He Wenqiong, whom Empress Wei was worried about, had just sent Wei Xi away at this moment.

After returning to his study, he summoned several sons to join him in deliberations in front of his sons, He Wenqiong no longer hid the fatigue in his heart, and sipped ginseng tea to refresh himself while sighing, “Now that this will be unoccupied, all of you tell us what you think!”

“I feel that the name of the second minister is not good, since father has stood on the side of the present emperor since the time of the first emperor, it is only natural that he should continue to support His Highness the Crown Prince today as well!” After a moment of silence in the study, eldest son He Zhi first spoke up, “After all, although His Highness the Crown Prince was assassinated, the Imperial Doctor also said that it may not be impossible to save him!”

“Even if … the child thought, the Empress Mother and Wei Shangshu, there must be countermeasures!”

This must have a countermeasure, naturally implies that the Wei family will support Lu Hehao or the king of Shu to ascend to the throne Fangcai Wei Xi’s conversation with He Wenqiong, has clearly implied this point, although it is said that at that time He Zhi was not present, but this choice of the Wei family, the discerning person can see it.

“Child thinks that what big brother said is exactly right!” He Xin, the second son of the He family, and He Yi, the third son, looked at each other and said in unison.

Only the fourth son, He Qian, faintly said, “My child thinks that, although my elder brother’s suggestion is an old and prudent one, it is not very consistent with the current situation!”

The relationship between the He family’s several brothers was still okay, so He Zhi didn’t get angry when he heard this, and was only a bit surprised, “Why did the fourth brother say this?”

“Because back when His Majesty proposed to abdicate, the Wei family tried to support the Crown Prince to ascend the throne.” He Qian said, “Yet it didn’t work the crown prince was still in good hands then! Now the Crown Prince has been assassinated and is even seriously injured! Even if the He family continues to support him, what will the other ministers in the court think?”

“Even if the Wei family realizes this and retreats to support King Shu or Lu Hehao to ascend to the throne, but Empress Wei is only the eldest sisterinlaw of these two, the Empress Dowager, however, is the first mother of these two!”

“Of these two, Lu Hehao has a cunning and cool temperament, and we’ve seen it clearly these days!”

“Ask him if he ascends to the throne, will he comply with the Wei family’s wishes and eliminate the Su family to avenge the Crown Prince?”

“In my humble opinion, he’s bound not to do that!”

“Instead, he would leave Wei Su in the court at the same time so that he could check and balance from it, get rid of the puppet and hold great power himself!”

“What good can come from us following the Wei family then?”

“As for His Highness the King of Shu, he is young and ignorant, yet his birth mother, Mrs. Xu, is also alive, so how can he not plan for him?”

“Elder Consort Xu’s relationship with Empress Cui was only mediocre, but she had always been close to the Empress Dowager in her early years moreover, if there was no Su family to check the Wei family, the King of Shu wouldn’t have been able to escape the fate of being hollowed out! Tai Consort Xu has at least been a concubine to the late Emperor for so many years, how could she not understand this?”

“Even if she really doesn’t understand, will the Empress Dowager not remind her?”

He Qian said here, summarized, “So now the Wei family side is at a disadvantage, even if it is not a total loss, it may not be able to gain the upper hand in the future! So, why don’t we just defect to the Su family, escort King Su into the imperial capital, and at least get the credit of being a supporter?”

“Fourth brother, you wouldn’t be suggesting this because of your marriage to Her Highness the Eldest Princess Changxing, would you?” When his second brother He Xin heard this, he raised an eyebrow and said, halfjokingly and halftestingly, “Nowadays, the military power on the left side of the imperial capital is in our father’s hands, and the only reason why the Wei family hasn’t touched the Su family until now is because of the lack of a righteous name!”

“Once the new ruler ascends to the throne, whether it’s Lu Hehao or the King of Shu, the Wei family can immediately eradicate the Su family under the guise of the new ruler!”

“At that time, the Empress Dowager, a woman of the deep palace, will not be able to save the waves?”

“Any reason to die a violent death would be just that so if the Su family supports King Su to rise up, it’s a rebellion!”

“If the Su family had the certainty of a successful rebellion, why would they have endured until today?”

“If the new king is raised by our family, can we still be treated badly?”

“Second brother is joking!” He Qian frowned at his words and said, “How arrogant is a royal princess! It’s not as if our family is unaware of Her Highness the Eldest Princess Changxing’s wanton behavior in her early years! If King Su ascends to the throne, Eldest Princess Changxing is her sister, and the extent of her honor can be imagined! As the prince’s soninlaw, I wouldn’t dare to take her lightly. If the Crown Prince or any other prince takes the throne, he will not treat the Elder Princess as favorably as the King of Su, so the Elder Princess will not be so domineering, which is a blessing for me as the emperor’s soninlaw, isn’t it?”

