Qin Yi wanted to ignore Tong Yuwu, but he couldn’t help but look toward her. He tried to calm down and greeted politely, “Mr. Fu, hello.”

Fu Liheng’s expression was calm; he was always so posed that he only gave him a glance and said, “Yeah.”

Tong Yuwu was stunned, Qin Yi saw it, and Fu Liheng saw it too.

Qin Yi thought ironically and fortingly in his heart, it seemed that she still remembered him, and it wasn’t that she didn’t feel it at all.

In fact, Qin Yi was too confident.

As soon as she broke up with Qin Yi, Tong Yuwu slowly let go of her little feelings for him. It has been several years. She has bee the Mrs. Fu that many people dream of. a relationship that has long since bee a thing of the past?

The reason she was so astonished was because she thought of this as a cliched novel plot.

! ! !

encounter in the mall? It seems the plot is exactly the same!

What’s going on, She just wanted to go shopping with Fu Liheng just now, but she didn’t expect this!

If she remembered correctly, Qin Yi’s next sentence would be —

“Coincidentally, I’m here to repair watches.”

When Qin Yi said this, he showed the mechanical watch on his wrist.

Tong Yuwu’s expression was even uglier.

It’s almost the same as in the novel, even the words are the same, Is she mistaken?

Seeing Qin Yi staring at his wife, Fu Liheng said in a low voice, “Yuwu, let’s go.”

He said to Qin Yi again: “Mr. Qin, I’m sorry, We have something to do, We will go ahead first.”

Qin Yi finally turned his eyes away, lightly smiling, “Well, take care.”

Tong Yuwu took Fu Liheng’s hand and walked past Qin Yi to leave.

He doesn’t know if it’s an illusion, but he can even smell the faint fragrance on her body, it smells very good.

Qin Yi looked down at the ground. If this was a mirror, what would his expression be like? In fact, he knew that she couldn’t be blamed for this; it was because he was useless back then and couldn’t protect their relationship, but when he dreamed back at midnight, he still hoped that she could look back at him.


Tong Yuwu is not the kind of person whose psychological quality is too weak.

From the moment she walked into the elevator with Fu Liheng, she had already packed up her emotions. Fu Liheng must have known about her relationship with Qin Yi in the past. After all, the circle is so big, but he knew that being engaged to her meant that he didn’t mind that much.

He will only mind if he likes and cares.

Tong Yuwu took a deep breath. At this point, there was no need to explain; the explanation was to cover up. At worst, she can just tell him what happens later.

“Go back to the old house.” After Fu Liheng and Tong Yuwu sat in the car, the driver started the car and drove out of the parking lot smoothly.

Coming out of the parking lot, the light is much stronger.

If Tong Yuwu had doubts about the system before, he almost believes it now. This kind of absurd and inexplicable thing… It was hard to believe at first, but after what happened, she is slowly believing it now.

What’s more, in that novel, she appeared in Qin Yi’s memories many times. Those memories were all experienced by her, and only she and Qin Yi knew about some things.

“Is your knee better?” Fu Liheng asked suddenly.

He was originally closing his eyes and meditating.

Tong Yuwu naturally placed her hands on her knees and smiled as she said, “It’s much better; Dr. Wang said that I should apply the medicated oil on as prescribed; I dare not wear a skirt to show my knees today; it’s a bit embarrassing.”

Fu Liheng liked her wearing a cheongsam very much.

When she first got married, she didn’t dare try wearing the cheongsam in the closet. The cheongsam there is different from the improved cheongsam that is popular now. She felt that it didn’t look good to her.

In the past two years, she has worked hard on her figure.

Now she looks much better in a cheongsam.

This set of plain brocade cheongsam with peony patterns has expensive material and is ingeniously designed. It magnifies the advantages of her figure as much as possible. She was already pretty and bright, but when she wore simple, elegant makeup and valuable jade bracelets, she looked gentle and noble.

“You look good in a cheongsam.”

Tong Yuwu heard him say this, and the corners of her lips curled up. The smile intensified, and she blushed.

“Really? Then I’ll wear more cheongsams.”

There was a faint smile in Fu Liheng’s eyes.

In the eyes of outsiders, their relationship seems to be very harmonious. This illusion is based on their good looks and mysterious aura.

Needless to say, Fu Liheng is the only son of the Fu family. He grew up in an environment full of relatives, and there is no shortage of flatterers wherever he goes.

Even though Tong Yuwu’s parents are dead and he lives with his uncle, her living situation is still good pared to most homes. However, the Tong family is not an ordinary family, they are part of the rich family in Yanjing, which is also not that high; they are considered mid class. Wealthy families always care about face, and what’s more, in wealthy families, marriage is a way to exchange resources. As long as Uncle Tong and Auntie are not convulsed, they will not ignore Tong Yuwu.

Although Uncle Tong didn’t dare expect that Tong Yuwu would bring huge benefits to the Tong family like his other daughters, he still cultivated her in a well-regulated manner. Tong Yuwu has gone to an elite school since she was a child, and her resume is not as good as the famous daughters in the circle, but she can still get it.

She herself worked very hard, knowing that she didn’t have many opportunities and couldn’t pete with those wealthy ladies. No matter how wealthy they were, they still had the support of their parents, but she didn’t.

She graduated from a prestigious university, is proficient in four languages, and looks the best in her circle. But if she is a little bit worse, Old Madam Fu probably will never agree to this marriage. 

Tong Yuwu happened to be stuck at this point. Her flaws lay in her background, and there was nothing else to criticize.

Fu Liheng usually doesn’t talk much, he rarely spoke with Tong Yuwu. He continued to close his eyes and meditate, but Tong Yuwu was not as quiet as she had shown.

What is said in the plot of the novel?

Fu Liheng will divorce her in a year, and she will almost leave the house, and she will only get a few million in alimony?

Yiyi wants to apologize, I really made an error in judgement with the raw site that I got. I already purchased the entire series from jjwxc to make sure that I would have the entire thing and won’t have issues in the future.