediately shook his head at his words, “You don’t know how intense today’s court meeting was surrounding the assassination of King Xiang, the entire courtroom has been opened like a pot! It was so noisy that I felt the noise in my ears on the way back to my home!”

“How could it have gotten so noisy?!” Song Yixiao was very surprised when she heard this, “The Su family is still in mourning and can’t go to court. The other supporters of King Su, even if they are still able to gain a foothold above the court now, they are not so blatant as to support King Su, are they?”

Jian Xu Bai sighed, “It’s that there’s not many people to speak for King Su.”

But it’s still a big fight because, “They’re fighting about who’s going to run things this time!”

The key point of this question is, “The Wei family recommended the Crown Prince, while Gu Xiang and others proposed He Wenqiong!”