He Xin was a bit embarrassed, “It was my brother who slipped up, I hope fourth brother won’t be offended!”

The marriage between He Qian and Changxing Princess was a purely political marriage, mainly because Emperor Duanhua wanted to break the rumors and those who said that he was planning to follow the example of Emperor Xianjia to eliminate his halfsiblings, so he chose He Qian for Changxing Princess this marriage was actually aimed at He Wenqiong, the identity of Emperor Duanhua’s direct lineage, while He Wenqiong was the only one of his sons who was not married, so he had to be the one who could not be avoided. Of all the sons, only He Qian was unmarried at the time, so he couldn’t hide, it had to be him.

In fact, a family like the He family, which lacks neither wealth nor power, generally speaking, has low aspirations for a Shang master.

Especially He Qian himself is not a person without talent, relying on his own ability as well as the support of his father and brother, he is not without the hope of making a name for himself in the imperial court and making a career.

Everyone naturally felt that it was quite unnecessary for him to get an ancestor stranded at home to serve him, and that he would have to wear a cuckold if he wasn’t careful now, although He Qian didn’t complain about any grievances, the dissatisfaction with the marriage that flowed out of his tone of voice still made He Xin feel a little sorry for him.

“Second brother doesn’t have to be like this.” He Qian shook his head and looked at He Wenqiong, bringing the conversation back to the topic, “Of course, this is a big matter, so it’s still up to father to make the decision!”

The four sons of the He Family all looked toward the main seat when they heard this only He Wenqiong stroked his beard and pondered for a moment, but he was noncommittal, “What you all say is reasonable, allow me to think about it as well!”

Seeing this, the fourth son bowed and retired.

Their four brothers, in addition to He Qian a little younger, and recently busy for the eldest Princess of Shang, the others have already joined the civil service, at the moment out of the door can not be idle, greeted, each dispersed.

And He Qian away from his father and brother’s eyes, the original calm face, suddenly stained with a touch of sadness, secretly sighed, “I do not know whether father will choose King Su?”

In fact, He Xin was not wrong just now, the reason why he suggested that the He family choose King Su was because he had a selfish motive.

The reason was that he had told his family yesterday that he had gone out to visit a friend this was true, but when he arrived at the friend’s house, he didn’t see the friend, but rather Su Shaoge, who was in microdress, waiting in the main hall.

Su Shaoge didn’t talk nonsense to him and said in a straightforward manner, “The fact that you have a marriage contract with Changxing has been publicized for a long time! So no matter who the new ruler is, this marriage will eventually continue!”

“If someone other than King Su ascends to the throne, although Changxing wouldn’t dare to be rude to you because he doesn’t have a new ruler to back him up, it wouldn’t be a good thing for your future!”

“You’re only the fourth son of the He family, and the three older brothers above you are no less talented than you!”

“According to the order of the eldest and youngest, your father’s support for his children is preferred to that of your elder brother, He Zhi, and in order to you, how much more?”

“If your father earns a title in the future, it will have nothing to do with you!”

“What’s more, those older brothers of yours are all married to the right family, so if Changxing loses power, you’ll also lose the support of your wife’s family!”

“In that case, you, the youngest son, will not be able to turn over in your life, and will have to be good before your father and brother to listen to the training, to rely on their shade, to listen to their teachings, and to submit to their will!”

“Of course, you can also speculate that if the new ruler is not King Su, Changxing is not without the possibility of a violent death!”

“In that case you may marry a lady of the right family, as those older brothers of yours did but still, you are not the eldest son! Your father cannot prioritize your support, and your wife’s family, who may not have only one daughter, will likewise not give you all the support you need!”

“And if the new ruler is King Su, King Su only has one sister born from the same country, Changxing, and their sibling relationship has always been good, so how could he treat her poorly?”

“Will King Su not reuse you then?”

“Changxing used to be a bit pampered and willful, but after a few strikes she has changed over the past two years, and the inside and outside have heard about it, but she is a lot more calm and understanding!”

“And I can tell you a piece of inside information: in the early years, Changxing made a fuss about having to descend to Marquis Yan, in the end, it was because of the status of Marquis Yan in front of the Grand Princess of Jin, in order to pave the way for the King of Sukhumvit, and had no choice but to do so! So after Marquis Yan and Grandma Song were engaged to be married, she turned down to Jane Yiyu otherwise Changxing hall of gold and jade, as to a courtier can’t ask for? That aunt of mine, she wouldn’t have taught such a selfsacrificing daughter!”

“So you don’t have to worry that Changxing will be unforgettable to Marquis Yan’s old feelings and do something in the future that will bring shame to you, because from the beginning she has never had her heart set on Marquis Yan!”

“Now that she is getting on in years, she is very much looking forward to being able to live in harmony with her husband and wife, and to see her heir as soon as possible.”

“I can’t guarantee that Changxing is a good wife for your needs, but I can guarantee that this is your chance to soar!”

“You can think of Yan Hou’s favor at the time of the late emperor the Empress Dowager only Su Wang, Changxing two biological flesh and blood, now the knee is lonely, the future will be you and Changxing’s children access to the Palace Exam to raise, favor more than Yan Hou, increase in rank, no matter what!”

He Qian was convinced in less than half a column of incense after considering it.

Because as Su Shaoge said, the Crown Prince, Lu Hehao, King of Shu and even King of Xiang, any of these three ascended to the throne, perhaps the entire He family would continue to be heavily utilized, but the benefits that would be distributed to He Qian’s personal head would be pitifully small, and could even be said to be virtually nonexistent.

But if the throne is Su Wang, then even if the eldest princess of Changxing prideful attitude resurfaces … He Qian can still because of the extra horse harnessed by the side of a team, be reused!

And to put it bluntly, if you can’t afford to mess with him, you can’t afford to hide from him?

The most important thing is to apply for the release to save seniority, after the arrival in the office to take a few rooms to know the cold and hot beauty of the concubine loose fast!

He just didn’t believe that a prideful Rapunzel would be willing to give up the prosperity of the imperial capital and follow herself to suffer on her term of office!

What’s more, after the two have a child, the eldest princess will more or less restrain a little bit Jane Li Kuang failed to father to son’s sake is more special, after all, he is not the original match of the great eldest princess of Jin, before descending to him, the great eldest princess of Jin has already been married twice and had two children!

And Jane Li Kuang’s life, but also very let the royal family do not like, these are the cause of his see abandoned in the royal family, lost favor in the eldest eldest princess of the important cause.

However, although Changxing Eldest Princess had also married once, she had not given birth to any children, and as Su Shaoge said, for Empress Su, who had only given birth to a son and a daughter, and who currently had no biological lineage to bear on her knees, if she could receive her grandson into her lap to raise him, she would certainly not begrudge him her favor.

When the time comes, there will be a child as a moisturizer and buffer. When the time comes, with a child as a moisturizer and buffer, the Royal Family or the Changxing Princess, how can she not treat He Qian like the Grand Princess of Jin treats Jian Li Kuang?

Most of all as Su Shaoge said, having missed this opportunity to embrace the new ruler’s thigh, he was simply not going to be able to find it a second time!

After all, if the new ruler was not King Su, the chance to make a great achievement for the new ruler’s ascension to the throne would surely belong to his own father, not him!

In the virtuous and gentle wife and the future of the soaring between, He Qian not Su Shaoge expected to choose the latter: he is still young, full of ambition and fighting spirit, the expectations of marriage can not be said to be no, but far more than the expectations of the cause.

Although He Wenqiong’s official position is not low, but up to now there is no title, so far from the real high family, in the end, a chip away.

In accordance with the situation in recent years, the title is very difficult to obtain difficult, high reputation such as Gu Shao, but also just be promised that the future will be awarded him a title, as for the high and low did not say.

Those who were more likely to receive titles were either sons of the clan or royal relatives for this chance, no, I should say opportunity, He Qian felt he was willing to take a loss on marriage.

… Of course, the reason why He Qian did so, the main reason, or because the crown prince assassinated to now are three days, the East Palace still did not come from the news of the crown prince out of danger!

With that in mind, I’m afraid that even if the Crown Prince eventually survived, it would probably be the result of a great loss of vitality and the courtiers, unless they had no choice, no one in their right mind would support a sickly or even shortlived person to be the Emperor.

After all, no one wants a threeday state funeral.

As for the two alternatives of the commoner Lu Hehao and the King of Shu, both of them had very obvious shortcomings that made them unsuitable to be the emperor, and He Qian was not very optimistic about them.

“Father has always been on the side of the Prince, if not because of the heart is shaken at the moment, probably will not call us over to ask!” He Qian all the way to walk all the way to think, almost to their own courtyard, suddenly thought of this point, the heart suddenly secretly relieved, full of hope secretly think, “But I hope that father can quickly decide is!”

But He Wenqiong in the study failed to do what he wanted it was not until the middle of the night on this day that He Wenqiong came up with a compromise: he decided to secretly let King Su into the imperial capital!

However, he wouldn’t explicitly support King Suk’s ascension to the throne.

Therefore, he would only use the method of “missing” or “being tricked” so that King Su could appear in the court in peace.

What happened after that, he didn’t care and let Wei Su fight to the death!